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Game of June 4, 2011 at 04:49, 6 players
1. kellybelly -405
2. hulusian -569
3. lyndyloo -849

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eelpsty   H6    82    82   steeply
 2. ?adlovw  12A    86   168   avowedly
 3. ?aegiku   E5    94   262   aguelike
 4. adinrsx   8A    45   307   axised
 5. befgirz  A10    51   358   braize
 6. egnnnot   C3    72   430   tenoning
 7. aeinorr   3A    59   489   anterior
 8. beotuwy   A1    42   531   tway
 9. aehiost  B14    37   568   oh
10. aeprstv   H1    39   607   perv
11. adilort   1E    62   669   tripodal
12. aeefims  F10    38   707   fades
13. ehijmos   B6    44   751   moxie
14. deimstu   2J    29   780   emits
15. acceort   4G    26   806   overact
16. adhlnor   L4    66   872   chaldron
17. aefgiqu  10J    45   917   quoif
18. abceinu   8J    33   950   abduce

Remaining tiles: gijnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7071 Filekellybelly  3 14:42  -405  545     1.7071 kellybelly  3 14:42  -405  545 
  2.4100 Filehulusian    1 23:56  -569  381            Group: intermediate
  3.4244 Filelyndyloo    0  3:52  -849  101     1.6158 lastlea     0  1:35  -920   30 
  4.5978 Fileuna         0  3:03  -899   51            Group: novice
  5.6158 Filelastlea     0  1:35  -920   30     1.5978 una         0  3:03  -899   51 
  6.  -  Filesdiks123    0  1:02  -936   14            Group: not rated
                                             1.4100 hulusian    1 23:56  -569  381 
                                             2.4244 lyndyloo    0  3:52  -849  101 
                                             3.  -  sdiks123    0  1:02  -936   14 

On 1st draw, STEEPLY H6 82 --- STEEPLY in a steep manner [adv]
Other moves: STEEPLY H8 80, STEEPLY H2 76, STEEPLY H3 76, STEEPLY H4 76, STEEPLY H7 76
STEEPLY H6 32 hulusian
SLEEPY H7 30 lastlea
PESTY H8 28 kellybelly
PELTS H4 20 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, AVOW(E)DLY 12A 86 --- AVOW to declare openly [adv] --- AVOWEDLY certainly [adv]
Other moves: AVOWEDL(Y) 9D 70, AVOWEDL(Y) 8D 65, LOWLA(N)D 11E 40, AVOW(R)Y 12C 28, WAV(I)LY 12C 28
WO G9 22 kellybelly
VOW(E)L 11D 20 hulusian
DAW(D)LE 9C 12 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, AGUE(L)IK(E) E5 94 --- AGUE a malarial fever [adj] --- AGUELIKE like a fever [adj]
Other moves: AGUE(L)IKE 8A 89, AGUE(L)IKE 9A 68, AGUE(L)IKE 8E 63, AGUE(L)IKE 9E 63, KEVI(L) B10 42
KIVA(S) B10 42 kellybelly
AKI(N) A12 21 hulusian

On 4th draw, AXISED 8A 45 --- AXIS a straight line about which a body rotates [adj] --- AXISED having an axis [adj]
Other moves: RADIX A11 39, XI I9 38, AX I8 36, AXIS A12 33, DIAXONS C8 32
XI I9 38 kellybelly
AXING 6A 29 hulusian
RINSED 8A 24 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, BRAIZE A10 51 --- BRAIZE a marine fish [n]
Other moves: BAIZE A11 48, GAZER A11 45, FRIZE D1 44, FRIZ D2 43, ZAIRE A11 42
GAZER A11 45 kellybelly
FEZ 9G 29 hulusian

On 6th draw, TENONING C3 72 --- TENON to unite by means of a tenon (a projection on the end of a piece of wood) [v]
Other moves: OE B14 28, ON B14 28, ZONE 14A 26, NEG 7A 22, NOG 7A 22
ZONE 14A 26 kellybelly, hulusian

On 7th draw, ANTERIOR 3A 59 --- ANTERIOR situated in or toward the front [adj]
Other moves: VOAR B12 40, ZANIER 14A 34, AE B14 28, AN B14 28, AR B14 28
ZONER 14A 28 kellybelly
ZONE 14A 26 hulusian

On 8th draw, TWAY A1 42 --- TWAY a set of two [n]
Other moves: BURY H1 39, WEET 4A 37, BEAUTY A1 36, WEX B6 36, WOX B6 36
OE B14 28 kellybelly
PEW 10H 16 hulusian

On 9th draw, OH B14 37 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: AH B14 37
Other moves: HEX B6 36, HOX B6 36, HOAST 2F 35, OHIAS 2E 35, OHIA 2E 34
OH B14 37 kellybelly
ZEST 14A 26 hulusian
HERS H1 24 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, PERV H1 39 --- PERV one who has been perverted [n] --- PERV to look at lustfully [v]
Other moves: APEX B5 33, PAX B6 30, APTER 2E 29, APSE 2E 28, RAPS 2D 28
PERV H1 39 hulusian
PAX B6 30 kellybelly
PARS H1 21 lyndyloo
STARVES 6H 14 sdiks123

On 11th draw, TRIPODAL 1E 62 --- TRIPOD a stand having three legs [adj] --- TRIPODAL having three legs [adj]
Other tops: DIOPTRAL 1E 62
Other moves: TARDO I6 25, DADO F10 23, DIDO F10 23, DAD F10 22, DID F10 22
LOX B6 18 kellybelly
ON B2 14 hulusian

On 12th draw, FADES F10 38 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: FADE F10 35, FADS F10 35, FIDS F10 35, FAD F10 34, FID F10 34
FADES F10 38 kellybelly
FEES 9G 12 hulusian

On 13th draw, MOXIE B6 44 --- MOXIE spirit or courage [n]
Other moves: HEX B6 36, HOX B6 36, OHOS C12 32, MIX B6 30, MHO I8 29
HOX B6 36 kellybelly
MESH 9G 13 hulusian

On 14th draw, EMITS 2J 29 --- EMIT to send forth [v]
Other moves: EDITS 2J 26, YEED 4A 24, SEMIE 2G 23, MIDST 2K 22, OMS C12 22
OMS C12 22 kellybelly
TWAYS A1 11 hulusian

On 15th draw, OVERACT 4G 26 --- OVERACT to act with exaggeration [v]
Other moves: TOCCATE M2 24, OCA C12 22, VECTOR 4H 22, AMORCE K1 20, AMTRAC K1 20
SOCCER 6H 16 hulusian
TRACE M2 14 kellybelly

On 16th draw, CHALDRON L4 66 --- CHALDRON a unit of dry measure [n]
Other tops: CHONDRAL L4 66
Other moves: CHLORDAN L4 65, AHOLD 5K 31, DHAL 5K 31, DHOL 5K 31, HONDA I6 31
HO 13C 25 kellybelly
HERD 9G 13 hulusian

On 17th draw, QUOIF 10J 45 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUAG 6J 34, QUAI 6J 33, QUA 6J 32, SUQ 6H 32, ALF G11 27
QUOIF 10J 45 kellybelly
DEAF 8L 24 una
AQUA 6L 15 hulusian

On 18th draw, ABDUCE 8J 33 --- ABDUCE to abduct [v]
Other moves: ACNE K4 30, BEDUIN 8J 27, INDUCE 8J 27, ACE K4 26, ADUNC 8K 24
INDUCE 8J 27 una
QUINCE J10 23 hulusian, kellybelly

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