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Game of June 4, 2011 at 03:19, 4 players
1. TwoFold -519
2. johnny55 -739
3. Faeythe -836

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcdlny   H8    30    30   colby
 2. aeelnru   8H    83   113   cerulean
 3. aeilrtz   K5   118   231   lazurite
 4. dioorsu   O8    80   311   nidorous
 5. abfiort   M1    78   389   biforate
 6. afiknrt  15H    98   487   ratfinks
 7. aegotwy   1L    39   526   ybet
 8. adrstuw  13K    30   556   saw
 9. eilnopr  14B    74   630   proline
10. admnnot   2H    33   663   mondain
11. ?eegosu   C8    68   731   goujeers
12. deeopsv   H1    48   779   emoved
13. aeginuw   8A    36   815   wigga
14. aenpsux   E5    64   879   panaxes
15. achimot  15A    52   931   cosh
16. adehqtu  J10    67   998   qat
17. dehiimu   F9    35  1033   uh
18. deeiitv   F1    33  1066   evited

Remaining tiles: giijm

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5994 FileTwoFold     2 21:35  -519  547     1.5994 TwoFold     2 21:35  -519  547 
  2.4576 Filejohnny55    1 16:55  -739  327     2.5640 Faeythe     0 12:36  -836  230 
  3.5640 FileFaeythe     0 12:36  -836  230            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filesdiks123    0  8:49  -977   89     1.4576 johnny55    1 16:55  -739  327 
                                             2.  -  sdiks123    0  8:49  -977   89 

On 1st draw, C(O)LBY H8 30 --- COLBY a type of mild-tasting hard cheese, pl COLBYS or COLBIES [n]
Other moves: BL(A)DY H8 28, BL(U)DY H8 28, B(A)DLY H8 28, B(A)LDY H8 28, B(A)NDY H8 28
C(A)NDY H8 28 TwoFold
CL(A)Y H5 16 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, CERULEAN 8H 83 --- CERULEAN a blue colour [n]
Other moves: ALEUR(O)NE 9C 60, ENABLER 11E 36, LEANER G9 21, ANERLY 12C 18, LARNEY 12C 18
EARL I11 14 TwoFold
BRAN 11H 12 Faeythe

On 3rd draw, LAZURITE K5 118 --- LAZURITE a blue silicate [n]
Other moves: LATERIZE M1 104, TRIAZ(O)LE 9C 83, LATERIZE I1 78, LATERIZE M5 69, REALIZE M2 52
ZA G9 43 TwoFold
ZEAL M7 24 Faeythe

On 4th draw, NIDOROUS O8 80 --- NIDOROUS strongly smelling [adj]
Other moves: URSID 13I 32, SORDO 13K 30, SUDOR 13K 30, IODOUS 13C 28, ODIOUS 13C 28
SORD 13K 28 johnny55
SOD 13K 26 TwoFold
SOUR 13K 26 Faeythe

On 5th draw, BIFORATE M1 78 --- BIFORATE having two perforations [adj]
Other moves: BIFORATE I1 68, FIREBOAT M5 67, FORB L12 34, FRAB L12 34, FRIB L12 34
ZARF 7K 27 TwoFold, Faeythe
FOBS 15L 13 johnny55

On 6th draw, RATFINKS 15H 98 --- RATFINK a contemptible person [n]
Other moves: KAFIR J10 47, KBAR 1L 45, KAFIR 2J 44, KAF J10 43, KIF J10 43
KIF J10 43 TwoFold
FAKIR 2J 40 Faeythe
FINK 2L 22 johnny55

On 7th draw, YBET 1L 39 --- BEAT to strike repeatedly [v]
Other moves: YOWIE 2J 38, WEY N4 37, YAW L4 37, YEW N4 37, YOW L4 37
YAW L4 37 Faeythe
YEW N4 37 TwoFold
BOW 1M 24 johnny55

On 8th draw, SAW 13K 30 --- SAW to cut or divide with a saw (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: DAW L4 29, WAST 13I 29, WAS 13I 28, WUS 13I 28, STAID 2J 27
SAW 13K 30 TwoFold
WORD 4L 20 johnny55
C(O)LBYS H8 12 Faeythe

On 9th draw, PROLINE 14B 74 --- PROLINE an amino acid [n]
Other moves: PLERION 14C 65, LEPORINE I1 64, PROINE 2J 39, PROIN 2J 35, REPIN J8 29
REP J4 23 TwoFold
REPLY 12D 20 Faeythe
PROBE 11E 18 johnny55

On 10th draw, MONDAIN 2H 33 --- MONDAIN a person who lives in fashionable society [n]
Other moves: DOMAIN 2I 31, ROMAN J8 29, DEMO 12J 27, MAD J10 27, MONAD J2 27
MOAN 13A 22 TwoFold
MA 15A 16 Faeythe
MOAT 4L 14 johnny55

On 11th draw, GOU(J)EERS C8 68 --- GOUJEERS venereal disease [n]
Other moves: EUGE(N)OLS E8 66, EUGE(N)OLS 10B 60, GEO(D)ES 1D 38, GOU(G)ES 1D 38, UGSO(M)E 1C 36
GO(O)SE 1F 28 TwoFold
GUES(S)ER C8 16 johnny55

On 12th draw, EMOVED H1 48 --- EMOVE to affect emotionally [v]
Other tops: SPEEDO 1C 48
Other moves: EMOVES H1 45, EPODES 1D 44, SPEEDO 1E 44, DEPOSE 1E 43, VEEP 1F 43
POSED 1E 39 TwoFold
DOGS 8A 21 johnny55

On 13th draw, WIGGA 8A 36 --- WIGGA (derogatory) a white youth who adopts black youth culture [n]
Other tops: WAGING 8A 36
Other moves: NEW N4 31, WAG L4 31, WASE 15A 31, WISE 15A 31, WEAN G9 30
WAGING 8A 36 johnny55
NEW N4 31 TwoFold

On 14th draw, PANAXES E5 64 --- PANAX a tree [n]
Other moves: SEX N4 55, RAX J8 53, REX J8 53, EX N5 52, XU J10 52
SEX N4 55 TwoFold
SEX F8 37 johnny55
AXES E8 22 sdiks123

On 15th draw, COSH 15A 52 --- COSH to bludgeon [v]
Other tops: CASH 15A 52, MASH 15A 52, MOSH 15A 52
Other moves: TASH 15A 46, TOSH 15A 46, MIHA F4 36, HAM J10 35, HIM J10 35
AH J5 28 TwoFold
WATCH A8 17 sdiks123
CHIT B6 17 johnny55

On 16th draw, QAT J10 67 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QUA J10 67
Other moves: EQUID B5 38, QAID B6 37, QUID B6 37, RAHED J8 37, QUIT B6 35
QUIT B6 35 johnny55, sdiks123
QAT J4 20 TwoFold

On 17th draw, UH F9 35 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: HEAD N6 34, HUM L4 34, HUMID F2 34, IMID F9 34, HEM N4 31
UH F9 35 TwoFold
HIVED 4F 12 johnny55
BEAT 11H 6 sdiks123

On 18th draw, EVITED F1 33 --- EVITE to avoid [v]
Other moves: VILE L6 27, IVIED F2 26, VIDE F4 25, TEADE N6 24, VIED 12A 24
DOVE 4L 18 TwoFold
WIVED A8 14 johnny55
DEVIL 5G 9 sdiks123

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