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Game of June 4, 2011 at 17:48, 5 players
1. woofy1 -194
2. SuperH -299
3. rn.roselle -511

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aabeei   H4    20    20   beanie
 2. acelryz   4H    34    54   blazer
 3. dehioru   5K    45    99   ohed
 4. egilosw   7F    65   164   longwise
 5. acenopr   3J    42   206   pareo
 6. ijklops   O1    47   253   lisk
 7. aeemnsv  10D    26   279   meves
 8. ?hnooou   8K    34   313   nohow
 9. agrrtuy  D10    30   343   murray
10. aejnost  15D    48   391   yojans
11. adeeixy  11B    40   431   eaux
12. defioqr   G6    28   459   doofer
13. aimnott   B8    30   489   tomenta
14. aadfntt   A4    51   540   fantad
15. bceiitv   B1    27   567   civet
16. eeilnty  A12    31   598   eely
17. bcittuw   K7    20   618   incubi
18. diprtuw  L12    26   644   drip
19. ginttuw   1B    33   677   cutting
20. giinquw  10J    33   710   quin

Remaining tiles: giuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6118 Filewoofy1      2 23:47  -194  516     1.7006 musdrive    1  2:15  -634   76 
  2.6134 FileSuperH      0 16:45  -299  411            Group: intermediate
  3.6279 Filern.roselle  2 12:39  -511  199     1.6118 woofy1      2 23:47  -194  516 
  4.7006 Filemusdrive    1  2:15  -634   76     2.6134 SuperH      0 16:45  -299  411 
  5.2949 Filecennet77    0  3:55  -686   24     3.6279 rn.roselle  2 12:39  -511  199 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.2949 cennet77    0  3:55  -686   24 

On 1st draw, BEA(N)IE H4 20 --- BEANIE a small cap [n]
Other tops: ABE(L)IA H3 20, BAI(L)EE H4 20
Other moves: BAAE(D) H4 18, BAI(Z)A H4 18, BAI(Z)E H4 18, BA(G)IE H4 18, BA(N)IA H4 18
BEE(S) H8 10 woofy1
BAI(T) H7 10 cennet77

On 2nd draw, BLAZER 4H 34 --- BLAZER a lightweight jacket [n]
Other moves: CRAZY 6F 33, LAZY I1 33, ZEAL 6F 33, BLAZE 4H 32, BRAZE 4H 32
ZEA 6F 32 woofy1

On 3rd draw, OHED 5K 45 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: HORE 5J 45
Other moves: DOH 5J 44, HOD 5J 44, HOE 5J 41, DORE 5J 39, RODE 5J 39
HOD 5J 44 woofy1

On 4th draw, LO(N)GWISE 7F 65 --- LONGWISE lengthwise [adv]
Other moves: WOS 6J 32, AWOLS 6H 28, LOSE 6J 27, SWIG 6L 27, AGIOS 6H 26
LOWES 10D 24 woofy1
OS 6J 16 SuperH

On 5th draw, PAREO 3J 42 --- PAREO a Polynesian skirt [n]
Other tops: ARPEN 3K 42
Other moves: NAPE 3J 40, PARE 3J 40, APER 3K 38, APE 3K 36, APO 3K 36
SPACER L7 26 SuperH
PACER G9 20 woofy1

On 6th draw, LISK O1 47 --- LISK the groin [n]
Other moves: KOJIS 10D 40, JO 2N 36, KOPJE 5D 36, JOKOL G6 35, KOJIS 2F 35
JO 2N 36 SuperH
LISP O1 35 woofy1

On 7th draw, MEVES 10D 26 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: MEVES 2F 25, NAEVES 10C 25, VANES 2F 25, EAVES 10D 24, EEVNS 10D 24
VASE 10F 23 woofy1
MO N2 16 SuperH

On 8th draw, NOHO(W) 8K 34 --- NOHOW in no manner [adv]
Other moves: OHO(S) 8L 29, OOH(S) 8J 27, HOMO(S) D8 26, HUMO(R) D8 26, HUM(A)N D8 26
OH 11D 24 SuperH
HEN(S) 9G 20 woofy1

On 9th draw, MURRAY D10 30 --- MURRAY a tropical eel [n]
Other moves: MARTYR D10 24, RYA 11C 23, YURTA 6B 22, YA 11D 21, YEAR 9G 21
YEAR 9G 21 woofy1
YET 9G 20 SuperH

On 10th draw, YOJANS 15D 48 --- YOJAN an Indian measure of distance 5 miles [n]
Other moves: JOEYS 15A 45, YOJAN 15D 45, JASY 15A 42, JOEY 15A 42, JANES 2F 37
JOEYS 15A 45 woofy1
JASY 15A 42 SuperH

On 11th draw, EAUX 11B 40 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other tops: DUX 11C 40, EXO N1 40
Other moves: YEX 9G 34, YEXED G9 31, AXED 14I 30, DEXY 9G 30, EXED 14I 30
DUX 11C 40 woofy1
EXED 14I 30 SuperH

On 12th draw, DOOFER G6 28 --- DOOFER a thingummybob. The name will 'do for now'. [n]
Other tops: DEFIER B10 28, DEIFER B10 28
Other moves: DEFER B10 26, EF 10A 26, IF 10A 26, OF 10A 26, DEIF 14G 23
EF 10A 26 SuperH
FEED 9G 22 woofy1
FEED G9 21 rn.roselle

On 13th draw, TOMENTA B8 30 --- TOMENTUM a network of small blood vessels [n]
Other moves: OMENTA B9 28, MEANT B10 26, MEINT B10 26, MENTA B10 26, MENTO B10 26
MENTO B10 26 SuperH
MEANT B10 26 rn.roselle
MOAT 14G 16 woofy1

On 14th draw, FANTAD A4 51 --- FANTAD a fidgety state [n]
Other moves: FAD A7 30, FAAN A6 29, NADA A7 28, DATA A7 27, FAN A7 26
FAD A7 30 rn.roselle, woofy1, SuperH

On 15th draw, CIVET B1 27 --- CIVET a catlike mammal [n]
Other moves: SOVIETIC L7 26, TERBIC 13B 26, CIVE B1 23, CIVET C5 23, VIBE B1 23
VICE B1 23 SuperH, woofy1
VET B3 13 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, EELY A12 31 --- EELY resembling an eel [adj]
Other moves: CENTILE 1B 30, EYE A13 25, LEY C7 25, ETERNITY 13A 24, ICY 1A 24
EYE A13 25 SuperH
ICY 1A 24 woofy1
VEINY 3B 22 rn.roselle

On 17th draw, INCUBI K7 20 --- INCUBUS a demon [n]
Other tops: FECIT 4A 20
Other moves: BI 2N 16, BITT C6 16, BO N2 16, BUTT C6 16, INWIT K7 16
FEW 9G 13 SuperH
DOW 9A 11 woofy1
WITS I12 8 cennet77
WERE M2 7 rn.roselle

On 18th draw, DRIP L12 26 --- DRIP to fall in drops [v]
Other moves: DIPT L12 22, PIT L10 22, PUTID 12H 22, TRIP L12 22, RID L10 20
DRIP L12 26 rn.roselle
PIT L10 22 woofy1, musdrive
WUD 10J 15 SuperH

On 19th draw, CUTTING 1B 33 --- CUTTING a section cut from a plant [n]
Other moves: OUTWING N8 26, PING 15L 21, PUNG 15L 21, FETING 4A 20, FEUING 4A 20
PING 15L 21 musdrive, SuperH, woofy1, rn.roselle
PUG 15L 6 cennet77

On 20th draw, QUIN 10J 33 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other tops: QUIN 14J 33
Other moves: QUIN H12 23, QIS I13 22, QUA G13 22, PING 15L 21, PUNG 15L 21
QUIN 10J 33 musdrive, woofy1
QUIN 14J 33 rn.roselle
QUA G13 22 SuperH

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