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Game of June 2, 2011 at 18:00, 6 players
1. musdrive -312
2. Davina -315
3. rn.roselle -345

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aahnsst   H3    26    26   thanas
 2. ?eefgkl   5E    44    70   kleagle
 3. aegrsuy   H1    45   115   euthanasy
 4. abeloqs   L1    32   147   blaes
 5. defhmot   7G    73   220   fathomed
 6. adimnpt   8L    44   264   maid
 7. ?aciitx   2J    58   322   xylic
 8. eooprrt   8A    88   410   protores
 9. abcnruw   9G    27   437   wyn
10. cefintu   C7    32   469   confute
11. degjpry  14B    51   520   predy
12. aggilno   N7    78   598   dialoging
13. aiilort  15D    32   630   rialto
14. adeiouv  15L    36   666   vego
15. beijnsu  12A    40   706   jutes
16. abinqst  15A    37   743   qi
17. adintvw  12H    36   779   vawting
18. aadiior  M11    22   801   indie
19. aeorsuz  11I    44   845   zoa
20. abeenrs  10J    28   873   ben
21. aeiorsu  J10    20   893   bowers

Remaining tiles: aioru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7025 Filemusdrive    6 19:20  -312  581     1.7025 musdrive    6 19:20  -312  581 
  2.6372 FileDavina      6 11:59  -315  578            Group: intermediate
  3.6088 Filern.roselle  5 23:25  -345  548     1.6372 Davina      6 11:59  -315  578 
  4.4908 Fileworsie      3 22:32  -437  456     2.6088 rn.roselle  5 23:25  -345  548 
  5.6088 Filesunshine12  1 22:50  -559  334     3.6088 sunshine12  1 22:50  -559  334 
  6.3871 Filelesft       0 17:17  -641  252            Group: not rated
                                             1.4908 worsie      3 22:32  -437  456 
                                             2.3871 lesft       0 17:17  -641  252 

On 1st draw, THANAS H3 26 --- THANA an Indian police station [n]
Other tops: HANSAS H4 26, SNATHS H8 26
Other moves: HANSA H4 24, HANTS H4 24, HASTA H4 24, SNASH H8 24, SNATH H8 24
HANTS H4 24 Davina, rn.roselle, musdrive
STASH H8 24 worsie
HAST H5 14 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, K(L)EAGLE 5E 44 --- KLEAGLE an official in the Ku Klux Klan [n]
Other tops: KLEAG(L)E 5E 44
Other moves: FE(N)AGLE 5E 40, F(A)KE G5 34, F(I)KE G5 34, KEF(F)EL G7 34, KEF G7 32
LEKE G5 30 rn.roselle
F(A)KE G7 29 Davina
FEG G7 24 musdrive
FAKE 7G 20 worsie
FLEA 5E 14 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, EUTHANASY H1 45 --- EUTHANASY
Other moves: YUGAS L1 38, GREASY L1 36, GYRASE L1 36, YEARS L1 36, GRAYS L1 34
YUGAS L1 38 rn.roselle
GREASY L1 36 worsie
YEARS L1 36 Davina
GRAYS L1 34 musdrive
EASY L3 26 sunshine12

On 4th draw, BLAES L1 32 --- BLAES hardened clay [n]
Other tops: BAELS L1 32, BALES L1 32, BOLAS L1 32, BOLES L1 32
Other moves: ABLES L1 28, LOBES L1 28, BLASE L2 26, L*SB* L3 26, LOBES G7 26
BOLES L1 32 Davina, rn.roselle
BALES L1 32 musdrive
SQUAB 2F 24 worsie
BASE L3 24 sunshine12

On 5th draw, FATHOMED 7G 73 --- FATHOM to discover the depth of [v]
Other moves: HEFT G7 41, HOMED G7 39, HOME G7 37, FEM G7 36, HEM G7 36
HEM G7 36 Davina
MOLTED 2J 30 musdrive
BOTH 1L 27 sunshine12
BODE 1L 21 worsie
MODE G9 20 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, MAID 8L 44 --- MAID a maiden [n] --- MAID to work as a maidservant [v]
Other tops: PANIM 8K 44
Other moves: MAIN 8L 41, MATIN 8K 38, PATIN 8K 38, AMID 8L 36, AMIN 8L 33
MAID 8L 44 musdrive
AMID 8L 36 Davina
MAP 8M 28 worsie, rn.roselle, sunshine12

On 7th draw, X(Y)LIC 2J 58 --- XYLIC relating to xylem [adj]
Other moves: AT(W)IXT 3C 40, CALIX 2J 40, AX(E) M2 39, AX M2 38, CAL(I)X 2J 38
AX(E) M2 39 rn.roselle, Davina
AX M2 38 musdrive
H(O)AX J7 29 worsie
BAC(K) 1L 21 lesft
AX 3L 18 sunshine12

On 8th draw, PROTORES 8A 88 --- PROTORE an earlier unenriched form of a mineral ore [n]
Other moves: HOROPTER J7 67, FOOTER G7 18, PROO 6B 18, REPORT 3C 18, HOOPER J7 17
REPORT 3C 18 musdrive
FOOT G7 16 sunshine12
PYE 9G 12 Davina
EXO J1 10 rn.roselle
PORK E2 10 worsie
YEP 9H 9 lesft

On 9th draw, WYN 9G 27 --- WYN a rune denoting bliss [n]
Other tops: WAB 7C 27, WAB 9C 27
Other moves: WAN 7C 23, WAN 9C 23, WAR 9C 23, AW 7B 20, CORBAN E7 20
WAB 7C 27 Davina
WYN 9G 27 worsie, musdrive
WAB 9C 27 rn.roselle
RAW B8 14 lesft
ERA 1H 12 sunshine12

On 10th draw, CONFUTE C7 32 --- CONFUTE to disprove [v]
Other moves: INFECT 3C 28, KENOTIC E5 26, KETONIC E5 26, CONFUTE E7 24, FEN 9C 23
FIN 9C 23 Davina, rn.roselle
EF 9B 20 musdrive
FETE 1G 16 sunshine12
CERT B6 12 lesft
DUNCE O8 9 worsie

On 11th draw, PREDY 14B 51 --- PREDY to make ready [v]
Other moves: PERDY D11 40, GRYPE 14B 39, GRYDE 14B 37, PERDY 14A 35, EDGY D12 33
PREY 14B 31 sunshine12
JURY 11B 28 lesft
JEU 2F 26 musdrive
PED 14A 26 rn.roselle
YEP B13 21 Davina
PURGED 11B 20 worsie

On 12th draw, DIALOGING N7 78 --- DIALOG to converse [v]
Other moves: GALOPING A4 64, LIANG 15D 32, AGOING 15F 29, OGLING 15F 29, AGILE D10 26
AGING 15F 26 rn.roselle
ALIGN 15F 23 worsie
ANGLO 15F 23 Davina
ALONG 15F 23 musdrive
AGIN 15F 20 sunshine12
DINGO O8 8 lesft

On 13th draw, RIALTO 15D 32 --- RIALTO a market place [n]
Other moves: AIOLI 15D 29, LIART 15D 29, LATIGO 15J 24, TAI O13 22, TAO O13 22
LARGO 15K 21 musdrive
ORAL 15F 17 sunshine12
AIR 15F 14 rn.roselle
TAILOR 12C 14 Davina
TOLD E11 10 lesft
GO 15N 9 worsie

On 14th draw, VEGO 15L 36 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other tops: VAGI 15L 36, VEGA 15L 36, VIGA 15L 36
Other moves: VOUGE 15K 30, DEI O13 26, DUI O13 26, DUO O13 26, VIDUAGE 12I 26
VEGA 15L 36 musdrive, rn.roselle
VOTED 12A 26 Davina
D*G* 15L 24 lesft
VETO 12A 22 worsie
AXE J1 10 sunshine12

On 15th draw, JUTES 12A 40 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: JETS 12A 38, JUTE 12A 38, JUTS 12A 38, JUS M11 36, BUNJIES 11B 32
JUTES 12A 40 Davina, worsie, rn.roselle
JIGS 12L 26 musdrive, lesft
JIB 13M 24 sunshine12

On 16th draw, QI 15A 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QIB(L)A F2 37
Other moves: NIQABS J10 32, NIQABS J9 31, NIQAB J9 28, BASTING 12H 26, NUBIAS 11B 26
QI 15A 37 rn.roselle, Davina, sunshine12
QIS 13M 24 musdrive
QI 13M 22 worsie
BAGS 12L 16 lesft

On 17th draw, VAWTING 12H 36 --- VAWTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: DAWTING 12H 28, WAD M11 28, WAVING 12I 26, WAT M11 24, DAVIT J9 22
WAVING 12I 26 musdrive
WADING 12I 22 worsie
AVID 11E 20 rn.roselle
TWANG 12J 18 Davina
TWIN 13L 14 lesft

On 18th draw, INDIE M11 22 --- INDIE an independent record company [n]
Other moves: DRAW J9 21, DROW J9 21, AID 11J 20, ROAD 13I 19, AID M1 18
AID 11J 20 musdrive
DO 13I 15 Davina
AD 11K 13 rn.roselle
WAD J12 11 lesft
DOW J10 11 worsie

On 19th draw, ZOA 11I 44 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: ZAS 11I 44, ZOS 11I 44
Other moves: ZEA(L)S F2 35, AZO 10I 34, ZEA(L) F2 32, AZOTES K9 30, ZOOEAS E7 30
ZOS 11I 44 Davina
ZOA 11I 44 musdrive
ZEA(L) F2 32 lesft
ZEST K9 26 rn.roselle
ZOOS E7 13 worsie

On 20th draw, BEN 10J 28 --- BEN an inner room [n]
Other tops: BEE 10J 28, BES 10J 28, BRA 10J 28
Other moves: BE 10J 27, BOWERS J10 26, BOWNES J10 26, SEE 13I 26, ABBS 1J 22
BEE 10J 28 musdrive
BOWERS J10 26 Davina, worsie
SEE 13I 26 rn.roselle
BOWER J10 18 lesft

On 21th draw, BOWERS J10 20 --- BOWER to embower [v]
Other moves: AIRS M1 18, OURIE 11B 18, ROUSE G1 18, HAERES 4H 16, OARIEST 3B 16
BOWERS J10 20 Davina, worsie
OARIEST 3B 16 musdrive
ZAS I11 13 rn.roselle
XI J2 9 lesft

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