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Game of June 5, 2011 at 20:37, 8 players
1. woofy1 -388
2. naomiari -530
3. space -590

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeentv   H3    76    76   aventre
 2. ?ddeioy   5E    44   120   yodeled
 3. abeioot   6F    37   157   bonito
 4. aeiiort   7G    22   179   ottar
 5. aeflnns  10B    80   259   fannels
 6. dgiorsu   4J    28   287   gourds
 7. aagijnr   4A    47   334   jirga
 8. aaeinpq   A4    42   376   japan
 9. abinpst   8K    36   412   spait
10. fikmorr   O1    36   448   frisk
11. aciostw   D7    78   526   wainscot
12. aeehinw   2J    40   566   whiner
13. eelmnrt   M7    78   644   lamenter
14. eeghoux  N10    52   696   xu
15. beegioy  O11    41   737   beigy
16. cdeehlr   F8    66   803   cheerled
17. aeilmoq   1L    44   847   qi
18. ailmoou   3B    31   878   louma
19. eeiouvz   2F    62   940   zo

Remaining tiles: eeiuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6224 Filewoofy1      4 24:13  -388  552     1.6224 woofy1      4 24:13  -388  552 
  2.4745 Filenaomiari    1 18:37  -530  410     2.6980 bonggalita  3 10:04  -629  311 
  3.4897 Filespace       0 18:39  -590  350            Group: novice
  4.5663 FileAtommotA    3 18:33  -601  339     1.5663 AtommotA    3 18:33  -601  339 
  5.6980 Filebonggalita  3 10:04  -629  311     2.5821 FourShores  0  9:08  -784  156 
  6.3369 Fileolilia      0 23:03  -642  298     3.5663 Faeythe     2  3:52  -793  147 
  7.5821 FileFourShores  0  9:08  -784  156            Group: not rated
  8.5663 FileFaeythe     2  3:52  -793  147     1.4745 naomiari    1 18:37  -530  410 
                                             2.4897 space       0 18:39  -590  350 
                                             3.3369 olilia      0 23:03  -642  298 

On 1st draw, AVENT(R)E H3 76 --- AVENTRE to thrust [v]
Other tops: NAVET(T)E H2 76, NAVE(T)TE H2 76, VENTA(G)E H4 76, VETE(R)AN H4 76
Other moves: AVENT(R)E H2 70, AVENT(R)E H4 70, AVENT(R)E H6 70, AVENT(R)E H8 70, NAVET(T)E H3 70
VENTE(D) H4 24 naomiari, woofy1
EVENT(S) H3 24 olilia, FourShores
TAVE(R)N H8 16 space

On 2nd draw, YODE(L)ED 5E 44 --- YODEL to sing with a fluctuating voice [v]
Other moves: DAY(S)IDE 3G 34, DID(D)Y 10F 32, DOD(D)Y 10F 32, DOD(G)Y 10F 32, (V)IDEOED 5E 32
DID(D)Y 10F 32 woofy1
(S)ODDY 10H 22 FourShores
VIDEO(E)D 4H 22 AtommotA
D(R)Y I1 19 olilia
YEN 6F 14 space
YE 9G 9 naomiari

On 3rd draw, BONITO 6F 37 --- BONITO a marine food fish [n]
Other tops: BINATE 6F 37, BONITA 6F 37
Other moves: BONIE 6F 33, EBON 6E 30, OBOVATE 4E 30, BANI 6F 26, BENI 6F 26
EBON 6E 30 AtommotA
TAB 6D 26 FourShores, woofy1
TAB 4C 17 naomiari
TABOO 6A 14 olilia

On 4th draw, OTTAR 7G 22 --- OTTAR a fragrant oil [n]
Other moves: ROTTE 7E 20, TORTE 7E 20, TEAR 4C 18, TIAR 4C 18, RATIO 4A 17
TEAR 4C 18 naomiari
TAR 4D 16 woofy1
TARE 4J 15 FourShores
RATE 3G 6 olilia
(R)ATIO 8H 5 AtommotA

On 5th draw, FANNELS 10B 80 --- FANNEL a strip of material worn on a priest's arm [n]
Other moves: FANNELS G9 74, FANNELS I9 74, FANNELS 3G 30, ALEFS 4B 29, LEAFS 4B 29
FES 10F 24 woofy1
FEALS G9 22 FourShores
FLANS G9 22 olilia
SELF 10H 19 space

On 6th draw, GOURDS 4J 28 --- GOURD a hard-shelled fruit [n]
Other tops: GUIROS 4A 28
Other moves: SUDOR 8K 26, GOURD 4J 24, DUROS 4B 22, GIROS 4B 22, GODS 4J 22
SOD 9A 16 woofy1
GRINS E7 12 naomiari
SOD L7 11 FourShores
RAGS 3G 8 olilia

On 7th draw, JIRGA 4A 47 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other tops: JAGRA 4A 47
Other moves: GARJAN 4A 42, JAGIR C9 42, JAGRA C9 42, JARINA C9 42, JAI 9C 39
JAI 9C 39 woofy1
JIGS O1 36 space, olilia
JA 9C 36 FourShores
JARS O1 33 naomiari

On 8th draw, JAPAN A4 42 --- JAPAN to coat with a glossy, black lacquer [v]
Other moves: PEAN 3B 29, QADI N2 28, QAID N1 28, PAESANI O1 27, ASPINE O3 24
QAID N1 28 naomiari
PIE 9C 19 woofy1
PANS O1 18 olilia, space

On 9th draw, SPAIT 8K 36 --- SPAIT a sudden overflow of a stream [n]
Other tops: SPAIN 8K 36, SPINA 8K 36
Other moves: SIB 9A 35, SIP 9A 35, PTISAN B2 30, SABIN 8K 30, STIPA 8K 30
SPAIN 8K 36 AtommotA, woofy1
BINS O1 18 naomiari, space
SAINTS O4 18 olilia

On 10th draw, FRISK O1 36 --- FRISK to move or leap about playfully [v]
Other moves: KAFIR C9 34, KIFS O1 33, FAKIR C9 32, KARRI C9 28, MAIKO C9 28
FRISK O1 36 AtommotA
KOI 7M 27 woofy1
KORS O1 24 space
KRIS O1 24 naomiari
KOI N6 17 olilia

On 11th draw, WAINSCOT D7 78 --- WAINSCOT to line the walls of with wooden paneling [v]
Other moves: WAINSCOT E7 76, TWISCAR 2I 40, CASTOR 2J 28, COSTAR 2J 28, WAACS C9 28
AWAITS M8 26 AtommotA
AW 9L 22 woofy1
CAW I1 21 bonggalita
STRAW C2 16 space
WARTS C2 16 naomiari
WONS D8 11 olilia

On 12th draw, WHINER 2J 40 --- WHINER one that whines [n]
Other moves: HAWSE 11A 36, WAHINE B1 36, WANIER 2J 34, WEANER 2J 34, WEINER 2J 34
HAW C13 30 bonggalita, woofy1
WHITEN 14A 28 naomiari
WHERE C1 22 AtommotA
WHITE 14A 22 olilia
WHINE N6 21 space

On 13th draw, LAMENTER M7 78 --- LAMENTER one that laments [n]
Other moves: RETIME B1 30, ERMINE B1 28, TEMSE 11A 27, LAMETER M7 26, MANTEEL M7 26
EME 1K 22 woofy1
MELTER 14A 20 space
MEN C13 20 bonggalita
MEER C1 12 naomiari
RENT 14A 8 olilia

On 14th draw, XU N10 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: EXO 1K 42, EX 1K 39, OX 1K 39, HEX C13 38, XU 1L 36
XU N10 52 bonggalita, AtommotA, woofy1
HEX 10L 29 naomiari, olilia
TEX 14D 26 space

On 15th draw, BEIGY O11 41 --- BEIGY relating to the color beige [adj]
Other tops: BOGEY O11 41
Other moves: YBORE 14J 36, YGOE 1H 34, BEERY 14J 32, BEIGE O11 32, BOGIE O11 32
BEY C13 26 bonggalita
BEEF 1L 23 AtommotA
EGO 1H 17 naomiari, woofy1
GORY 14K 16 space
YET 14B 12 olilia

On 16th draw, CHEERLED F8 66 --- CHEERLEAD to call for and direct organized cheering, as at a football game [v]
Other moves: LETCHED 14B 42, RETCHED 14B 42, CHIDER B2 39, LETCH 14B 36, RETCH 14B 36
HEIRED B2 35 bonggalita
PEH L8 25 olilia
HER C13 24 woofy1, AtommotA
HOLDER 13C 22 space
CHEER 14I 18 naomiari
LOCH 13C 18 Faeythe

On 17th draw, QI 1L 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QORMA C2 32, LEAM 3B 29, LOAM 3B 29, MEAL 3B 29, LOAM 1I 26
QI 1L 44 woofy1, Faeythe, bonggalita
QAT 14B 24 naomiari
DOME 15F 21 space
MO 1I 9 olilia

On 18th draw, LOUMA 3B 31 --- LOUMA a weekly market in rural areas of developing countries [n]
Other moves: LOAM 3B 29, MAUL 3B 29, DOLIUM 15F 27, IDOLUM 15E 27, OUMA 3C 27
AM N14 23 Faeythe
DOOM 15F 21 naomiari, space, AtommotA, bonggalita
MOO 1H 20 woofy1

On 19th draw, ZO 2F 62 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEE C13 48, DOZE 15F 42, DZO 15F 39, POZ L8 37, FUZEE B10 34
ZO 2F 62 bonggalita, Faeythe, naomiari, woofy1
DOZE 15F 42 space, AtommotA

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