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Game of June 3, 2011 at 15:59, 6 players
1. musdrive -371
2. woofy1 -411
3. SuperH -437

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?gioovy   H8    32    32   groovy
 2. abnortt  11E    28    60   arnotto
 3. ?egiins   8A    83   143   singeing
 4. eeflrss   B7    76   219   fireless
 5. aeginqs   L7    26   245   agnise
 6. adeinuv  A11    35   280   adieu
 7. aemnqrt  F10    36   316   tranq
 8. adellvw   M3    41   357   advew
 9. einoptu   A1    88   445   poutines
10. adelmot   N6    34   479   mated
11. ceilotu   1A    89   568   poultice
12. abcfory   O5    53   621   boyar
13. bdhhoru   L1    29   650   budo
14. aeehior   1K    30   680   abhor
15. aeehprx  C11    37   717   peh
16. efilrrz   2H    40   757   fiz
17. aeklmrw  M12    30   787   mawk
18. ceijlln  15J    45   832   nickle
19. eijlrrx   2A    36   868   ox

Remaining tiles: eijlrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7013 Filemusdrive    1 17:33  -371  497     1.7013 musdrive    1 17:33  -371  497 
  2.6081 Filewoofy1      2 22:36  -411  457            Group: intermediate
  3.6106 FileSuperH      1 23:05  -437  431     1.6081 woofy1      2 22:36  -411  457 
  4.6513 Filemonthree    2  8:35  -657  211     2.6106 SuperH      1 23:05  -437  431 
  5.6450 Filemylover81   1  3:52  -698  170     3.6513 monthree    2  8:35  -657  211 
  6.3897 Filelesft       0  5:50  -757  111     4.6450 mylover81   1  3:52  -698  170 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3897 lesft       0  5:50  -757  111 

On 1st draw, G(R)OOVY H8 32 --- GROOVY marvellous [adj]
Other tops: G(R)OOVY H7 32
Other moves: VYI(N)G H4 30, G(R)OOVY H4 28, IVO(R)Y H8 28, (P)OOVY H8 28, GOOI(L)Y H7 26
G(R)OOVY H7 32 musdrive
G(R)OOVY H8 32 SuperH, woofy1

On 2nd draw, ARNOTTO 11E 28 --- ARNOTTO a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: BARONY 13C 24, BOTANY 13C 24, BRATTY 13C 24, TARBOY 13C 24, NOTARY 13C 20
BRATTY 13C 24 musdrive
BAR G13 18 SuperH
BOON 10F 12 woofy1

On 3rd draw, SINGEI(N)G 8A 83 --- SINGE to burn slightly [v]
Other tops: SI(N)GEING 8A 83
Other moves: GINGE(L)IS 8H 80, VEINI(N)GS 12H 80, VEI(N)INGS 12H 79, VIE(W)INGS 12H 79, (V)ISEING L9 76
(D)INGIES L5 17 musdrive
SINGE 12B 17 SuperH
G(A)E G7 10 woofy1

On 4th draw, FIRELESS B7 76 --- FIRELESS having no fire [adj]
Other moves: FRETLESS J8 65, FERNLESS C5 63, FLENSERS C5 63, FRESNELS C4 63, FESSE L8 32
FEELS 12A 26 SuperH
FREELY 13C 26 musdrive
FER G13 22 woofy1

On 5th draw, AGNISE L7 26 --- AGNISE =AGNIZE to acknowledge [v]
Other moves: QI 7F 25, QI 12D 24, EASING L9 22, NIES A12 22, SEGNI L11 22
QI 7F 25 musdrive, SuperH
QI 12D 24 woofy1

On 6th draw, ADIEU A11 35 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: VAGUED 8J 33, DEAN A12 30, DUAN A12 30, VANED M3 27, VIAND M3 27
DEAN A12 30 musdrive
DIVE 13L 25 SuperH
DIVA 13L 25 woofy1

On 7th draw, TRANQ F10 36 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QORMA K10 29, ENARM M3 27, ENGRAM 8J 27, MAGNET 8J 27, RAGMEN 8J 27
GRAM 8L 21 musdrive
GAME 8L 21 woofy1, SuperH

On 8th draw, ADVEW M3 41 --- ADVEW to view [v]
Other moves: ADVEW 13K 33, WAVED M3 33, WALLED M2 29, GAWD 8L 27, LAVED M3 27
WAVED M3 33 musdrive
GAWD 8L 27 SuperH
VADE 13J 25 woofy1

On 9th draw, POUTINES A1 88 --- POUTINE a dish of french fries and cheese curds topped with gravy [n]
Other moves: PENI L1 26, PINE L1 26, PONE L1 26, POTE L1 26, NETOP N6 25
OI G13 21 woofy1
OPINED 4H 20 musdrive
PIT N1 12 SuperH

On 10th draw, MATED N6 34 --- MATE to join as mates (partners in a union) [v]
Other moves: MALTED N6 33, MEDAL N6 32, MATLO N6 31, METAL N6 31, METOL N6 31
MOLDED 4H 26 musdrive
MODEL 13J 25 SuperH
MOLD K4 21 woofy1

On 11th draw, POULTICE 1A 89 --- POULTICE to apply a hot, healing substance [v]
Other moves: OLEIC O8 41, CITOLE O1 32, LUCITE O1 32, ETIC O8 29, OTIC O8 29
POULTICE 1A 39 woofy1
OTIC O8 29 musdrive
OIL G13 22 SuperH

On 12th draw, BOYAR O5 53 --- BOYAR a former Russian aristocrat [n]
Other tops: ORACY O8 53
Other moves: *F*Y O8 44, YAR O7 36, FORBAD 4H 32, OAF 2D 31, YA O7 31
OAF 2D 31 musdrive
OF 2E 28 woofy1
FOY N1 23 SuperH

On 13th draw, BUDO L1 29 --- BUDO the philosophy of martial art [n]
Other moves: DOH I1 25, DUH I1 25, BROUGH D4 24, HOHED E5 24, BUDO 13J 23
HOH N1 23 SuperH
HOB M12 21 monthree
OH B1 20 musdrive, woofy1

On 14th draw, ABHOR 1K 30 --- ABHOR to loathe [v]
Other tops: OBEAH 1K 30
Other moves: EH C12 26, OHIA K3 25, AIR G13 22, HIREAGE D3 22, RHEA N1 22
OI G13 21 SuperH
OH B1 20 musdrive, woofy1, mylover81
HER K4 19 monthree
BRAE 1L 18 lesft

On 15th draw, PEH C11 37 --- PEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: OX 2A 36, OX B1 36, HEX 2H 34, HEX K4 33, HEX C10 32
OX B1 36 SuperH, mylover81, woofy1, monthree
HEX K4 33 musdrive
THREE E1 16 lesft

On 16th draw, FIZ 2H 40 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other tops: FEZ 2H 40
Other moves: FRIZ M12 37, FRIEZE E3 36, FRIZER E4 36, FEZ M12 35, FIZ M12 35
FRIZ M12 37 musdrive
FRIEZE E3 36 monthree
FEZ M12 35 mylover81, SuperH
FE 2N 22 woofy1
LIFER D1 16 lesft

On 17th draw, MAWK M12 30 --- MAWK a maggot [n]
Other moves: OWRE B1 28, KEWLER E4 26, REWAKE E3 26, WALKER E4 26, WEAKER E4 26
MARK M12 24 musdrive
MEW K4 22 mylover81
WE 2N 22 woofy1
WAKE E5 22 lesft
RAKE M12 18 SuperH
TEAK J11 18 monthree

On 18th draw, NICKLE 15J 45 --- NICKLE to plate with a metallic element [v]
Other tops: NICKEL 15J 45
Other moves: ICKLE 15K 42, JILLET J6 31, INKLE 15K 30, LIKEN 15K 30, LEI N13 24
NICKEL 15J 45 monthree
LEI N13 24 musdrive
KIN 15M 21 mylover81, lesft
KEN 15M 21 woofy1
NE N13 16 SuperH

On 19th draw, OX 2A 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: OX B1 36
Other moves: IXTLE J9 28, EXILER E4 26, REJIG D4 26, LEX 14I 25, REX 14I 25
OX B1 36 monthree, mylover81, woofy1
LEX 14I 25 musdrive
OX N1 18 lesft
EX E8 9 SuperH

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