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Game sheet of woofy1 (file), Game of June 6, 2011 at 08:02

Word find
Word played
1 DEEGRUY             GREEDY H7 30 30  
2 ?DILNOU DO(E) G9 14 -58 14 2/4 (W)OUNDILY 12A 72 102 3/4
3 AFOSTTW AW G8 20 -45 34 2/4 FORSWATT 8F 65 167 3/4
4 EIMOSUZ ZEES 10F 33 -39 67 3/3 ZOOMS B10 72 239 3/4
5 ACDIOSY CODA C7 23 -55 90 1/3 DYSTOCIA L5 78 317 3/4
6 BEEGORT BEG K11 22 -4 112 2/3 BEGET K11 26 343 3/4
7 AEIIOTT TOTTIE 15H 21   133 1/3       364 3/4
8 ?CIJORW JOW(S) N12 32 -25 165 1/3 JORU(M) C9 57 421 3/4
9 AEENNRS ERAS D7 26 -60 191 1/3 ENSNARED 5E 86 507 2/4
10 ADIILNR RIA A8 21 -49 212 1/3 DRAILING 7A 70 577 2/4
11 AELPTVW VADE A5 24 -15 236 2/3 VELDT A4 39 616 2/4
12 AELNOUX EXON 14K 33 -8 269 1/3 AXED 11E 41 657 2/4
13 AAILMOU LIMA D6 18 -13 287 1/2 GLOAM 13K 31 688 1/4
14 AAEIKNO MAK O13 27 -11 314 1/2 KANAE N10 38 726 1/4
15 BEGIORU BIOG O8 30 -5 344 1/2 BOUGIE O6 35 761 1/4
16 AFIINPU MAP O13 23 -4 367 1/2 PFUI 4D 27 788 1/4
17 ACHINRV MAC O13 23 -7 390 1/3 CHINA N2 30 818 1/5
18 AEHQRVW WHA O1 39   429 1/2       857 1/5
19 EIPQRUV EQUIP 14E 42 -9 471 2/2 QUIVER 3G 51 908 1/5

Total: 471/908 or -437 for 51.87%
Rank: 6263

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