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Game of June 5, 2011 at 02:59, 7 players
1. hulusian -541
2. Grace_Tjie -599
3. bonggalita -617

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eejnrtv   H4    26    26   ventre
 2. ?adllmt   5G    70    96   metalled
 3. agioruz   L1    48   144   zoril
 4. ahnnotw   1K    51   195   azoth
 5. eilnpsu  10B    73   268   lineups
 6. aajmnop   3G    34   302   jap
 7. aabegot   8F    62   364   abrogate
 8. ceeinrs   N8    84   448   scriene
 9. deiknos  15K    52   500   nkosi
10. adegios   D7    74   574   agonised
11. ?deinot   C1    73   647   tenioid
12. cehilnv   1A    48   695   vetch
13. aaforwy  12H    40   735   wayfare
14. bdegtux   9H    46   781   exude
15. eiimnow  10J    38   819   mower
16. aiorrtu  O12    27   846   roti
17. efilnqy   6F    37   883   liney
18. abfginr  H12    30   913   waif
19. bginqru   4A    46   959   quin

Remaining tiles: bgiru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4145 Filehulusian    1 22:00  -541  418     1.6975 bonggalita  2 10:43  -617  342 
  2.3903 FileGrace_Tjie  0 17:01  -599  360     2.6052 TwoFold     1  9:52  -695  264 
  3.6975 Filebonggalita  2 10:43  -617  342     3.6167 lastlea     0  5:30  -875   84 
  4.6052 FileTwoFold     1  9:52  -695  264            Group: novice
  5.6167 Filelastlea     0  5:30  -875   84     1.5828 SPIDER767   0  1:49  -937   22 
  6.4287 Filelyndyloo    0  3:11  -908   51            Group: not rated
  7.5828 FileSPIDER767   0  1:49  -937   22     1.4145 hulusian    1 22:00  -541  418 
                                             2.3903 Grace_Tjie  0 17:01  -599  360 
                                             3.4287 lyndyloo    0  3:11  -908   51 

On 1st draw, VENTRE H4 26 --- VENTRE to venture [v]
Other tops: VENTER H4 26
Other moves: JEER H5 22, JEER H6 22, JEER H7 22, JEER H8 22, JETE H5 22
JET H8 20 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, METALL(E)D 5G 70 --- METAL to cover with metal (any of various ductile, fusible, and lustrous substances) [v]
Other tops: M(E)TALLED 5B 70
Other moves: METALL(E)D 9G 64, M(E)TALLED 9B 63, M(E)DAL 10F 26, M(O)DAL 10F 26, TALM(U)D 10C 25
MAD G9 16 Grace_Tjie
D(E)VALL 4F 9 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, ZORIL L1 48 --- ZORIL a small African mammal [n]
Other moves: GAZON 6D 39, ZONA 6F 39, AZON 6E 37, ZIN 6F 36, GAZAR J4 35
AZO J5 32 lastlea
AZUR(E) M1 26 lyndyloo
GAZ(E) M2 26 hulusian
ZERO 9G 24 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, AZOTH 1K 51 --- AZOTH mercury [n]
Other moves: ZONA 1L 39, WHOOT 2J 38, ANOW 6G 34, WHORT 3I 30, NAH 6H 29
NOW 6H 29 lastlea
HOW G9 22 Grace_Tjie
WAND N2 16 hulusian

On 5th draw, LINEUPS 10B 73 --- LINEUP a row of persons [n]
Other tops: LUPINES 10B 73, SPINULE 10H 73, UNPILES 10B 73
Other moves: UNPILES G8 66, LINEUPS I9 64, LUPINES I9 64, SPINULE I9 64, PURLINES 8F 61
SUPINE 10H 24 hulusian
UNPILES 10B 23 lastlea
PEN 6F 15 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, JAP 3G 34 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other tops: JAM 3G 34
Other moves: JAAP 3G 33, PAJAMA J4 33, JAMPAN 3D 32, JAPAN J2 32, JAPAN 9A 30
JAPAN J2 32 hulusian
JEAN E9 22 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, ABROGATE 8F 62 --- ABROGATE to abolish by authoritative action [v]
Other moves: BEGAT J2 29, GAVOT 4F 28, AGAVE 4E 26, BETA J2 25, GAVE 4F 25
BEGOT E9 16 Grace_Tjie, lyndyloo
BEGET E9 16 hulusian

On 8th draw, SCRIENE N8 84 --- SCRIENE a screen [n]
Other tops: SINCERE N8 84
TRENDIES N1 34 bonggalita
SCENE N8 21 Grace_Tjie
SAC J4 11 hulusian

On 9th draw, NKOSI 15K 52 --- NKOSI (South Africa) term of address to a superior [n]
Other moves: DESK 15L 43, DISK 15L 43, DESK O12 42, DOEK O12 42, SNOEK O11 39
DESK 15L 43 hulusian
KIND 13L 18 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, AGONISED D7 74 --- AGONISE to suffer agony [v]
Other moves: DIAGNOSE D6 72, GOLIASED B8 70, ANODISE 6G 43, DISA 6J 34, DOSE 6J 34
GAVE 4F 25 bonggalita
NOD 6H 17 hulusian
GRADE 3K 14 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, TENIO(I)D C1 73 --- TENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other tops: INTO(N)ED C1 73, IN(G)OTED C1 73, I(N)TONED C1 73, NOI(N)TED C1 73, NOTI(C)ED C1 73, TEN(I)OID C1 73, (C)TENOID C1 73, (D)ENTOID C1 73, (J)OINTED C1 73, (L)ENTOID C1 73, (N)OINTED C1 73, (P)OINTED C1 73, (S)TONIED C1 73
Other moves: ENTOI(L)ED 12H 72, NODDIE(S)T 14A 72, NODDIE(S)T 14B 72, O(R)IENTED 12H 72, DE(L)ETION 13C 70
N(A)VE 4F 22 TwoFold
TIDED 14B 22 hulusian
DEL(E)TION B8 16 bonggalita
DINE(R) 12K 10 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, VETCH 1A 48 --- VETCH a climbing plant [n]
Other tops: THIVEL 1C 48
Other moves: ELTCHI 1A 42, LETCH 1A 39, TINCHEL 1C 39, ELENCH 2A 38, VEHICLE 12H 38
VETCH 1A 48 bonggalita
LETCH 1A 39 TwoFold
VITE 1A 24 Grace_Tjie, hulusian

On 13th draw, WAYFARE 12H 40 --- WAYFARE to travel [v]
Other moves: FATWA 7F 38, AWAY C12 35, FROWY E3 35, *F*Y C12 35, ANOW 6G 34
FAIRY 4A 30 bonggalita
NOW 6H 29 TwoFold
FROWN K11 22 Grace_Tjie
FEW 13C 18 hulusian

On 14th draw, EXUDE 9H 46 --- EXUDE to ooze forth [v]
Other moves: DEX 13G 43, TEX 13G 41, TIX 11C 40, EX 13H 39, GIBED C9 39
DEX 13G 43 bonggalita
EXIT 4A 24 hulusian
DEX 13C 22 TwoFold
AXED I12 20 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, MOWER 10J 38 --- MOWER one that mows [n]
Other moves: MOW 10J 36, ENDOW 14B 34, ENOW 6G 34, INDEW 14B 34, INDOW 14B 34
MOW 13G 29 bonggalita
MOW C13 27 TwoFold
WINE H12 21 hulusian
MEW 13C 16 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, ROTI O12 27 --- ROTI an unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: ORA O11 26, CRUOR D1 24, AVO 4G 23, OR O11 23, WAIR H12 21
WART H12 21 Grace_Tjie, hulusian
WORT H12 21 TwoFold
WAYFARER 12H 18 bonggalita

On 17th draw, LINEY 6F 37 --- LINEY resembling a line [adj]
Other moves: QI 14J 33, CLEF D1 32, FEY 13G 31, FEY C13 31, FY D4 31
QI 14J 33 bonggalita
FEY 13G 31 TwoFold
WILY H12 30 hulusian
QIS 12B 12 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, WAIF H12 30 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: FAB C13 29, FIB C13 29, FARDING 14A 28, FAG C13 27, FIG C13 27
WARB H12 27 hulusian, TwoFold
BLARING B9 20 bonggalita
GRIN 4A 14 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, QUIN 4A 46 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: QI 14J 33, QUIN 14F 33, Q(I) 6B 30, QUERN 13B 28, QUID 14A 28
QUIN 4A 46 bonggalita, hulusian, TwoFold
QUIN 14F 33 Grace_Tjie

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