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Game of June 5, 2011 at 06:08, 8 players
1. kellybelly -343
2. yab -380
3. TwoFold -398

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceeorst   H3    22    22   screet
 2. ??aanor   5D    74    96   rosarian
 3. aeemnvw   6J    36   132   weave
 4. adiotty   O6    43   175   dittay
 5. afilost   7B    64   239   foliates
 6. abdeoru   D7    74   313   laboured
 7. acdegou  N10    36   349   douce
 8. aegrrtz  15L    78   427   zeta
 9. deilnrw   3H    82   509   swindler
10. eginoor  13G    76   585   orogenic
11. ajmopsx   2I    55   640   ox
12. ehiprst   1C    95   735   hipster
13. beginsv   8A    39   774   besang
14. egilouu  H11    21   795   lurgi
15. iklmnou   O1    45   840   mirk
16. aaeilpy   4A    35   875   palay
17. hiinoqv   2D    33   908   noh
18. efimnuv  C13    29   937   fem
19. iijnquv   L8    50   987   quinin

Remaining tiles: jv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7077 Filekellybelly  4 11:07  -343  644     1.7077 kellybelly  4 11:07  -343  644 
  2.6413 Fileyab         6 20:34  -380  607            Group: intermediate
  3.6082 FileTwoFold     3 17:31  -398  589     1.6413 yab         6 20:34  -380  607 
  4.4285 Filelyndyloo    0 10:16  -803  184     2.6082 TwoFold     3 17:31  -398  589 
  5.3997 Filestana       0  3:02  -900   87            Group: novice
  6.5374 FileELCEE       0  0:33  -942   45     1.5374 ELCEE       0  0:33  -942   45 
  7.4967 Fileslebbarc    1  1:28  -947   40     2.5609 AtommotA    0  1:27  -957   30 
  8.5609 FileAtommotA    0  1:27  -957   30            Group: not rated
                                             1.4285 lyndyloo    0 10:16  -803  184 
                                             2.3997 stana       0  3:02  -900   87 
                                             3.4967 slebbarc    1  1:28  -947   40 

On 1st draw, SCREET H3 22 --- SCREET (English dialect) to shed tears [v]
Other tops: CERTES H4 22, CORSET H4 22, COSTER H4 22, RESECT H8 22, SCOTER H3 22, SCROTE H3 22
Other moves: CERES H4 20, CEROS H4 20, CERTS H4 20, CETES H4 20, CORES H4 20
CORSET H4 22 TwoFold, yab
COSTER H4 22 kellybelly, slebbarc

On 2nd draw, RO(S)AR(I)AN 5D 74 --- ROSARIAN a cultivator of roses [n]
Other tops: A(U)ROR(E)AN 5D 74, NARRA(T)O(R) 5E 74, NA(R)RA(T)OR 5E 74, ORAR(I)AN(S) 5E 74, (B)ARRAN(C)O 5E 74, (M)*RR*N*(S) 5E 74, (T)ARRA(G)ON 5E 74
Other moves: AR(G)ONA(U)T 8A 71, AR(R)O(G)ANT 8A 71, A(E)RONA(U)T 8A 71, A(R)RO(G)ANT 8A 71, RA(I)N(C)OAT 8A 71
AR(S)ON 9F 14 TwoFold
ON(E)R(S) 9D 12 kellybelly
SCREET(S) H3 8 yab

On 3rd draw, WEAVE 6J 36 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: NAVEW 4A 33, WAVE 6J 33, MAVEN 4A 32, NAVEWS 3C 32, SWEVEN 3H 32
WEAVE 6J 36 yab
WAVE 6J 33 kellybelly, TwoFold
WAVER D1 30 lyndyloo
WAVE J4 18 slebbarc

On 4th draw, DITTAY O6 43 --- DITTAY a legal charge in Scots law [n]
Other tops: TODAY O4 43
Other moves: DITTY O6 40, DOTTY O6 40, DOTY O6 37, DAY O6 34, DOY O6 34
TODAY O4 43 yab
DOTTY O6 40 kellybelly, TwoFold
DAVY M4 15 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, FOLIATES 7B 64 --- FOLIATE to hammer into thin plates [v]
Other moves: FAILS N10 50, FASTI N10 50, F*TS* N10 50, FOALS N10 50, FOILS N10 50
FAILS N10 50 TwoFold, kellybelly, yab
FEAL 7G 18 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, LABOURED D7 74 --- LABOUR to labor [v]
Other moves: TABOURED G7 67, BARDE N10 43, BARDO N10 43, BARED N10 43, BOARD N10 43
BARED N10 43 kellybelly, yab
BOARD N10 43 TwoFold
BRAVED M3 26 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, DOUCE N10 36 --- DOUCE sedate [adj]
Other moves: ADDUCE 14B 32, CAGED 4A 31, CODEC 4H 31, COUVADE M3 30, CADGE 4J 29
DOUCE N10 36 kellybelly, yab
DOC N10 22 TwoFold
CAGED 13A 18 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, ZETA 15L 78 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: (S)TARGAZER F5 72, ZETA 4A 50, GRAZE 4B 46, GAZE 4C 44, RAZE 4C 42
ZA 8A 38 kellybelly, TwoFold
DAZER 14D 35 lyndyloo
TZAR 15K 32 yab

On 9th draw, SWINDLER 3H 82 --- SWINDLER one that swindles [n]
Other moves: DEWANI 8A 44, DEWAN 8A 39, DISCREETER H1 39, REWAN 8A 36, INDEW 14B 34
WIRED 4A 33 kellybelly
WILDED 14A 30 lyndyloo
WED C13 27 TwoFold
WE 8A 20 yab

On 10th draw, OROGENIC 13G 76 --- OROGENIC pertaining to orogeny [adj] --- OROGENY mountain formation by lifting and folding [adj]
Other moves: RODEOING 14B 74, GOIER 2J 38, GRENZ L11 30, GOONIE C10 28, GOORIE C10 28
RODEOING 14B 24 kellybelly
GOO 2J 20 TwoFold
GORE O1 18 yab

On 11th draw, OX 2I 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 2I 55
Other moves: JARP O1 48, JARPS H11 45, JORAM H11 45, MOPUS 12K 44, MOXAS 4A 40
AX 2I 55 kellybelly
OX 2I 55 TwoFold, yab

On 12th draw, HIPSTER 1C 95 --- HIPSTER done that is hip [n]
Other moves: SUPERHIT 11C 76, TROPHIES 10B 73, PERISH 1D 51, PISHER 1D 48, SERIPH 1D 45
HIPSTER 1C 45 yab
PITH 1F 36 kellybelly
SHIP 1F 35 TwoFold
SATE L5 12 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, BESANG 8A 39 --- BESING to celebrate in song [v]
Other moves: VERB O1 36, NEGUS 12K 35, VIBES 4A 34, NEBRIS H10 33, VERBS H11 33
VERB O1 36 yab, kellybelly
BRIG H12 30 AtommotA
VINE 2B 25 TwoFold

On 14th draw, LURGI H11 21 --- LURGI a fictitious disease [n]
Other tops: GRUE H12 21, LOURIE H10 21
Other moves: ERGO H12 18, GEL E11 18, GIRL O1 18, GIRO O1 18, GLUE 4A 18
GIRL O1 18 kellybelly
OURIE H11 18 yab
GIE 2A 13 TwoFold

On 15th draw, MIRK O1 45 --- MIRK dark [adj] --- MIRK darkness [n]
Other tops: MURK O1 45
Other moves: LIRK O1 39, LURK O1 39, NORK O1 39, MOKI 4C 31, KILO 4A 30
MURK O1 45 kellybelly
MIRK O1 45 yab
KINO 2B 27 TwoFold
BLINK A8 16 stana

On 16th draw, PALAY 4A 35 --- PALAY the ivory-tree [n]
Other moves: APAY C12 31, YAP C11 31, YEP C11 31, PLAYA 4B 30, YIPE 4A 30
YAP C13 29 kellybelly
PLAY 4B 27 TwoFold
LAYUP 11A 20 yab

On 17th draw, NOH 2D 33 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other moves: HIE 6F 32, OH 2E 30, QUINOL 11C 30, HI 2F 28, HO 2F 28
NOH 2D 33 TwoFold
QI 2B 27 kellybelly
QUIN 11C 26 stana, yab

On 18th draw, FEM C13 29 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other moves: NEF C11 26, FEN C13 25, FEU C13 25, FIE C13 25, FIN C13 25
EME N1 22 kellybelly
MEN C11 20 TwoFold
FUME 11C 18 yab

On 19th draw, QUININ L8 50 --- QUININ an alkaloid [n]
Other moves: QUIP A1 45, QUOIN 10B 36, QUINIE K8 30, JIG 14F 29, JUG 14F 29
QUIP A1 45 kellybelly, stana, ELCEE, TwoFold
QUOIN 10B 36 yab

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