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Game of June 2, 2011 at 21:06, 6 players
1. Davina -475
2. SuperH -523
3. AtommotA -559

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeikruw   H4    34    34   wauker
 2. acensvy  10H    33    67   savey
 3. ?fhirux   K5    64   131   fixures
 4. begilor   J3    38   169   globe
 5. aenoptt   9A    62   231   patentor
 6. aelnoru   E4    82   313   neuronal
 7. emorstz   A9    84   397   potzers
 8. ceiinrt  12A    30   427   zinc
 9. aeimnrs  15A    83   510   sirnames
10. adefiwy   D1    45   555   wifey
11. ?cdijuv   B6    39   594   jihad
12. aabeimt   C1    48   642   ameba
13. aeiloqt   F2    38   680   qat
14. dgiostv   L1    35   715   divots
15. dghinop   8J    49   764   duping
16. ehiloor  14F    89   853   hoolier
17. deeghot  15K    41   894   hedge
18. acilnot   O1    86   980   locating

Remaining tile: u

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6389 FileDavina      3 16:20  -475  505     1.6389 Davina      3 16:20  -475  505 
  2.6111 FileSuperH      1 16:14  -523  457     2.6111 SuperH      1 16:14  -523  457 
  3.5562 FileAtommotA    1 16:07  -559  421     3.6075 dannyboy    1  2:59  -904   76 
  4.4210 FileDbuggle     0  7:51  -814  166            Group: novice
  5.5608 FileFaeythe     1  6:13  -863  117     1.5562 AtommotA    1 16:07  -559  421 
  6.6075 Filedannyboy    1  2:59  -904   76     2.5608 Faeythe     1  6:13  -863  117 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4210 Dbuggle     0  7:51  -814  166 

On 1st draw, WAUKER H4 34 --- WAUKER a fuller of cloth [n]
Other tops: WREAK H8 34
Other moves: WAKER H4 32, WREAK H4 32, KAURI H4 28, WAUKER H3 28, WAUKER H7 28
WREAK H4 32 Dbuggle
WAKER H4 32 AtommotA

On 2nd draw, SAVEY 10H 33 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other tops: EASY I4 33
Other moves: CAVES 10D 32, SYNE I6 32, SCYE 10H 31, NAVES 10D 30, SAYNE 10H 30
CAVES 10D 32 Davina
YAE I7 29 SuperH
CAY G3 21 AtommotA
SKY 7G 15 Dbuggle

On 3rd draw, FIXURE(S) K5 64 --- FIXURE firmness [n]
Other moves: HUF(F)IER K5 48, HU(F)FIER K5 48, XU 11K 41, F(A)IX 11K 40, F(A)UX 11K 40
XU 11K 41 AtommotA
X(U) 11K 38 dannyboy
FIXER K7 30 Dbuggle
HEX(E)R K9 28 Davina, SuperH

On 4th draw, GLOBE J3 38 --- GLOBE to form into a perfectly round body [v]
Other moves: GIBE J4 37, LOBE J4 36, OBLIGE J2 36, ROBE J4 36, RUBIGO 8J 36
GLOBE J3 38 Davina, dannyboy
BUGLER 8J 33 SuperH
GLIB J3 28 AtommotA
BIG 6J 12 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, PATENTOR 9A 62 --- PATENTOR one that grants a patent [n]
Other moves: PETTO L3 35, TOP L6 30, TONEY L6 29, PANTO L2 25, PETTO L2 25
TOP L6 30 SuperH
POTT L3 23 Davina
GAPE 3J 14 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, NEURONAL E4 82 --- NEURON the basic cellular unit of the nervous system [adj] --- NEURONAL pertaining to a neuron [adj]
Other moves: ALEURONE D2 68, ALEURONE D7 68, OUTLEARN C7 68, OUTLEARN F7 62, OLEA 8A 34
UNROPE A5 24 AtommotA
NOR L6 22 SuperH
LOPER A7 21 Davina
RAPE A7 18 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, POTZERS A9 84 --- POTZER an inept chess player [n]
Other moves: AZOTES B9 70, MEZES D8 58, MEZE D6 52, MOZE D6 52, ZERO D1 50
ZEPS A7 45 SuperH
MAZERS B8 37 Davina
ZEST L2 32 AtommotA

On 8th draw, ZINC 12A 30 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: CITER D1 26, ZEIN 12A 26, ZINE 12A 26, ZITE 12A 26, ZITI 12A 26
ZINC 12A 30 SuperH
ZINE 12A 26 Davina
EXCITE 7J 16 AtommotA

On 9th draw, SIRNAMES 15A 83 --- SIRNAME to name by a family name [v]
Other tops: SEMINARS 15A 83
Other moves: MARINES M4 73, REMAINS M4 73, MINARETS C3 72, RAIMENTS C3 72, SIRNAME D3 41
REMAINS 14A 22 AtommotA
RAM B8 21 SuperH
MANOS 8B 19 Davina

On 10th draw, WIFEY D1 45 --- WIFEY an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: FAYED D1 39, WAYED D1 39, WIFED D1 39, YAWED D1 39, DEAWY D2 38
AWAY B7 31 AtommotA
WAY B8 30 SuperH
VIEWY J10 23 Davina

On 11th draw, JI(H)AD B6 39 --- JIHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: JUD(S) F2 36, JU(R)IDIC 2A 36, JE(E) D8 35, JE(T) D8 35, WIV(E)D 1D 33
JE(T) D8 35 Davina, SuperH

On 12th draw, AMEBA C1 48 --- AMEBA a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape [n]
Other moves: BEMA C2 41, BIMA C2 41, ABEAM F2 36, WEAMB 1D 36, AMBIT 14E 35
BEAT C4 30 Davina
BAT C5 26 SuperH
ABATE 14D 25 AtommotA

On 13th draw, QAT F2 38 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT L3 30, QAT G3 29, LAT B1 28, QATS H12 23, AT B2 20
QAT F2 38 Davina
QI K2 14 SuperH

On 14th draw, DIVOTS L1 35 --- DIVOT a piece of turf [n]
Other moves: DIVOT L1 28, DOG L6 28, DIVOTS M5 27, VISTO L2 27, DIVS M7 26
VIS G1 21 SuperH
STAW 1A 21 Davina

On 15th draw, DUPING 8J 49 --- DUPE to deceive [v]
Other moves: DUPION 8J 46, HOING 14F 40, HODDING 1I 39, PHO 14E 37, PODDING 1I 36
HODDING 1I 39 Davina, AtommotA
THIN F9 30 Faeythe
HEP D8 25 SuperH

On 16th draw, HOOLIER 14F 89 --- HOOLIE easy; slow [adj] --- HOOLY soft and careful [adj]
Other moves: HELIODOR 1G 86, HOOLIER 13D 69, HOOLIER 14G 69, HOOLIE 14F 38, HEIL 14F 34
HOODIER 1I 33 AtommotA
THOLE F9 31 Faeythe
HIRED 1H 27 Davina, SuperH

On 17th draw, HEDGE 15K 41 --- HEDGE to surround with a hedge (a dense row of shrubs) [v]
Other moves: TEETH F6 39, HEDGED 1G 36, HEDGED 1J 36, HOED 13G 32, DOETH 13G 31
HEDGE 15K 41 Davina, Faeythe, AtommotA
TOGED 1H 21 SuperH
DEED 1L 18 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, LOCATING O1 86 --- LOCATE to determine the position of [v]
Other moves: CAN B1 34, CAT B1 34, COTIDAL 1H 30, COTING N10 30, LAT B1 28
LOCATING O1 36 AtommotA
CLAW 1A 27 Davina, Dbuggle
CIT G1 20 SuperH
DIAL 1L 15 Faeythe

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