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Game of June 5, 2011 at 01:25, 6 players
1. AtommotA -544
2. annelhynz -581
3. olilia -615

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaceirs   H4    22    22   caesar
 2. aloprst   4H    76    98   caltrops
 3. eeinost   K4    82   180   teosinte
 4. ?bdemrt   M2    80   260   bromated
 5. ?acelqt  L11    48   308   talaq
 6. eiorswy   2I    44   352   owerby
 7. aeeiknn   J4    38   390   lake
 8. binorsw   1D    44   434   browns
 9. aeortuu  15J    45   479   roquet
10. aaijnou   O4    36   515   sajou
11. eilmnov  14I    32   547   melano
12. dehilux   2E    52   599   ex
13. acdiiln   6A    65   664   alcidine
14. adgginu   A5    30   694   gauding
15. adehitv   C3    34   728   vetch
16. afhipuv  15H    61   789   paroquet
17. adeghio   5C    33   822   taihoa
18. eeffinv   1N    23   845   fe
19. defiuvz   G8    28   873   zed
20. fgiiuvy   3A    37   910   vivify

Remaining tiles: giinu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5608 FileAtommotA    1 19:48  -544  366     1.6524 ceosickey   3 12:12  -638  272 
  2.4964 Fileannelhynz   0 20:14  -581  329     2.6990 bonggalita  1  3:45  -844   66 
  3.  -  Fileolilia      0 27:11  -615  295            Group: novice
  4.6524 Fileceosickey   3 12:12  -638  272     1.5608 AtommotA    1 19:48  -544  366 
  5.5369 FileELCEE       1  8:39  -793  117     2.5369 ELCEE       1  8:39  -793  117 
  6.6990 Filebonggalita  1  3:45  -844   66            Group: not rated
                                             1.4964 annelhynz   0 20:14  -581  329 
                                             2.  -  olilia      0 27:11  -615  295 

On 1st draw, CAESAR H4 22 --- CAESAR an emperor [n]
Other tops: CARIES H4 22, CERIAS H4 22
Other moves: AREIC H8 20, CARES H4 20, CARSE H4 20, CERIA H4 20, CIRES H4 20
CARES H4 20 olilia
SCARE H4 16 annelhynz

On 2nd draw, CALTROPS 4H 76 --- CALTROP a spiny plant [n]
Other tops: PATROLS 10B 76, PORTALS 10B 76
Other moves: PASTORAL 5B 70, PASTORAL 5G 70, PATROLS G8 68, PORTALS G8 68, PROLATES 6B 68
PROS 10E 17 olilia
PLEA 6F 12 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, TEOSINTE K4 82 --- TEOSINTE an annual grass [n]
NOISES O1 18 olilia
TENSE O1 15 annelhynz

On 4th draw, BROM(A)TED M2 80 --- BROMATE to combine with bromine [v]
Other moves: DR(U)MBEAT 5B 76, EMBR(U)TED 11E 74, TREMB(L)ED 11E 74, T(I)MBERED 11E 74, TREMB(L)ED 6B 70
L(O)BE J4 24 AtommotA
SM(A)RT O4 18 annelhynz
TRE(S) 12H 12 olilia

On 5th draw, T(A)LAQ L11 48 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other tops: SACQ(U)E O4 48, TAL(A)Q L11 48
Other moves: TAL(A)Q N6 44, T(A)LAQ N6 44, SQ(U)EAL O4 42, QATS O1 39, Q(U)EST O1 39
SQ(U)AT O4 39 AtommotA, annelhynz
ACE L11 12 olilia

On 6th draw, OWERBY 2I 44 --- OWERBY a little way over [adv]
Other moves: POWER N4 38, WEARY 14J 38, WEROS N6 37, WIRES N6 37, WISER N6 37
POWER N4 38 AtommotA
WORSE O1 24 olilia
QIS 15L 12 annelhynz

On 7th draw, LAKE J4 38 --- LAKE a sizable inland body of water [n]
Other tops: LEKE J4 38
Other moves: IKAN 1H 37, KEA J6 37, LEK J4 35, KA J6 34, KI J6 34
SKEIN O4 27 AtommotA
QI 15L 11 annelhynz
SAKE O4 8 olilia

On 8th draw, BROWNS 1D 44 --- BROWN to make brown [v]
Other moves: SWOB 1H 41, POWIN N4 38, WINOS N6 37, BRAWNS 14J 34, WINO N6 34
BROWN 1E 32 olilia
BISON 1E 23 AtommotA
ROW 1G 23 annelhynz

On 9th draw, ROQUET 15J 45 --- ROQUET to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet [v]
Other moves: QUAT 15L 39, AERO 2D 21, PATER N4 20, PETAR N4 20, PORAE N4 20
QUAT 15L 39 annelhynz
ERA 8M 9 olilia
ROUTER 9C 8 AtommotA

On 10th draw, SAJOU O4 36 --- SAJOU a long-tailed monkey [n]
Other moves: BAJAN D1 28, BANJO D1 28, BIJOU D1 28, JOIN G5 28, BAJU D1 26
SAJOU O4 36 ceosickey
JAIL 13I 19 annelhynz
ONE 6F 5 olilia

On 11th draw, MELANO 14I 32 --- MELANO an abnormally dark person or animal [n]
Other moves: EMO 2E 28, MOLINE N10 28, ENMOVE N10 26, MOVIE 2A 26, MOVIE N8 26
VOILE 13I 24 ceosickey
LIVE 2A 18 olilia
EVIL N9 18 AtommotA
OVEN G9 11 annelhynz

On 12th draw, EX 2E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: OXHIDE F1 35, HE 2F 31, EXUL N9 30, DEXIE 6D 29, HIED I7 29
EX 2E 52 AtommotA, ceosickey
LUXE 2A 26 olilia
OX F1 25 annelhynz

On 13th draw, ALCIDINE 6A 65 --- ALCIDINE pertaining to a family of seabirds [adj]
Other moves: BLAND D1 26, BLIND D1 26, BLAD D1 24, BLAIN D1 24, BLINI D1 24
CLAD 3B 18 ceosickey
AD 1N 14 annelhynz
CANDLE 6C 13 olilia
CALM I11 9 AtommotA

On 14th draw, GAUDING A5 30 --- GAUD to make merry [v]
Other moves: IGUANA A3 27, AUDING A6 24, DAGGA A5 24, GUANA A4 24, IGUANA A1 24
AGING A6 21 ceosickey
AGAIN A6 18 AtommotA
GAIN A5 15 olilia
AD 1N 14 annelhynz

On 15th draw, VETCH C3 34 --- VETCH a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: DETACH C2 32, BHAT D1 31, DITCH C3 30, HAED I7 29, HIED I7 29
VETCH C3 34 ceosickey
CHAVE C6 21 annelhynz
HATE G8 16 olilia
RETIED E1 14 AtommotA

On 16th draw, PAROQUET 15H 61 --- PAROQUET a small parrot [n]
Other moves: FAH 13G 28, HAUF 13G 26, PAH 13G 26, PUH 13G 26, FASHES 7F 25
AH 1N 20 ELCEE, annelhynz
REPAID E1 18 AtommotA
HIVER J11 17 ceosickey
IF F6 5 olilia

On 17th draw, TAIHOA 5C 33 --- TAIHOA (Maori) wait, slow down [interj]
Other moves: THIG 5C 30, HAED I7 29, HIED I7 29, HAE I7 27, HIE I7 27
HIED I7 29 ceosickey
AH 1N 20 annelhynz
HOAGIE G8 20 AtommotA
HAIR 9E 8 olilia

On 18th draw, FE 1N 23 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: EEVN J9 21, *FF J10 21, EVENER J10 21, IFF J10 21, *FF N9 20
EVE J10 18 bonggalita
FIVER J11 17 ceosickey
EF N9 16 AtommotA
FEVER 9D 12 olilia, ELCEE

On 19th draw, ZED G8 28 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: FUZED G8 27, FUZE G8 25, FEZ G8 24, DIVE 8J 22, FEUD B9 22
ZED G8 28 bonggalita, ELCEE
FEZ G8 24 ceosickey
DIVE 8J 22 AtommotA
ZA 8G 11 olilia

On 20th draw, VIVIFY 3A 37 --- VIVIFY to give life to [v]
Other moves: FY B9 34, YUG B10 31, YU B10 29, FY 3E 27, YUG 8C 25
FIG F9 20 AtommotA
IVY N9 20 bonggalita
FY J11 14 olilia

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