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Game of June 3, 2011 at 00:06, 3 players
1. cindyjo -637
2. johnny55 -780
3. cennet77 -789

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beilnsu   H2    74    74   subline
 2. adenrrx   G1    38   112   dex
 3. ?adgiqr   6D    38   150   daquiri
 4. ademtuw   1A    45   195   dwaumed
 5. efsttuw   K2    39   234   wefts
 6. aefllos   L1    36   270   sofa
 7. celnort   8H    83   353   electron
 8. ?egmory   N3    73   426   merogony
 9. aejotty   O1    46   472   jay
10. aeghino   B1    30   502   whinge
11. eeiprtu   M4    29   531   repure
12. agoprtv   A6    34   565   parvo
13. ailnstt   E5    28   593   latinas
14. bdeilru  B10    40   633   bludie
15. ahinoov  A12    47   680   noah
16. aegiort  15A    39   719   heritage
17. aiknotv   D8    47   766   kation
18. ceiiotv   F9    34   800   evo

Remaining tiles: ciiotz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4400 Filecindyjo     0 10:54  -637  163     1.4400 cindyjo     0 10:54  -637  163 
  2.4521 Filejohnny55    0  0:46  -780   20     2.4521 johnny55    0  0:46  -780   20 
  3.2926 Filecennet77    0  1:17  -789   11     3.2926 cennet77    0  1:17  -789   11 

On 1st draw, SUBLINE H2 74 --- SUBLINE an inbred line within a strain [n]
Other moves: SUBLINE H3 70, SUBLINE H4 70, SUBLINE H6 70, SUBLINE H7 70, SUBLINE H8 70

On 2nd draw, DEX G1 38 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: RAX G1 37, REX G1 37, AX G2 36, EX G2 36, AXED G5 30

On 3rd draw, DAQ(U)IRI 6D 38 --- DAQUIRI a cocktail [n]
Other moves: QAID 6F 34, QAID(S) 6F 34, DIAGR(I)D 1A 33, D(I)AGRID 1A 33, QADI G6 33

On 4th draw, DWAUMED 1A 45 --- DWAUM to swoon [v]
Other moves: DWAM 5B 31, MAWED 5A 31, WAMED 5A 31, DWAUMED D6 30, TAWED 5A 27

On 5th draw, WEFTS K2 39 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: FUSTET K4 35, FETTS K2 33, FETUS K2 33, TUFTS K2 33, EFTS K3 31

On 6th draw, SOFA L1 36 --- SOFA a long, upholstered seat [n]
Other moves: SAFES 2D 35, BAFFLES 4H 30, FAE L3 29, BAFFLE 4H 28, BLAFFS 4H 28

On 7th draw, ELECTRON 8H 83 --- ELECTRON an elementary particle [n]
Other moves: ELECTRON 8F 61, TRONC M3 38, LACTONE E5 36, TELCO M3 34, TENOR M3 30

On 8th draw, MEROGO(N)Y N3 73 --- MEROGONY the artificial production of an embryo [n]
Other moves: MEROGO(N)Y N5 67, MEROG(O)NY O2 64, MER(O)GONY O2 64, GAY(S)OME E5 48, E(N)GORES 2B 40
GREY 7B 17 cindyjo

On 9th draw, JAY O1 46 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other tops: JOY O1 46
Other moves: JEAT O1 43, JOEY 5B 41, TAJ 5C 41, JAY 5C 39, JOY 5C 39
JOTTY 10J 31 cindyjo

On 10th draw, WHINGE B1 30 --- WHINGE to whine [v]
Other moves: HARING M6 28, WAHINE B1 28, EH F1 27, HES 2F 27, NOAH 5B 27
DINGO D6 8 cindyjo

On 11th draw, REPURE M4 29 --- REPURE to purify again [v]
Other moves: UPTER A5 28, UPTIE A5 28, REPUTE A6 26, GEEP 5B 25, GRIP 5B 25
QUIETER F6 18 cindyjo

On 12th draw, PARVO A6 34 --- PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n]
Other moves: RAGTOP A6 29, APORT A5 28, ARVO 7A 28, PARGO A6 28, PAV A6 28
PART A6 22 cindyjo

On 13th draw, LATINAS E5 28 --- LATINA a female Latin American [n]
Other tops: LATTINS E5 28, SALTANT E5 28, TALANTS E5 28
Other moves: FARES 4K 24, JAYS O1 24, STATIN 11A 23, LATI 7C 21, SAINT 11A 21
SLANT 11A 21 cindyjo

On 14th draw, BLUDIE B10 40 --- BLUDIE stained with blood [adj]
Other tops: BIRLED B10 40, BRIDLE B10 40, BURDIE B10 40, BURIED B10 40, BURLED B10 40
Other moves: BIDER B10 38, BIELD B10 38, BILED B10 38, BLUDE B10 38, BLUED B10 38
BUILD D10 22 cindyjo

On 15th draw, NOAH A12 47 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: OOH A13 38, AH A14 32, OH A14 32, OHIA F9 32, OHO A13 32
HAN D10 19 cindyjo

On 16th draw, HERITAGE 15A 39 --- HERITAGE something that is inherited [n]
Other tops: GAITER C9 39, GOITER C9 39
Other moves: AIGRET O10 32, ORGEAT O10 32, OATER C10 31, ROATE C9 30, TEAR C12 28
STARE 11E 5 cindyjo

On 17th draw, KATION D8 47 --- KATION a positively charged ion [n]
Other moves: KATION 14F 43, IKAN 14E 41, IKAT 14E 41, TIKA 14D 41, KANT 14F 39

On 18th draw, EVO F9 34 --- EVO evening (Australian slang) [n]
Other moves: VOTE F10 32, VOE F10 31, ODONTIC 13A 26, CIVIC K8 24, CIVET 3A 20
COVET K8 20 johnny55
VOTE H12 11 cennet77

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