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Game of June 5, 2011 at 07:38, 8 players
1. mylover81 -329
2. Faeythe -596
3. AtommotA -712

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeirstx   H3    42    42   axites
 2. ?einosw   2H    97   139   townies
 3. defhiir   1L    49   188   heid
 4. eopqrsy   G3    46   234   posey
 5. aacelrt   4G    30   264   oxcart
 6. adeostv   F6    41   305   voted
 7. eknnoqu   8A    33   338   unkent
 8. adlmptu   C3    26   364   uptalk
 9. delmoru   8H    86   450   smoulder
10. ?aclnrv   N7    78   528   vernacle
11. aabeeis  15K    43   571   abase
12. aagiqrt   6B    32   603   qat
13. aiorrtw  13I    26   629   worral
14. aefiotz   D1    56   685   zite
15. aeiimnr   A8    83   768   urinemia
16. beginoo   1A    57   825   boozing
17. defghuy  B12    44   869   defy
18. afggiil   2A    24   893   if
19. eghjlou  C10    45   938   jehu

Remaining tiles: aggilo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6513 Filemylover81   4 20:00  -329  609     1.6513 mylover81   4 20:00  -329  609 
  2.5650 FileFaeythe     2  9:16  -596  342     2.6313 Louis1      0  6:27  -802  136 
  3.5630 FileAtommotA    0 10:00  -712  226            Group: novice
  4.6313 FileLouis1      0  6:27  -802  136     1.5650 Faeythe     2  9:16  -596  342 
  5.2700 Filesathish     1  5:57  -847   91     2.5630 AtommotA    0 10:00  -712  226 
  6.5381 FileELCEE       0  3:40  -896   42     3.5381 ELCEE       0  3:40  -896   42 
  7.4283 Filelyndyloo    0  0:24  -910   28            Group: not rated
  8.4335 FileCruiser     0  1:05  -927   11     1.2700 sathish     1  5:57  -847   91 
                                             2.4283 lyndyloo    0  0:24  -910   28 
                                             3.4335 Cruiser     0  1:05  -927   11 

On 1st draw, AXITES H3 42 --- AXITE a fiber of an axon [n]
Other tops: EXTRAS H3 42
Other moves: RETAX H8 40, AXITES H4 28, AXITES H7 28, AXITES H8 28, EXTRAS H4 28
RETAX H8 40 AtommotA, mylover81

On 2nd draw, (T)OWNIES 2H 97 --- TOWNIE a nonstudent who lives in a college town [n] --- TOWNY townie [n]
Other moves: WINESO(P) I3 91, SWINE(P)OX 4A 86, (T)WONIES 2H 85, SNOWIES(T) 8H 83, WINESO(P)S 8A 83
SWINE(S) I2 35 mylover81
WINE I3 33 AtommotA

On 3rd draw, HEID 1L 49 --- HEID a head [n]
Other moves: HEIR 1L 46, DEIF 1L 39, FEH G3 36, FEH 1M 34, FED G3 32
HEID 1L 49 mylover81
HID 1M 28 AtommotA

On 4th draw, POSEY G3 46 --- POSEY adopting poses for effects [adj]
Other moves: YEPS G3 37, PEROXY 4D 36, POSER G3 34, PYREX 4D 34, YEP G3 34
YEPS G3 37 mylover81
YEP G3 34 Louis1
YEPS G7 27 AtommotA

On 5th draw, OXCART 4G 30 --- OXCART an ox-drawn cart [n]
Other moves: OXALATE 4G 28, RECTAL F6 23, TARCEL F6 23, CATALPA 3B 22, LACER F6 22
LACER F6 22 Louis1, AtommotA
LACE F6 19 mylover81

On 6th draw, VOTED F6 41 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: VADOSE F6 40, VADES F6 39, VESTA F6 38, VOTES F6 38, VADE F6 36
VOTED F6 41 mylover81
VADES F6 39 Louis1
VAST F6 35 AtommotA

On 7th draw, UNKENT 8A 33 --- UNKENT not known or recognized [adj]
Other tops: UNKNOT 8A 33
Other moves: KON 3M 31, KO 3M 29, ROQUE K4 28, QUEEN 9C 25, KUNE E3 23
QUEEN 9C 25 AtommotA
EVET 6E 7 mylover81

On 8th draw, UPTALK C3 26 --- UPTALK to end a declarative sentence with a rising intonation [v]
Other moves: DUMPLE D3 22, LAMPED D4 22, LUMPED D4 22, PALMED D4 22, PLUMATE D2 22
MAP G9 20 mylover81
RAMP K4 16 Louis1

On 9th draw, SMOULDER 8H 86 --- SMOULDER to burn with no flame [v]
Other moves: MOULDER G9 75, REMOULD G9 68, REMOUD B1 43, LOUED B2 35, MENUDO B6 31
MORE D1 28 mylover81
MOULDER G9 25 Faeythe, Louis1
MOULDER 10B 16 AtommotA
SELDOM 8H 10 sathish

On 10th draw, VERNACL(E) N7 78 --- VERNACLE a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face [n]
Other moves: N(O)VERCAL N5 68, CRAVENL(Y) N4 66, NOV(E)RCAL J7 64, ENCLAV(E) N8 34, V(A)RA D1 30
VAR(E) D1 28 mylover81
RAV(E)L G9 15 Faeythe
CLU(E) 3A 5 sathish

On 11th draw, ABASE 15K 43 --- ABASE to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem [v]
Other moves: BASE 15L 40, BISE 15L 40, BANIAS B6 28, BASE D1 28, BISE D1 28
ABASE 15K 43 mylover81, Faeythe, sathish

On 12th draw, QAT 6B 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUAIR K7 28, QUART K7 28, QUIRT K7 28, AGRIA D1 26, GAIR D3 25
QAT 6B 32 Faeythe, mylover81
QUIRT K7 28 lyndyloo
QAT 5A 12 sathish

On 13th draw, WORRAL 13I 26 --- WORRAL a monitor lizard [n]
Other moves: ARIOT D2 22, TRAIT D2 22, TROAT D2 22, WORRIT 14F 21, ARTI D1 20
TRAWL 13J 16 Faeythe
TAW 5C 14 mylover81
OB L14 4 sathish

On 14th draw, ZITE D1 56 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: ZATI D1 56, ZETA D1 56
Other moves: ZEA 12J 41, ZOA 12J 41, AZOTE 14E 39, FAZE 12H 38, ZITE 14F 38
ZOOEA J6 36 Faeythe
EF 14I 31 mylover81
FATED 10B 17 sathish

On 15th draw, URINEMIA A8 83 --- URINEMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other moves: MERIDIAN 10B 67, MAIZE 1A 48, MIRZA 1A 48, MINIER 9I 31, MIRIER 9I 31
MAIZE 1A 48 mylover81, Faeythe

On 16th draw, BOOZING 1A 57 --- BOOZE to drink liquor excessively [v] --- BOOZING an act of boozing [n]
Other moves: BONZE 1A 48, BOOZE 1A 48, GINZO 1A 45, GONZO 1A 45, BIOG(E)N 14J 38
BOOZE 1A 48 mylover81
GONZO 1A 45 Faeythe

On 17th draw, DEFY B12 44 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other moves: DEFY 14H 43, HYE 14J 41, FEH B10 37, DEFY B10 36, FEH 14H 35
HEY 14H 35 mylover81, Faeythe

On 18th draw, IF 2A 24 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FAG G9 23, FAIL G9 23, FIG G9 23, FILA G9 23, FIL G9 22
FAG G9 23 mylover81
FLOG J6 16 Faeythe

On 19th draw, JEHU C10 45 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JEU 12J 35, JOE 12J 35, JOLE 14F 32, EH 14I 31, OH 14I 31
OH 14I 31 Faeythe, mylover81
JUG K7 11 Cruiser

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