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Game of June 6, 2011 at 21:05, 3 players
1. bonggalita -356
2. cipka_616 -373
3. musdrive -821

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ikoruv   H4    28    28   kouroi
 2. gginopr   G9    72   100   porging
 3. efimstw  11E    48   148   firmest
 4. ?dlpquz   6G    41   189   quiz
 5. deiopty  13G    80   269   idiotype
 6. aeefgrv  15D    39   308   verge
 7. aaeinno  12C    30   338   inanga
 8. adehlrs   O7   104   442   heralds
 9. aaeijls   F2    54   496   jails
10. aeehmot   N2    43   539   meathe
11. abbefno   O1    46   585   boab
12. efgirtu  14J    34   619   fie
13. acdgins  15K    39   658   cnida
14. eilortv  13A    28   686   voter
15. adeltuw  A11    42   728   advew
16. enorsux   G1    44   772   nox
17. ceelrst   B5    65   837   tercels
18. ilnotuy   8A    42   879   octyl
19. agnouuw   A1    35   914   wonga

Remaining tiles: iuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6960 Filebonggalita  3 19:11  -356  558     1.6960 bonggalita  3 19:11  -356  558 
  2.6117 Filecipka_616   2 20:06  -373  541     2.6117 cipka_616   2 20:06  -373  541 
  3.6992 Filemusdrive    1  4:02  -821   93     3.6992 musdrive    1  4:02  -821   93 

On 1st draw, KOUR(O)I H4 28 --- KOUROS an ancient Greek statue of a young man [n]
Other tops: K(O)UROI H4 28
Other moves: KIOR(E) H4 26, KORU(N) H4 26, KORU(S) H4 26, KOR(A)I H4 26, KOUR(A) H4 26
(C)ORK H7 14 bonggalita
ROK(E) H5 14 cipka_616

On 2nd draw, PORGING G9 72 --- PORGE to cleanse by Jewish ritual [v]
Other moves: GORPING G9 69, GROPING G9 69, PORGING G8 69, PORGING I8 69, GORPING G8 68
PING I3 21 cipka_616
GROUPING 6E 16 bonggalita

On 3rd draw, FIRMEST 11E 48 --- FIRM unyielding to pressure [adj]
Other moves: STIGME 15D 30, TWIGS 15D 30, MEWS I6 28, MISWENT 14B 28, SWIFT I2 28
WE F10 28 cipka_616
GIFTS 15G 27 bonggalita

On 4th draw, QU(I)Z 6G 41 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: KUDZ(U) 4H 36, K(U)DZU 4H 36, PULQU(E) 6G 36, QU(I)PO 10C 35, KLU(T)Z 4H 34

On 5th draw, IDIOTYPE 13G 80 --- IDIOTYPE a structure of an antibody [n]
Other moves: IDIOTYPE 13E 65, PODGY 15D 45, PODGE 15D 36, DOPEY 12A 34, PIETY 12A 34
EDGY 15E 27 bonggalita
OYE 12C 17 cipka_616

On 6th draw, VERGE 15D 39 --- VERGE to come near [v]
Other moves: FAVER N10 38, FEVER N10 38, FAE 14J 34, FEE 14J 34, GREAVE 15G 33
VERGE 15D 39 bonggalita
FEE 14J 34 cipka_616

On 7th draw, INANGA 12C 30 --- INANGA the New Zealand whitebait [n]
Other moves: ANOA 12K 27, ANON 12K 27, NONA 12L 26, NONANE 14E 26, NONE 12L 26
EAN 14L 19 cipka_616
ANION 7J 17 bonggalita

On 8th draw, HERALDS O7 104 --- HERALD to proclaim [v]
Other tops: HARELDS O7 104
Other moves: ASHLERED N7 78, HEALDS O8 51, HEARDS O8 51, HALSED O10 48, HALERS O8 45
HALERS O8 45 bonggalita
SHE O13 33 cipka_616

On 9th draw, JAILS F2 54 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JA N10 52, JIN F10 51, JO 10F 51, ALIAS F2 33, AISLE F4 31
JA N10 52 cipka_616, bonggalita

On 10th draw, MEATHE N2 43 --- MEATHE an alcoholic drink [n]
Other moves: AHEM N7 37, THAE 14I 37, THEE 14I 37, HAE 14J 34, HAME N8 34
THEE 14I 37 cipka_616
HOE 14J 34 bonggalita

On 11th draw, BOAB O1 46 --- BOAB a tropical tree with a swollen trunk [n]
Other moves: FOND 12L 38, FAB 13C 36, FOB 13C 36, BEANO O1 35, ABBE M2 34
FOE 14J 34 cipka_616, bonggalita

On 12th draw, FIE 14J 34 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other tops: FEU 14J 34
Other moves: FEG 13C 33, FUG 13C 33, FER 13C 30, FET 13C 30, FIER M4 30
FIE 14J 34 cipka_616, bonggalita

On 13th draw, CNIDA 15K 39 --- CNIDA a stinging organ in a jellyfish [n]
Other tops: CADIS 15K 39, CAIDS 15K 39, CANGS 15K 39, CANID 15K 39
Other moves: CAINS 15K 36, DANGS 15K 35, GADIS 15K 35, GAIDS 15K 35, GAINS 15K 32
ACID 15L 31 bonggalita
SNAG 15L 25 cipka_616

On 14th draw, VOTER 13A 28 --- VOTER one that votes [n]
Other moves: VIRILE C9 26, EORL G1 24, KEVIL 4H 24, LIER M4 24, LOIR G1 24
VOTER 13A 28 bonggalita
VETO 13A 20 cipka_616

On 15th draw, ADVEW A11 42 --- ADVEW to view [v]
Other moves: WAVED A11 39, AWL G2 35, TWAE M3 35, WELD M1 33, DELTA M1 30
WAVED A11 39 bonggalita, cipka_616

On 16th draw, NOX G1 44 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other tops: SOX G1 44
Other moves: OX G2 43, OXO B13 43, EX I8 38, OX I8 38, EX 14A 36
SOX G1 44 cipka_616
EX I8 38 bonggalita

On 17th draw, TERCELS B5 65 --- TERCEL a male falcon [n]
Other moves: SLEER M3 37, STEER M3 37, CELTS M1 32, SECRET M4 31, CELS M1 28
RELAX 3C 24 musdrive
ET H1 22 bonggalita
EE H1 22 cipka_616

On 18th draw, OCTYL 8A 42 --- OCTYL a univalent radical [n]
Other moves: OY H1 34, OY N9 28, OY M6 27, YIN F10 27, YO 10F 27
OY H1 34 cipka_616, musdrive
YIN F10 27 bonggalita

On 19th draw, WONGA A1 35 --- WONGA money [n]
Other moves: AW H1 34, OW H1 34, WIN F10 27, WO 10F 27, AG H1 26
WONGA A1 35 musdrive
AW H1 34 cipka_616, bonggalita

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