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Game of June 6, 2011 at 09:36, 5 players
1. kellybelly -360
2. jimbo -556
3. mylover81 -630

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?begoos   H4    74    74   boogies
 2. deilpsv   5E    40   114   dipoles
 3. ?ehnrtt   K5    70   184   strength
 4. ddegikn   8J    51   235   deking
 5. dehilmr   4A    35   270   dirhem
 6. aaeemtv  L12    34   304   meve
 7. aceinnt   O1    92   396   enacting
 8. abfstuv  14J    38   434   favus
 9. aaelnos  15F    28   462   enolase
10. aadgijr   A1    36   498   jird
11. eeoopty  14A    51   549   ptooey
12. aceintu   C1    72   621   anuretic
13. abefory  10A    70   691   forebays
14. aiortwx   N5    56   747   axon
15. aiilorw   A7    30   777   waif
16. adeiorz   6F    70   847   zoo
17. adeilru  15A    42   889   eard
18. agilqrv   E8    32   921   qibla
19. girtuvw   I3    28   949   wilt

Remaining tiles: glruuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7080 Filekellybelly  2 17:27  -360  589     1.7080 kellybelly  2 17:27  -360  589 
  2.4116 Filejimbo       0 23:58  -556  393            Group: intermediate
  3.6567 Filemylover81   2 11:34  -630  319     1.6567 mylover81   2 11:34  -630  319 
  4.4327 FileMel012      0 17:22  -651  298            Group: not rated
  5.4961 Fileannelhynz   1 14:58  -654  295     1.4116 jimbo       0 23:58  -556  393 
                                             2.4327 Mel012      0 17:22  -651  298 
                                             3.4961 annelhynz   1 14:58  -654  295 

On 1st draw, BOOG(I)ES H4 74 --- BOOGIE to dance to rock music [v]
Other tops: BOOGE(R)S H4 74, BOOGE(Y)S H4 74, BO(N)GOES H4 74
Other moves: GOOBE(R)S H4 72, GOOB(I)ES H4 72, G(L)OBOSE H4 72, BOOGE(R)S H2 70, BOOGE(R)S H3 70
BOOG(I)ES H6 70 jimbo
BOOG(I)ES H4 24 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, DIPOLES 5E 40 --- DIPOLE a pair of equal and opposite electric charges [n]
Other tops: PELOIDS 5E 40
Other moves: VESPID I3 33, VESPOID 5D 26, SPIDE I5 25, PELVIS G9 24, PLOSIVE 5F 24
LOVED 5G 18 kellybelly
DEVILS 9G 16 jimbo

On 3rd draw, STREN(G)TH K5 70 --- STRENGTH a degree of being mentally or physically strong [n]
Other tops: H(A)TERENT J2 70
Other moves: H(A)TERENT 9C 66, THRE(A)TEN 9B 66, TH(I)RTEEN 9B 66, (U)NTETHER 9B 66, STREN(G)TH 10H 64
H(O)TTER 6J 32 kellybelly
SH(U)NTER K5 18 jimbo

On 4th draw, DEKING 8J 51 --- DEKE to feint in hockey, pr p DEKING, DEKEING [v]
Other moves: EKING 8K 45, KEDGED 8J 45, KINDED 4A 40, KINGED 4A 40, KIDGE 4A 35
DEKING 8J 51 kellybelly
KINGS 10D 12 jimbo

On 5th draw, DIRHEM 4A 35 --- DIRHEM a Middle Eastern coin [n]
Other moves: MELD L12 32, MILD L12 32, HIRED 6B 31, IDEM L12 30, DIRHEM 12H 28
HELM 12K 18 kellybelly
HIS 10F 14 annelhynz
MILDER M7 13 jimbo

On 6th draw, MEVE L12 34 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: AMATE L11 32, EDEMATA A3 30, MEAT 3B 29, MEET 3B 29, TEAM 3B 29
MEAT 3B 29 kellybelly
HEAVE 12K 24 Mel012
STA(G)E 10H 6 jimbo

On 7th draw, ENACTING O1 92 --- ENACT to establish by law [v]
Other moves: CANNIEST 10B 68, ANCIENTS 10A 64, ENACTING 7A 63, CAVIE 14J 32, CIVET 14J 32
ANCIENT 15H 27 Mel012
DANCE A4 24 kellybelly
NICE N8 12 annelhynz
CADENT A2 9 jimbo

On 8th draw, FAVUS 14J 38 --- FAVUS a skin disease [n]
Other moves: FAUVES 15H 36, FAUVE 15H 33, BAST 3B 29, BUAT 3B 29, BUST 3B 29
BANTUS N6 28 kellybelly
STAVE 15H 24 jimbo
FEAST 15K 24 annelhynz, Mel012
FEATS 15K 24 mylover81

On 9th draw, ENOLASE 15F 28 --- ENOLASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: ALOES 3A 28
Other moves: ANELES 15H 27, LOADENS A1 24, AEON 3B 23, LANOSE 15E 23, LEAN 3B 23
LEASE 15H 22 kellybelly
SANDAL A1 21 jimbo
NOSE 15G 17 mylover81
LEA 15H 14 annelhynz
SALONS 10C 8 Mel012

On 10th draw, JIRD A1 36 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other tops: GARJAN 2J 36
Other moves: RAJ N1 35, JAGIR 14B 34, JAGRA 14B 34, JIRGA 14B 34, G*DJ* F11 30
RAJ 14F 27 kellybelly
JAR C2 20 mylover81
JAR 14D 16 annelhynz
GRID C3 12 jimbo
GRADE F11 11 Mel012

On 11th draw, PTOOEY 14A 51 --- PTOOEY a spitting sound [interj]
Other moves: PEEOY 14B 49, TEPOY 14B 49, PONEY N6 36, PONTY N6 36, YEP 14F 35
PONEY N6 36 kellybelly
YEP 14F 35 mylover81
YEST 10F 15 annelhynz
PIETY M7 14 jimbo
POETS N10 13 Mel012

On 12th draw, ANURETIC C1 72 --- ANURESIS inability to urinate [adj] --- ANURETIC pertaining to inability to urinate [adj]
Other moves: TUNICATE B8 62, INCEPT A10 39, UNCAPE A10 39, AINE 15A 34, CAPE A12 33
UNCAPE A10 39 kellybelly
CAPE A12 33 annelhynz, mylover81, jimbo
JACENT 1A 16 Mel012

On 13th draw, FOREBAYS 10A 70 --- FOREBAY a reservoir from which water is taken to run equipment [n]
Other moves: AERY 15A 58, OARY 15A 58, YBORE 13C 44, BOYAR 13C 43, BYRE 13C 39
FYCE 8A 39 annelhynz
FACER 8A 33 Mel012, kellybelly
FACE 8A 30 mylover81
ROPE A12 21 jimbo

On 14th draw, AXON N5 56 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: AX N5 52, OXCART 8A 48, EXIT 13L 42, EXO 13L 40, RAX 11D 39
AXON N5 56 mylover81
AX N5 52 kellybelly
TAX 11D 39 Mel012
OX 15N 29 jimbo
WOF A8 27 annelhynz

On 15th draw, WAIF A7 30 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other tops: WOLF A7 30
Other moves: ALOW 13B 27, LAW 11D 27, LOW 11D 27, RAW 11D 27, ROW 11D 27
WOLF A7 30 annelhynz, mylover81
WAIF A7 30 kellybelly
WOOL D12 16 Mel012
WAILS N10 16 jimbo

On 16th draw, ZOO 6F 70 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: AZIDE 13B 65, AZIDO 13B 65, ZOEA 13C 58, IZARD 13C 57, AZO 13B 50
AZO 13B 50 kellybelly
ZEROS N10 34 jimbo
ZERO D9 26 Mel012
ZAP A12 24 mylover81
ZO C13 22 annelhynz

On 17th draw, EARD 15A 42 --- EARD to bury [v]
Other moves: AIDE 15A 38, DIALER 13C 32, IDLER 13B 30, LIARD 13C 30, NIDE 9K 30
AIDE 15A 38 kellybelly
DUPE A12 27 Mel012, jimbo, mylover81, annelhynz

On 18th draw, QIBLA E8 32 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: GRAV 13D 25, LIRA 11D 25, ARGALI 1C 24, GRAV M2 22, LAG 11D 21
BRAVE E10 20 Mel012
GRAIL 13D 20 kellybelly
Q(I) 8G 10 annelhynz
AIR 1C 4 jimbo

On 19th draw, WILT I3 28 --- WILT to become limp [v]
Other moves: VIRGA 12A 26, GILT I3 24, GUILT I2 24, WIG M7 23, WIT N1 23
WIG M7 23 mylover81
WIVE J2 18 kellybelly
WAIT 12D 14 jimbo, Mel012
WAR 12D 12 annelhynz

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