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Game of June 3, 2011 at 06:57, 7 players
1. kellybelly -318
2. rn.roselle -370
3. jimbo -598

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. begstux   H8    26    26   tuxes
 2. aeghstw   G6    31    57   swage
 3. eiorttu   I3    68   125   toutier
 4. ceinopz   H1   103   228   piezo
 5. ?aefnnu  12D    70   298   unfasten
 6. bimnoor   8A    48   346   brominate
 7. aiinors   A6    61   407   robinias
 8. aehloow  13C    39   446   wheal
 9. deimpty  14E    44   490   typed
10. cdelost   L7    94   584   coldest
11. aabimrt  15H    54   638   marabi
12. efilqtv  14M    33   671   qi
13. ?cdeloo   E3    70   741   woodlice
14. adeghil   M3    37   778   laigh
15. eeginot  15A    28   806   tenge
16. adefnrv   L1    32   838   frena
17. dijouvy   1L    42   880   fuji
18. adkorvy   N1    49   929   joky

Remaining tiles: adrvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7046 Filekellybelly  4 13:44  -318  611     1.7046 kellybelly  4 13:44  -318  611 
  2.6139 Filern.roselle  3 19:00  -370  559            Group: intermediate
  3.4046 Filejimbo       0 22:46  -598  331     1.6139 rn.roselle  3 19:00  -370  559 
  4.5578 FileAtommotA    1 17:07  -608  321            Group: novice
  5.4148 Filelyndyloo    0  4:24  -815  114     1.5578 AtommotA    1 17:07  -608  321 
  6.4516 Filejohnny55    0  2:19  -892   37            Group: not rated
  7.4275 Filebmurf84     0  1:52  -893   36     1.4046 jimbo       0 22:46  -598  331 
                                             2.4148 lyndyloo    0  4:24  -815  114 
                                             3.4516 johnny55    0  2:19  -892   37 
                                             4.4275 bmurf84     0  1:52  -893   36 

On 1st draw, TUXES H8 26 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other tops: TUXES H4 26
Other moves: TUXES H5 24, TUXES H6 24, TUXES H7 24, SEXT H5 22, SEXT H6 22
TUXES H4 26 rn.roselle
TUXES H8 26 kellybelly
TEX H6 20 lyndyloo
GUTS H8 10 jimbo

On 2nd draw, SWAGE G6 31 --- SWAGE to shape with a hammering tool [v]
Other moves: WAGE G7 30, GATES G9 27, GETAS G9 27, SWATHES 12B 26, SWATHES 12H 26
SWATHES 12H 26 kellybelly
WAXES 10F 25 jimbo, rn.roselle, johnny55
SHEET 11E 16 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, TOUTIER I3 68 --- TOUTIE petulant [adj]
Other moves: TOUSTIER 12E 66, TUTORISE 12B 66, TOUSTIER 6D 62, TUTORISE 6A 62, ROTTE I9 26
TRITE F10 21 rn.roselle
RIOT F10 18 kellybelly
TEXTER 10F 17 jimbo
EXIT 10G 13 lyndyloo
REX 10F 12 johnny55

On 4th draw, PIEZO H1 103 --- PIEZO produced by piezoelectricity (straining a crystal) [adj]
Other moves: ZINCO F10 77, ZINC F10 74, ZOIC F10 74, ZEP F10 73, ZIP F10 73
ZINCO F10 77 rn.roselle
ZINC F10 74 kellybelly
ZEX 10F 39 jimbo, lyndyloo

On 5th draw, UNFAS(T)EN 12D 70 --- UNFASTEN to release from a fastening [v]
Other moves: FA G3 31, UNZONE(D) 4F 30, ZONU(L)AE 4H 30, (M)ENAZON 4D 30, F(A) G3 29
FA G3 31 kellybelly
ZONE(S) 4H 26 lyndyloo, rn.roselle
(O)ZONE 4G 13 jimbo

On 6th draw, BROMINATE 8A 48 --- BROMINATE [v]
Other moves: ZOMBI 4H 36, ZORINO 4H 30, NOMOI 11B 27, BROMO 11A 26, BROOM F4 26
BOOM 11J 24 kellybelly
MOO 11D 23 AtommotA
MINOR K10 14 jimbo

On 7th draw, ROBINIAS A6 61 --- ROBINIA an plant of the locust genus [n]
Other moves: ARIOSI L8 36, ARSINO L10 36, NORIAS L7 36, AIRNS L8 34, IRONS L8 34
ROANS L8 34 kellybelly
IRONS L8 34 rn.roselle, AtommotA
RAINS L8 34 jimbo

On 8th draw, WHEAL 13C 39 --- WHEAL a welt [n]
Other moves: WOF F10 38, WHA J2 35, WHO J2 35, WHAE 13C 32, WHOA 13C 32
WOF F10 38 rn.roselle
HA G3 31 kellybelly, AtommotA
HOWL C7 18 jimbo

On 9th draw, TYPED 14E 44 --- TYPE to print with a typewriter [v]
Other moves: PYET 14E 42, TYPE 14E 42, PYE 14E 41, DYE 14E 39, TYED 14E 39
YEP 14F 36 rn.roselle
YET 14F 34 kellybelly
UNFAS(T)ENED 12D 26 AtommotA
PIEZO 4E 16 jimbo

On 10th draw, COLDEST L7 94 --- COLD having little or no warmth [adj]
Other moves: DOLCES 15A 50, CLODS L8 44, CODES L8 44, COEDS L8 44, COLDS L8 44
COLDS L8 44 kellybelly
CODES L8 44 rn.roselle
CLOSET L9 38 jimbo
SETTLED 3G 18 AtommotA

On 11th draw, MARABI 15H 54 --- MARABI (South Africa) a kind of music popular in townships in the 1930s [n]
Other moves: MARIA 15H 39, MATAI 15H 39, MIB 15H 36, TAMARI 15H 36, ZOMBI 4H 36
MIB 15H 36 kellybelly
MART 15H 33 rn.roselle
TRAMP 1D 10 AtommotA
TOMB 8K 8 jimbo

On 12th draw, QI 14M 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FILET 15A 31, FLITE 15A 31, FET 9C 25, FIT 9C 25, FLITE B2 24
QI 14M 33 kellybelly, rn.roselle, AtommotA
FIVE E7 10 jimbo

On 13th draw, (W)OODLICE E3 70 --- WOODLOUSE a small terrestrial isopod found in damp habitats [n]
Other moves: CLODPO(L)E 1D 65, C(L)ODPOLE 1D 65, DOLCE(S) 15A 46, DOO(D)LE J5 38, (D)OODLE J5 38
CO(S)E O12 35 kellybelly, rn.roselle, AtommotA
OZO(N)E 4G 13 jimbo

On 14th draw, LAIGH M3 37 --- LAIGH a lowland [n] --- LAIGH sunken [adj]
Other moves: HADE J3 36, HEALD D1 34, DHAL J1 31, GLADE 15A 31, GLIDE 15A 31
HA G3 31 kellybelly, AtommotA
AH D3 21 rn.roselle
LAID 9L 6 jimbo

On 15th draw, TENGE 15A 28 --- TENGE the standard monetary unit of Kazakhstan [n]
Other tops: TINGE 15A 28, TOEING N5 28
Other moves: EIGNE 15A 25, GENET 15A 25, GENIE 15A 25, INGOT 15A 25, TOING N5 23
TINGE 15A 28 kellybelly
ZOO 4H 12 rn.roselle
CHIN 7L 9 jimbo

On 16th draw, FRENA L1 32 --- FRENUM a connecting fold of membrane [n]
Other tops: DEAF L1 32
Other moves: FA G3 31, RAND J5 31, REND J5 31, FARDEN K3 30, ARED J4 29
DEAF L1 32 kellybelly, rn.roselle
VENDOR 4A 28 jimbo
REF L2 24 AtommotA

On 17th draw, FUJI 1L 42 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: JUDY N1 40, JOL 7C 39, JO D4 38, JO K5 38, JOY D2 37
JOL 7C 39 kellybelly
JO D4 38 AtommotA
JOY 4D 26 jimbo
JOR 2J 26 rn.roselle
JO 4D 18 bmurf84

On 18th draw, JOKY N1 49 --- JOKY amusing [adj]
Other moves: VODKA D2 42, OAKY D2 40, ROKY D2 40, OKA G2 38, DAK K3 37
ROKY D2 40 rn.roselle
KA G3 35 kellybelly
JO N1 18 bmurf84
DAIRY 5K 18 AtommotA
RELY 3K 7 jimbo

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