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Game sheet of AtommotA (file), Game of June 3, 2011 at 05:27

Word find
Word played
1 ?IIJSST             J(O)ISTS H4 40 40  
2 ?ADEIIN             TAENI(O)ID 8H 77 117  
3 DEOSTWZ O(O)ZED M7 25 -23 25 5/6 DZO 7L 48 165 6/6
4 CCEFLOS             FLOCC(O)SE 5C 78 243 6/6
5 AGHRSTU ROAST E4 5 -90 30 7/7 DRAUGHTS O8 95 338 6/7
6 AEGMNRV             VENOGRAM E2 64 402 6/7
7 EGILOTU             Z(O)OLITE M7 32 434 6/7
8 AIKNORT KA 6N 33 -12 63 1/6 KATION D8 45 479 6/7
9 AEGINVY ENVYING 13C 34 -10 97 1/6 NAVVY 2B 44 523 6/7
10 ABDEELW             BLAWED 1F 43 566 6/7
11 DENORTY YET C9 26 -13 123 3/7 RYOKAN 8A 39 605 6/7
12 AINOOPX OXO 2I 59   182 2/7       664 4/8
13 AEGLMNR MANGLERS 15H 36 -50 218 1/7     86 750 4/8
14 AEEIORT             TOEIER 3I 35 785 4/8
15 AAEHIRT RAH 3A 24 -48 242 3/7 HETAIRAI 11F 72 857 4/8
16 EFIPQUW QUIN 13A 26 -17 268 6/6 QUEP 14F 43 900 4/8
17 DEIIPUU DOPE C7 24 -1 292 1/6 OPED C8 25 925 4/8
18 BEIIUUW             WEB 1A 30 955 4/8

Total: 292/955 or -663 for 30.57%
Rank: 6061

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