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Game of June 3, 2011 at 00:50, 3 players
1. johnny55 -540
2. cennet77 -726
3. ELCEE -870

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdelou   H4    24    24   cedula
 2. ?aeeorx   8B    65    89   exorable
 3. ?adeior   C7    84   173   exordial
 4. deiknos  10E    76   249   doeskin
 5. defirss  13B    65   314   farsides
 6. aiilnot   4A    72   386   talionic
 7. eiiostv   L8    39   425   visite
 8. aegnnqw  H12    33   458   wena
 9. acnootu   6H    69   527   ducatoon
10. aeeoruy   8K    33   560   every
11. aeilnpy   3A    37   597   ayelp
12. behortu   O1    45   642   brehon
13. abginvw   5E    34   676   wane
14. aegiqrv  14J    44   720   virga
15. ilmnopt   2A    32   752   opt
16. efhlmnu   5K    35   787   feh
17. gijlntu   L1    44   831   juglet
18. bimnttu  D12    23   854   trim
19. bgmntuz  F12    34   888   biz

Remaining tiles: gmnqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4521 Filejohnny55    0 20:36  -540  348     1.5091 ELCEE       0  1:58  -870   18 
  2.2926 Filecennet77    0 18:08  -726  162            Group: not rated
  3.5091 FileELCEE       0  1:58  -870   18     1.4521 johnny55    0 20:36  -540  348 
                                             2.2926 cennet77    0 18:08  -726  162 

On 1st draw, CEDULA H4 24 --- CEDULA a Philippine tax [n]
Other tops: CAUDLE H4 24, COALED H4 24, COLEAD H4 24
Other moves: CAULD H4 22, CLADE H4 22, CLOUD H4 22, CLUED H4 22, COALED H7 22
LACED H8 20 johnny55
CADE H7 14 cennet77

On 2nd draw, EXORA(B)LE 8B 65 --- EXORABLE persuadable [adj]
Other moves: (X)EROX I5 46, EXEA(T) G6 45, OR(I)XA I6 44, RAXE(D) G5 44, RE(T)AX I5 44
(S)EXER 5G 22 johnny55
EX 5H 9 cennet77

On 3rd draw, EXORDIA(L) C7 84 --- EXORDIAL pertaining to exordium [adj] --- EXORDIUM a beginning [adj]
Other moves: AIRDRO(M)E E4 82, REORDAI(N) E5 82, (P)RERADIO E5 82, CERA(T)OID 4H 74, CO(V)ARIED 4H 74
OXE(N) C7 12 johnny55
EXI(T) C7 12 cennet77

On 4th draw, DOESKIN 10E 76 --- DOESKIN the skin of a doe [n]
Other moves: KINREDS E5 48, S(L)INKED 14B 42, S(L)INK 14B 36, SEIK D12 33, KE(L)OIDS 14A 30
SKID 10H 21 johnny55
DIKES 6H 20 cennet77

On 5th draw, FARSIDES 13B 65 --- FARSIDE the farther side [n]
Other moves: REDFINS K5 44, DEIF D12 33, FRISES L7 33, SERIFS L10 33, FEIS D12 29
FINS K8 14 johnny55
FEARS 13A 8 cennet77

On 6th draw, TALIONIC 4A 72 --- TALIONIC pertaining to a talion [adj]
Other moves: DILATION 6H 63, DAINT 11C 22, AILANTO 9H 21, TALION 14F 21, TALON 14F 20
NEAT H12 15 johnny55
TALE 5E 8 cennet77

On 7th draw, VISITE L8 39 --- VISITE a woman's cloak [n]
Other moves: VISIE L8 37, VISIT L8 37, VISTO L8 37, SOVIET L10 33, VEES H12 33
VEST H12 33 johnny55
VOTES A2 8 cennet77

On 8th draw, WENA H12 33 --- WENA you (Zulu) [pron]
Other tops: WEAN H12 33, WEEN H12 33
Other moves: WANE 5E 28, DEAW 11C 27, WANE 5B 27, AWA 9H 26, AWE 11E 25
WEAN 13K 14 johnny55

On 9th draw, DUCATOON 6H 69 --- DUCATOON an old silver coin [n]
Other moves: COTTON A1 24, NOCTUA A1 24, DOONA 11C 22, CANTO A1 21, CONTO A1 21
COD 6F 12 cennet77
CENT 13K 12 johnny55

On 10th draw, EVERY 8K 33 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other tops: OVARY 8K 33
Other moves: VARY 8L 30, VERY 8L 30, YAE 9G 28, YAR 9G 28, DRAY 11C 27
YEAR 13K 14 cennet77, johnny55

On 11th draw, AYELP 3A 37 --- AYELP in a state of yelping [adv]
Other moves: PLENA 14J 36, YELP 5K 36, PALY 5K 35, PILY 5K 35, PINY 5K 35
PEATY A1 30 johnny55
PAY B3 8 cennet77

On 12th draw, BREHON O1 45 --- BREHON a medieval Irish judge [n]
Other moves: BERTH 14J 42, BURET 14J 36, BETH 5K 35, HETE 5E 34, HOTE 5E 34
BOATER A1 24 johnny55
HEART 15F 8 cennet77

On 13th draw, WANE 5E 34 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other moves: INWOVE M3 32, BINGO 5K 31, ABATING A1 30, AWA 9H 26, AWN 11E 25
WAVING 15G 15 johnny55

On 14th draw, VIRGA 14J 44 --- VIRGA wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground [n]
Other tops: VIRGE 14J 44
Other moves: GARVIE 14J 38, VIRGER 2J 36, VARIER 2J 34, GRAVE 14K 28, GRAVER 2J 28
VERGE 13K 18 johnny55
GEAR 13K 10 cennet77

On 15th draw, OPT 2A 32 --- OPT to choose [v]
Other moves: IMP 15M 28, PINTO 5K 28, OP 2A 27, PONTILE 3I 24, POTLINE 3I 24
MO 15N 16 johnny55
LIMB 1L 9 cennet77

On 16th draw, FEH 5K 35 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FEM 5K 32, FUM 5K 32, HEM 5K 32, HUM 5K 32, MUDHEN 11A 32
MOAT A1 18 johnny55
MAN N13 5 cennet77

On 17th draw, JUGLET L1 44 --- JUGLET a small jug [n]
Other moves: DJIN 11C 32, JINGAL N10 30, JINGLE 3J 28, JUNGLE 3J 28, JUNTA N10 28
JET L4 20 johnny55
JIB 1M 12 cennet77

On 18th draw, TRIM D12 23 --- TRIM neat and orderly [adj] --- TRIM to make trim by cutting [v]
Other moves: MU 7M 22, MEU 13K 20, AIM 9H 18, BOAT A1 18, MENU B7 18
BIN G3 8 johnny55
BAT N13 5 cennet77

On 19th draw, BIZ F12 34 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other tops: MIZ F12 34
Other moves: BEZ 7B 29, BEZ B7 29, GEUM 13K 27, BEGUM 7B 23, ZIMB F12 23
ZIN G3 22 johnny55

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