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Game of June 3, 2011 at 07:41, 6 players
1. rn.roselle -400
2. remij -584
3. bmurf84 -590

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deemst   H8    74    74   steemed
 2. acelorr   8A    83   157   carolers
 3. ?dlnnnu  13C    70   227   unnaneld
 4. aelrsvy  11F    78   305   aversely
 5. aeinort   A1    83   388   anoretic
 6. afhiinp  10D    30   418   fah
 7. aeiiimp  14F    34   452   media
 8. efilnoz  12A    52   504   zine
 9. afhikrt  15J    59   563   kharif
10. cginpsu  A10    51   614   unzips
11. egrsttu   B5    23   637   retags
12. egijotu   L8    44   681   juglet
13. aeeloox  14M    45   726   oxo
14. aeegipw   8L    39   765   jeep
15. adgotvy   M3    30   795   voyage
16. abcdeow   N4    38   833   bow
17. abdeitw   O1    43   876   wited
18. abdiloq   J6    39   915   qiblas
19. acdiiot   K2    31   946   dacoit

Remaining tiles: iou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6152 Filern.roselle  6 23:23  -400  546     1.7048 kellybelly  3  5:45  -650  296 
  2.3903 Fileremij       1 21:53  -584  362            Group: intermediate
  3.4275 Filebmurf84     1 21:40  -590  356     1.6152 rn.roselle  6 23:23  -400  546 
  4.4150 Filelyndyloo    1 12:55  -597  349            Group: not rated
  5.7048 Filekellybelly  3  5:45  -650  296     1.3903 remij       1 21:53  -584  362 
  6.  -  Fileanilkher    0  1:37  -918   28     2.4275 bmurf84     1 21:40  -590  356 
                                             3.4150 lyndyloo    1 12:55  -597  349 
                                             4.  -  anilkher    0  1:37  -918   28 

On 1st draw, ST(E)EMED H8 74 --- STEEM to esteem [v]
Other tops: DEME(N)TS H2 74, DEM(O)TES H2 74, SME(L)TED H3 74, STEEM(E)D H8 74, STE(A)MED H8 74, STE(E)MED H8 74, STE(M)MED H8 74
Other moves: DEME(N)TS H4 72, DEM(O)TES H4 72, SME(L)TED H6 72, STEEM(E)D H6 72, STEM(M)ED H6 72
STEEM(E)D H8 24 remij, rn.roselle
M(I)STED H4 22 lyndyloo
DEM(I)SE H8 18 bmurf84

On 2nd draw, CAROLERS 8A 83 --- CAROLER one who sings joyously [n]
Other moves: CAROLER 7C 74, CLAMORER 12E 74, RECTORAL 9E 64, CAROLED 14B 24, ORACLED 14B 24
CLEARER 13C 22 rn.roselle
CREAM 12D 18 lyndyloo
LACE 11E 12 remij
CAR(E) 10E 7 bmurf84

On 3rd draw, UNN(A)NELD 13C 70 --- UNNANELD unaneled [adj]
Other moves: NUND(I)NAL B2 66, UNN(A)NELD 11C 66, UNN(A)NELD F3 62, UNN(A)N(E)LD 10C 61, UNNAN(E)LD B5 60
NUD(E) I11 19 rn.roselle
DUNE 11E 10 remij
NUDE(S) 11E 10 bmurf84
DU(E)L 10F 8 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, AVERSELY 11F 78 --- AVERSE opposed; reluctant [adv] --- AVERSELY in a reluctant manner [adv]
Other tops: AVERSELY 11C 78
Other moves: AVERSELY F3 74, AVERS(E)LY 10C 73, AV(E)RSELY 10F 67, VALLEYS E5 52, LAVEERS 11E 40
LEVY E8 20 remij
REALLY E5 18 bmurf84
AVER 14J 14 rn.roselle
SERVE F4 10 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, ANORETIC A1 83 --- ANORETIC one affected with loss of appetite [n]
Other tops: CREATION A8 83
YEARN M11 16 lyndyloo, rn.roselle
YORE M11 14 remij
CERTAIN A8 10 bmurf84

On 6th draw, FAH 10D 30 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: HAD 14F 29, HAP B1 29, PAH 10D 29, FINI 12A 28, NAIF 10C 28
FAH 10D 30 rn.roselle
HALF L9 20 remij
THAN 6A 15 bmurf84
FAIL E5 14 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, MEDIA 14F 34 --- MEDIA the middle layer of a blood or lymph vessel [n] --- MEDIA a channel of communication [n]
Other tops: MEDII 14F 34
Other moves: PIMA 12A 30, AMIE 12J 29, IMPALE L7 26, MAP B1 26, PYEMIA M10 26
MAP B1 26 rn.roselle
LAMP L11 16 remij
RAMP 4A 16 lyndyloo
NAPE 2A 12 bmurf84

On 8th draw, ZINE 12A 52 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZONE 12A 52
Other moves: FOZIER C3 38, NONLIFE 2A 36, AIZLE B8 34, OYEZ M10 32, ZEE F6 32
ZEE F6 32 rn.roselle
OOZE 3A 26 lyndyloo
ZOO D6 12 bmurf84
ZOL L9 12 remij

On 9th draw, KHARIF 15J 59 --- KHARIF a crop sown so as to ripen in autumn [n]
Other moves: ZARF A12 48, KHALIF L8 42, ZATI A12 39, KHILAT L8 36, KHARIFS J5 33
ZARF A12 48 bmurf84
HARKS J7 22 lyndyloo
YAK M11 20 remij
HARK 15J 19 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, UNZIPS A10 51 --- UNZIP to open the zipper of [v]
Other moves: ZINC A12 45, ZIPS A12 45, ZIGS A12 42, ZING A12 42, ZINS A12 39
UNZIPS A10 51 rn.roselle
ZINC A12 45 lyndyloo, bmurf84, remij

On 11th draw, RETAGS B5 23 --- RETAG to tag again [v]
Other moves: GUYSE M9 22, TRYSTER M9 22, RUES 7F 21, GUTTERS C3 20, ETATS B6 19
PETS 14A 18 bmurf84, remij
GUTTLES L7 18 kellybelly
RYES M10 14 rn.roselle
REST 4A 8 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, JUGLET L8 44 --- JUGLET a small jug [n]
Other moves: JUTE 14L 42, JOULE L8 40, JOG 14L 39, JUG 14L 39, JET 14L 35
JOULE L8 40 rn.roselle
JOT 14L 35 kellybelly
JOE F6 26 lyndyloo
JOY M9 21 remij
JET K10 10 bmurf84

On 13th draw, OXO 14M 45 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: AXE 14M 45, EXO 14M 45
Other moves: AX 14M 38, EX 14M 38, OX 14M 38, LAX B1 35, LEX B1 35
OXO 14M 45 kellybelly
AXE 14M 45 rn.roselle
TEX 13L 20 lyndyloo
XI N14 18 bmurf84
JO 8L 9 remij

On 14th draw, JEEP 8L 39 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other tops: JAPE 8L 39
Other moves: WAP M7 31, WEEP 7F 31, WAP B1 29, AWEE 7E 28, GAP M7 27
JEEP 8L 39 kellybelly, rn.roselle
JAPE 8L 39 lyndyloo, remij
WAIL E5 14 bmurf84

On 15th draw, VOYAGE M3 30 --- VOYAGE to travel [v]
Other moves: DAY B1 26, DOY B1 26, GAY B1 26, G*Y B1 26, YAD B1 26
VOYAGE M3 30 bmurf84
GAY B1 26 kellybelly
YOD B1 26 rn.roselle
NAVY 2A 20 lyndyloo, remij

On 16th draw, BOW N4 38 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: DAW N4 36, DEW N4 36, DOW N4 36, WAB L4 35, WAB N4 34
BOW N4 38 rn.roselle
WOE N6 30 kellybelly
BAWDY 5I 28 anilkher
WAYED 5K 24 lyndyloo, remij
WOOF O12 14 bmurf84

On 17th draw, WITED O1 43 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other tops: TAWED O1 43
Other moves: BATED O1 40, BETID O1 40, TABID O1 40, WADE O1 33, WADI O1 33
WITED O1 43 kellybelly
TAWED O1 43 rn.roselle
WADE O3 28 bmurf84
TWEE F5 15 lyndyloo
PEAT O8 6 remij

On 18th draw, QIBLAS J6 39 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: QIBLA C1 35, NIQAB 2A 32, QAID 15D 32, BUDA 9K 28, BAUD 9J 26
QAID 15D 32 kellybelly
BOD B1 23 rn.roselle
QI 2N 22 remij
ADOBE 4K 16 bmurf84

On 19th draw, DACOIT K2 31 --- DACOIT a member of an Indian robber gang [n]
Other moves: ACID K4 28, CAID K4 28, CID K5 26, CADI K3 25, COATI K2 25
CAID K4 28 kellybelly
COIT K4 25 rn.roselle
PAT 14A 13 bmurf84
OOR M13 10 remij

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