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Game of June 6, 2011 at 14:17, 5 players
1. jonb5 -608
2. Grace_Tjie -635
3. bobadamdan -715

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeellwy   H7    84    84   walleye
 2. chimors  13B    90   174   moriches
 3. ?eiloru  14H    81   255   soilure
 4. aaejnop  10F    89   344   jalapeno
 5. bdeinoy  11F    52   396   obeyed
 6. begkrsu  O12    46   442   busk
 7. aensttv  B10    38   480   vatmen
 8. ?aefios   N4    83   563   feijoas
 9. eegprtz  D12    50   613   prez
10. dinnort   8C    60   673   ordinant
11. adioqrt   M2    36   709   qaid
12. ailrrtw   O6    36   745   taw
13. egioost   L3    36   781   egoist
14. afirrtu   O1    33   814   frit
15. deghilr   M9    37   851   holder
16. aeegnrr   E1    70   921   garnered
17. acimnov   2B    38   959   incavo
18. aimtuux   4D    46  1005   unmixt

Remaining tiles: agu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5477 Filejonb5       1 20:54  -608  397     1.6327 bobadamdan  1 11:53  -715  290 
  2.3936 FileGrace_Tjie  0 19:57  -635  370            Group: novice
  3.6327 Filebobadamdan  1 11:53  -715  290     1.5477 jonb5       1 20:54  -608  397 
  4.4924 Fileworsie      1  7:07  -799  206            Group: not rated
  5.2706 Filesathish     0  3:15  -987   18     1.3936 Grace_Tjie  0 19:57  -635  370 
                                             2.4924 worsie      1  7:07  -799  206 
                                             3.2706 sathish     0  3:15  -987   18 

On 1st draw, WALLEYE H7 84 --- WALLEYE an eye having a white cornea [n]
Other tops: WALLEYE H4 84
Other moves: WALLEYE H2 78, WALLEYE H3 78, WALLEYE H6 78, WALLEYE H8 78, WALLEYE H5 76
WELLY H4 30 jonb5
ALLEY H8 24 bobadamdan
WAY H8 18 Grace_Tjie
WAY H6 18 worsie

On 2nd draw, MORICHES 13B 90 --- MORICHE a miriti palm [n]
Other moves: CHRISOM 14D 86, CHROMISE 13A 82, CHORISM 14C 80, CHROMISE 11A 80, MORICHES 11B 80
CHIMES 11D 26 bobadamdan
RICHES 11D 22 worsie
CROWS 7E 12 Grace_Tjie
OW 7G 6 jonb5

On 3rd draw, (S)OILURE 14H 81 --- SOILURE a stain or smudge [n]
Other moves: UR(C)EOLI I3 70, OU(T)LIER 14I 68, LOU(R)IER I2 66, LOU(S)IER I2 66, OU(T)LIER I2 66
(S)OIL 14H 20 worsie
RULE(S) I4 12 Grace_Tjie
YORE 12H 9 jonb5

On 4th draw, JALAPENO 10F 89 --- JALAPENO a hot pepper [n]
Other moves: JALAPENO 9F 70, JAPE 12A 54, JANE 12A 48, JAP 12C 41, JAPE 14A 40
PEAN 15L 38 bobadamdan
JO 12C 31 worsie
JOIN E11 22 Grace_Tjie
PRO D12 10 jonb5

On 5th draw, OBEYED 11F 52 --- OBEY to follow the commands or guidance of [v]
Other moves: BOYED 12A 44, BOYED 14A 40, BOYED 11E 39, BYDE 14A 39, YEBO 12A 38
BOYED 9K 30 jonb5
YEN I6 15 bobadamdan
YEN K9 12 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, BUSK O12 46 --- BUSK to perform in the street for donations [v]
Other moves: BUKES 12A 44, BRUSK O11 43, KERBS N6 43, BUKE 12A 40, BERKS N6 39
BERKS N6 39 worsie
SERK 15L 34 bobadamdan
SUB N10 27 Grace_Tjie
RUSE O12 22 jonb5

On 7th draw, VATMEN B10 38 --- VATMAN a customs employee [n]
Other tops: VANES N6 38, VANTS N6 38, VENTS N6 38
Other moves: VANES 12A 36, VESTA N8 34, STANE N10 33, AVENS N6 32, NAVES N6 32
VANES N6 38 worsie
VENTS N6 38 jonb5
VAT 12A 16 bobadamdan
SAVE I4 14 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, FEI(J)OAS N4 83 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: AF(F)IES N5 38, FA(V)OSE N6 38, FI(L)OSE N6 38, F(R)AISE N6 38, F(R)OISE N6 38
SNIF(F) 15A 33 jonb5
SNAF(U) 15A 33 bobadamdan
INFE(R)S 15A 27 worsie
SAFE I4 14 Grace_Tjie
SAFED K7 9 sathish

On 9th draw, PREZ D12 50 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: ENTREZ 15A 48, POTZER M9 47, TREZ D12 46, ZAP 9M 45, ZAG 9M 44
ZAP 9M 45 Grace_Tjie, jonb5
ZO 8M 11 worsie
GREW 7E 9 sathish

On 10th draw, ORDINANT 8C 60 --- ORDINANT one who ordains [n]
Other moves: NODI O6 29, DOIT O6 27, DORT O6 27, INDOOR 8J 27, DONNOT 8J 24
TROD 8L 18 Grace_Tjie
OR 8N 6 jonb5

On 11th draw, QAID M2 36 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QADI M1 33, QAT J6 32, TRIAD O1 30, TROAD O1 30, ROAD O5 29
QAT J6 32 Grace_Tjie
QAT O3 21 bobadamdan

On 12th draw, TAW O6 36 --- TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals [v]
Other tops: AWL O7 36
Other moves: AW O7 31, TRIAL L3 28, TAWAI 9K 27, WAIL 7C 27, WAIT 7C 27
AI N1 26 jonb5
TROW 8L 24 bobadamdan
QI 2M 22 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, EGOIST L3 36 --- EGOIST one who practices egoism [n]
Other moves: GITES L4 32, GOOSE L4 32, EGIS L3 30, EGOS L3 30, EGO L3 28
TI N1 26 bobadamdan
QIS 2M 24 Grace_Tjie
QI 2M 22 jonb5

On 14th draw, FRIT O1 33 --- FRIT to fuse into a vitreous substance [v]
Other tops: F*RT O1 33, FAUT O1 33, FIAT O1 33, FRAT O1 33, RAFT O1 33, RIFT O1 33
Other moves: AI N1 26, FA A14 26, TI N1 26, AIRT O1 24, QAT 2M 24
F*RT O1 33 bobadamdan
AI N1 26 jonb5
QAT 2M 24 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, HOLDER M9 37 --- HOLDER one that holds [n]
Other moves: HOLIER M9 35, EDH 14D 33, HEID 7C 29, GHI 12J 27, HEIL 7C 27
HI A14 26 jonb5
HIT J6 14 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, GARNERED E1 70 --- GARNER to gather and store [v]
Other moves: EINA E12 21, NAE K5 20, ANGERED E2 18, ENRAGED E2 18, GNARRED E2 18
GRAND E4 14 Grace_Tjie
RODE 5K 10 jonb5

On 17th draw, INCAVO 2B 38 --- INCAVO the hollowed portion of an intaglio [n]
Other moves: OGAMIC 1D 36, GNOMIC 1E 33, OGMIC 1D 33, MANIAC 2A 32, AGONIC 1D 30
GAIN 1E 15 jonb5
VAN 4C 12 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, UNMIXT 4D 46 --- MIX to put together into one mass [adj] --- UNMIX to separate from a mixture [v]
Other moves: UNMIX 4D 44, MAXI 1G 43, MIXT 1G 43, MAX 1G 40, MIX 1G 40
MAXI 1G 43 jonb5
XI 3G 34 Grace_Tjie

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