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Game of June 7, 2011 at 10:52, 4 players
1. yab -326
2. Cruiser -532
3. Oasthouse1 -879

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adehjm   H4    48    48   jehad
 2. aegrstx   I5    49    97   taxers
 3. aceotvy   5E    48   145   cavetto
 4. eegiosw   J5    46   191   twee
 5. ?demnop   E5    78   269   compends
 6. ?bdelos   L1    87   356   bloused
 7. aimnrtu   K8    73   429   natrium
 8. abiopru   2H    34   463   bipolar
 9. defintz  12A    46   509   zeins
10. ailnoty  A12    48   557   zany
11. efghist   N1    73   630   freights
12. acioruw   1D    42   672   coria
13. diknors  15F    43   715   drinks
14. afginru   1L    38   753   baff
15. aeilotu   O8    27   780   outlie
16. aeglnty   B9    36   816   gleety
17. alnoouv   A6    24   840   ulva
18. eginoqr  13H    32   872   requin
19. egioouw   F5    31   903   awe

Remaining tiles: gioou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6425 Fileyab         5 22:05  -326  577     1.6425 yab         5 22:05  -326  577 
  2.4339 FileCruiser     0 19:12  -532  371            Group: novice
  3.5186 FileOasthouse1  0  1:48  -879   24     1.5186 Oasthouse1  0  1:48  -879   24 
  4.4280 Filebmurf84     0  1:21  -894    9            Group: not rated
                                             1.4339 Cruiser     0 19:12  -532  371 
                                             2.4280 bmurf84     0  1:21  -894    9 

On 1st draw, JEHAD H4 48 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other tops: JEHAD(I) H4 48, JEHAD(S) H4 48
Other moves: JAM(B)ED H4 46, JAM(M)ED H4 46, JA(M)MED H4 46, JEH(A)D H4 46, J(E)HAD H4 46
JEHAD H4 48 yab
JADE H6 24 Cruiser

On 2nd draw, TAXERS I5 49 --- TAXER one that taxes [n]
Other moves: RAXES I5 48, TAXER I5 48, TAXES I5 48, TEXAS I5 48, SAXE I5 46
TAXES 9D 30 yab
EXERTS 5F 26 Cruiser

On 3rd draw, CAVETTO 5E 48 --- CAVETTO a concave moulding [n]
Other moves: AYE J5 44, YE J6 40, AVOCET H10 38, OCTAVE H10 38, CAY J4 36
YE J6 40 yab
COVET 5E 20 Cruiser

On 4th draw, TWEE J5 46 --- TWEE affectedly cute or dainty [adj]
Other moves: WIGS G7 35, W*GS G7 35, WIG G7 34, W*G G7 34, WISE G7 33
WIGS L2 29 yab
SWIGS 10I 17 Cruiser

On 5th draw, COMPEND(S) E5 78 --- COMPEND a brief summary [n]
Other moves: DOPAM(I)NE F2 72, POMANDE(R) F2 70, (T)AMPONED F4 70, (I)MPONED G8 69, (C)OMPENDS 10B 64
MOPE(S) L1 34 yab
SMO(K)ED 10I 18 Cruiser

On 6th draw, BLO(U)SED L1 87 --- BLOUSE to puff out loosely [v]
Other tops: BLO(W)SED L1 87
Other moves: BO(B)SLED L2 85, (B)OBSLED L2 85, DO(U)BLES K8 74, BLOND(N)ESS 10B 73, BO(U)NDLESS 10B 73
BLO(W)(S) 12A 16 Cruiser

On 7th draw, NATRIUM K8 73 --- NATRIUM sodium [n]
Other moves: NATRIUM M6 67, RUMINANTS 10A 65, TRAMP 8A 36, TRUMP 8A 36, AMAIN F5 33
TRUMP 8A 36 yab
BRIM 1L 24 Cruiser

On 8th draw, BIPOLAR 2H 34 --- BIPOLAR having two poles [adj]
Other moves: BAPU F4 28, BOLAR 2J 26, PILAO 2J 26, PILAR 2J 26, PILAU 2J 26
BURB 1L 24 Cruiser, yab

On 9th draw, ZEIN(S) 12A 46 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ZINE(S) 12A 46
Other moves: FUTZED 13J 38, FUZED 13J 36, ZANIED F4 33, ZEIN 10B 33, ZETA F2 33
ZIT 12J 24 yab
(S)IZED 12E 15 Cruiser

On 10th draw, ZANY A12 48 --- ZANY a zany person [n] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj] --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: *L*Y*T 1D 44, AZLON A11 42, ZATI A12 39, ZILA A12 39, ZONA A12 39
ZANY A12 48 yab
MINTY 14K 20 Cruiser

On 11th draw, FREIGHTS N1 73 --- FREIGHT to load with goods for transportation [v]
Other moves: REFIGHTS N2 69, FETISH 15G 58, SHIFT 15K 55, FIGHTS 15F 49, SHITE 15K 46
FIGHTS 15F 49 yab
SIGHT 15K 40 Cruiser

On 12th draw, CORIA 1D 42 --- CORIUM leather armour [n]
Other tops: CURIA 1D 42, CURIO 1D 42
Other moves: WIRRA 9G 37, CIAO 1F 32, AWA F5 31, ARCO 1E 30, CIAO 1E 30
OW O8 21 yab
CREW B10 20 Cruiser

On 13th draw, DRINKS 15F 43 --- DRINK to swallow liquid [v]
Other moves: DINKS 15G 40, DIRKS 15G 40, DORKS 15G 40, KINDS 15G 40, NKOSI 15H 40
DRINKS 15F 43 yab
DRINKS C10 22 Cruiser

On 14th draw, BAFF 1L 38 --- BAFF to strike a golf ball causing it to loft [v]
Other tops: FRENA B10 38
Other moves: INFRA O8 33, AFORE 3J 29, FARING 12H 28, FARING C9 28, FIRING 12H 28
INFRA O8 33 yab
MING 14K 14 Cruiser

On 15th draw, OUTLIE O8 27 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other moves: AITU O6 25, IOTA O6 25, LETUP 8A 24, TELIA O8 24, TELOI O8 24
OUTLIE O8 27 yab
TULIP 8A 24 Oasthouse1
OIL O8 15 Cruiser

On 16th draw, GLEETY B9 36 --- GLEETY resembling mucus [adj]
Other moves: ELEGY B10 35, ANY F8 33, AYELP 8A 33, AYE F9 32, LYE F9 32
YAK J13 23 yab
RYE F1 14 Cruiser

On 17th draw, ULVA A6 24 --- ULVA an edible seaweed [n]
Other tops: NOVA A6 24, VOLA A6 24, VOULU 13I 24
Other moves: ANOLE 3J 22, OVA A7 21, UVA A7 21, VAU A7 21, LOOK J12 20
NOVA A6 24 yab
VAN I13 10 Cruiser

On 18th draw, REQUIN 13H 32 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: ERINGO B2 31, ERING B2 27, RENIG B2 27, QUIN 13J 26, QI 14H 24
QUIN 13J 26 Cruiser, yab

On 19th draw, AWE F5 31 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: AW F5 26, OW 6E 26, WOO D6 21, OWE D8 19, EUOI D7 18
W*G B4 18 yab
WED F13 9 bmurf84
WON M11 6 Cruiser

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