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Game of June 2, 2011 at 11:53, 11 players
1. kellybelly -402
2. bmurf84 -616
3. slebbarc -639

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cegiost   H4    24    24   cogies
 2. ceiortt   8H    83   107   erotetic
 3. ?aeilqv   K5    36   143   ventail
 4. ?deilmn   O1    95   238   dolmenic
 5. defnops  11F    64   302   penfolds
 6. eegilsy  12D    39   341   seely
 7. abefoqw   4J    48   389   waqf
 8. ahilopu  10I    36   425   ohia
 9. aeiootw   J6    28   453   woo
10. deegmnz  13G    42   495   meze
11. eghnpru  14J    49   544   hunger
12. abdijpt  O12    63   607   jarp
13. ailnrtu   D6    59   666   lunarist
14. abgiott   8A    27   693   bagnio
15. aeirstx   E2    86   779   sextarii
16. aeintvy   D1    44   823   vina
17. adekoru   C2    39   862   koru
18. abinoty   F5    29   891   oy
19. abeintu   1H    86   977   unbaited

Remaining tiles: ddrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7031 Filekellybelly  6 11:12  -402  575     1.7031 kellybelly  6 11:12  -402  575 
  2.4043 Filebmurf84     1 24:44  -616  361            Group: intermediate
  3.4951 Fileslebbarc    0 20:39  -639  338     1.6370 Davina      1  7:34  -683  294 
  4.5421 FileBez         0 19:12  -659  318     2.6055 sunshine12  0  1:27  -956   21 
  5.3799 FileGrace_Tjie  0 18:40  -665  312            Group: novice
  6.6370 FileDavina      1  7:34  -683  294     1.5421 Bez         0 19:12  -659  318 
  7.5431 FileELCEE       0 20:45  -690  287     2.5431 ELCEE       0 20:45  -690  287 
  8.5292 Fileannelhynz   1 14:51  -781  196     3.5292 annelhynz   1 14:51  -781  196 
  9.5584 FileFaeythe     0  9:02  -830  147     4.5584 Faeythe     0  9:02  -830  147 
 10.4155 FileLonegan     0 10:38  -898   79            Group: not rated
 11.6055 Filesunshine12  0  1:27  -956   21     1.4043 bmurf84     1 24:44  -616  361 
                                             2.4951 slebbarc    0 20:39  -639  338 
                                             3.3799 Grace_Tjie  0 18:40  -665  312 
                                             4.4155 Lonegan     0 10:38  -898   79 

On 1st draw, COGIES H4 24 --- COGIE a small bowl [n]
Other tops: GESTIC H7 24, GOETIC H7 24
Other moves: CESTOI H4 22, COGIE H4 22, COTISE H4 22, GESTIC H4 22, GOETIC H4 22
COGIES H4 24 kellybelly
EGOIST H8 16 Grace_Tjie
COST H8 12 bmurf84

On 2nd draw, EROTETIC 8H 83 --- EROTETIC interrogatory [adj]
Other moves: COTTIERS 9A 62, EROTETIC 8D 61, CEROTIC 4B 22, CEROTIC 4H 22, ORECTIC 4B 22
CEROTIC 4H 22 kellybelly
COOTIE 5F 16 slebbarc
COG 6F 12 bmurf84, ELCEE
RICE G8 12 annelhynz
ICE G9 9 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, VE(N)TAIL K5 36 --- VENTAIL the adjustable front of a medieval helmet [n]
Other tops: ELATIV(E) K5 36, (E)LATIVE K5 36
Other moves: LIQ(U)ATE M3 34, CAIQ(U)E 4H 32, CALQ(U)E 4H 32, CLAQ(U)E 4H 32, CLIQ(U)E 4H 32
EQ(U)AL L8 26 kellybelly
Q(U)ILT K4 26 bmurf84
Q(U)ITE K5 26 Grace_Tjie, slebbarc
QI 7G 21 sunshine12, Bez

On 4th draw, D(O)LMENIC O1 95 --- DOLMEN a prehistoric monument [adj] --- DOLMENIC like a [adj]
Other moves: L(U)MINED 12F 84, MEDCIN(A)L 4E 83, MILDEN(S) 12G 80, MIN(G)LED 12F 80, (U)NLIMED 12F 80
M(A)ILED J10 27 kellybelly, Davina
NAMED 9J 21 Bez
(S)IDE 12K 17 Grace_Tjie
N(A)MED L10 17 slebbarc
MIND 10J 13 annelhynz
MEN 6J 11 bmurf84

On 5th draw, PENFOLDS 11F 64 --- PENFOLD a fold for cattle or sheep [n]
Other moves: FEODS J6 40, FOODS J6 40, POOED J6 38, P**FS J6 38, POODS J6 34
FOODS J6 40 Faeythe
SPEND 12K 30 kellybelly, Davina
FINED 10J 21 Grace_Tjie
FENS 12H 21 slebbarc
FINE 10J 15 bmurf84

On 6th draw, SEELY 12D 39 --- SEELY fortunate [adj]
Other moves: EYES 12H 31, EYES 12G 29, LYES 12G 29, DEELY L11 26, EELY 12E 26
SEIL 12K 26 kellybelly
EYE N1 25 Davina
ELEGY G9 17 Bez
DYES L11 16 Grace_Tjie
SLEYS M11 16 Faeythe
YES 6J 14 bmurf84
SLY M11 12 annelhynz

On 7th draw, WAQF 4J 48 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: WOOF J6 37, FEW 13G 33, OBIA 10I 30, FAW 4J 28, WOO J6 28
WOO J6 28 kellybelly
QI N7 22 Grace_Tjie, slebbarc, Faeythe, bmurf84, ELCEE
QI 7G 21 Davina, Bez

On 8th draw, OHIA 10I 36 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: HOOP J6 35, HOOPLA J10 34, HIOI 10J 33, POOH J6 31, HOLP J10 30
HOOP J6 35 kellybelly
HOOPLA J10 34 Davina
HOO J6 28 Faeythe
VIA 5K 22 bmurf84, ELCEE, Bez
SHIP M11 18 Grace_Tjie
SHOAL M11 16 slebbarc
HOG 6F 15 annelhynz

On 9th draw, WOO J6 28 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: AWE N1 25, OWE N1 25, WAITE 13B 25, WE 12J 25, WITE 13C 23
WOO J6 28 kellybelly
WIFE M2 20 slebbarc
WOW J2 17 Faeythe
WIG 6F 15 annelhynz
WOO 13B 14 Grace_Tjie
STEW M11 14 Bez
HOTE J10 7 bmurf84

On 10th draw, MEZE 13G 42 --- MEZE a Greek or Middle Eastern appetizer [n]
Other moves: MED 12J 41, GED 12J 38, NED 12J 35, ADZED L10 32, DEME 13E 32
ADZED L10 32 slebbarc, Bez
SEZ M11 24 Faeythe
HOMED J10 15 bmurf84
SEEM M11 12 kellybelly
ZO 5G 11 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, HUNGER 14J 49 --- HUNGER to crave [v]
Other moves: HUGER 14J 47, HEP 14J 29, HUGE 14J 29, HUNG 14J 29, HUP 14J 29
HUNGER 14J 49 kellybelly, annelhynz
SHUN M11 14 Grace_Tjie
HOPER J10 12 bmurf84
PRUNES D7 9 slebbarc, Bez

On 12th draw, JARP O12 63 --- JARP to tap an egg against another until one breaks, an Easter competition [v]
Other moves: JIRD O12 60, BAJRI O11 45, JA N2 36, JAB G5 34, JAP G5 34
JARP O12 63 kellybelly, bmurf84
JA N2 36 Davina, ELCEE
JABOT 5E 28 slebbarc
JAG 6F 27 annelhynz
PART O12 27 Grace_Tjie
STAG M11 10 Bez

On 13th draw, LUNARIST D6 59 --- LUNARIST one who thinks the moon affects the weather [n]
Other moves: VIA 5K 22, ARTFUL M1 18, AURA 13L 18, LUNATIC 4B 18, TINFUL M1 18
LIFT M2 14 Grace_Tjie
TURF M1 14 Bez
ANA 13M 14 kellybelly
TAIL 13B 12 annelhynz
SNAG M11 10 slebbarc
TAPE F9 8 bmurf84
RUINS D8 6 Lonegan

On 14th draw, BAGNIO 8A 27 --- BAGNIO a brothel [n]
Other moves: BIGOT E5 25, GAB C7 25, GIB C7 25, GOB C7 25, BOING 8A 24
BOING 8A 24 kellybelly, bmurf84
GIANT 8A 18 Bez, annelhynz
GAIN 8A 15 Grace_Tjie, slebbarc
BAIT 13A 12 Lonegan

On 15th draw, SEXTARII E2 86 --- SEXTARII ancient Roman units of liquid measure [n] --- SEXTARIUS an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: AXITES 15E 45, EXTRAS 15E 45, TAXERS 15E 45, TAXIES 15E 45, EXIST 15G 44
TAXIES 15E 45 Davina
EXIST 15G 44 Bez
TAX G5 40 kellybelly
EXIST 14A 33 slebbarc
LAX 6D 26 bmurf84
EXIT 13A 22 Grace_Tjie
ASTER B8 7 Lonegan

On 16th draw, VINA D1 44 --- VINA a stringed instrument of India [n]
Other tops: VANE D1 44, VENA D1 44, VIAE D1 44, VINE D1 44, VITA D1 44, VITE D1 44, YATE D1 44, YITE D1 44
Other moves: VITEX 4A 38, AYE D2 37, NAIVETY 3A 34, YA D3 33, YE D3 33
AYE D2 37 kellybelly, Davina
VEXT 4C 28 slebbarc, bmurf84
VEX 4C 26 Bez, Lonegan
TAXI 4C 22 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, KORU C2 39 --- KORU an unopened fern frond used as a logo (eg Air New Zealand) [n]
Other tops: KARO C2 39, KERO C2 39, KORA C2 39, KORE C2 39
Other moves: DARK C2 38, DORK C2 38, KOR C2 37, ROKE F1 32, OKE F2 31
KORE C2 39 kellybelly, Davina
RISK 2C 18 slebbarc
KANE 3B 16 bmurf84
BREAK A8 16 Bez
KART 13A 16 Lonegan
DRAW J1 10 Grace_Tjie
K(O) 2N 10 ELCEE

On 18th draw, OY F5 29 --- OY a grandchild [n] --- OY used to express dismay or pain [interj]
Other tops: AY F5 29
Other moves: INLAY 6B 27, ONLAY 6B 27, BONIT(O) 2J 26, BOYF M1 24, OIKIST 2A 24
AY F5 29 kellybelly
OY N1 21 Bez
YAW J2 17 slebbarc
BATT 13B 14 bmurf84
OFT M3 12 annelhynz
Y(O) 2N 8 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, UNBAITED 1H 86 --- UNBAITED not baited [adj]
Other moves: TIBIAE N5 22, VIA 5K 22, VIE 5K 22, ABA 13M 20, BEFIT M2 20
VIA 5K 22 ELCEE, kellybelly
BITT 13B 14 bmurf84
ABUT 13A 12 Lonegan
BANT 13A 12 Bez
BAR 10B 11 annelhynz
BEAD 1L 10 Grace_Tjie
KIST 2C 10 slebbarc

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