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Game of June 7, 2011 at 12:27, 5 players
1. yab -356
2. annelhynz -489
3. worsie -508

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addipsu   H4    22    22   padis
 2. ?eklrrs   4G    76    98   sparkler
 3. eiinotw   K4    24   122   knowe
 4. ?aadnos   N1    70   192   madronas
 5. deeijlt   M2    56   248   jeeled
 6. efilost   O7    40   288   stifle
 7. aaehior   J3    36   324   aroha
 8. aabdiov  13K    33   357   bovid
 9. eiooprt   8B    61   418   portoise
10. aegnowy   3A    83   501   waygone
11. aaeirtx   A1    48   549   rewax
12. aeghioz   I3    48   597   zag
13. agiinot   1A    80   677   rigatoni
14. aclrtuv   C7    38   715   vocular
15. ceenqtu  12A    48   763   quate
16. cefinrt   9I    33   796   fire
17. ceiintu  A12    39   835   quin
18. ceehntu  14F    76   911   chutnee

Remaining tiles: bimmty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6419 Fileyab         5 21:17  -356  555     1.6419 yab         5 21:17  -356  555 
  2.4953 Fileannelhynz   1 14:24  -489  422            Group: novice
  3.4935 Fileworsie      2 13:54  -508  403     1.5699 Faeythe     1 10:56  -552  359 
  4.5699 FileFaeythe     1 10:56  -552  359            Group: not rated
  5.2706 Filesathish     0  1:18  -882   29     1.4953 annelhynz   1 14:24  -489  422 
                                             2.4935 worsie      2 13:54  -508  403 
                                             3.2706 sathish     0  1:18  -882   29 

On 1st draw, PADIS H4 22 --- PADI a rice field [n]
Other moves: SAPID H8 20, DAUDS H4 18, DUADS H4 18, PADIS H8 18, SAPID H4 18
PADIS H4 22 yab
SPUD H8 14 Faeythe
PADS H5 14 worsie

On 2nd draw, SP(A)RKLER 4G 76 --- SPARKLER something that sparkles [n]
Other moves: S(P)ARKLER 5F 72, L(A)RKERS G7 67, L(U)RKERS G7 67, RERA(C)KS 5E 40, RE(M)ARKS 5E 40
SP(A)RKLER 4G 26 yab
PERKS 4H 22 worsie, Faeythe
L(A)KED 6D 19 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, KNOWE K4 24 --- KNOWE a rounded hillock [n]
Other tops: WEN 3M 24, WET 3M 24, WOE 3M 24, WOKEN K2 24, WON 3M 24, WOT 3M 24
Other moves: TOWNIE 3B 23, TWONIE 3B 23, ENOW 3L 22, ION 5K 22, KIWI K4 22
WON 3M 24 Faeythe
WOKEN K2 24 worsie
WET 3M 24 yab
REWON N4 16 annelhynz

On 4th draw, (M)ADRONAS N1 70 --- MADRONA an evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: DALA(P)ONS L2 70
Other moves: ADENO(M)AS M2 68, ROADS(M)AN N4 62, DA(M)SON O1 36, SANDA(L) O4 36, SODA(I)N O4 36
SO(U)ND O4 33 worsie
SONA(T)A O4 33 yab
DAN J6 22 annelhynz
DON 3M 16 Faeythe

On 5th draw, JEELED M2 56 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: JEELIE M2 50, EEJIT M3 46, JEED M2 42, JERID J2 42, JILTED M7 42
JILTED M7 42 Faeythe, yab
JILT M7 39 annelhynz
J(A)DE I3 25 worsie

On 6th draw, STIFLE O7 40 --- STIFLE to smother [v]
Other tops: SOFTIE O7 40
Other moves: ITSELF O8 36, FILETS L8 35, FILOSE L8 35, FLIEST L8 35, FLITES L8 35
SOFTIE O7 40 yab
LOFTS O7 34 Faeythe
OFT O8 24 annelhynz
FIST 9I 24 worsie

On 7th draw, AROHA J3 36 --- AROHA (Maori) love, compassion [n]
Other moves: HAAR J6 35, HARE J6 35, HARO J6 35, HOAR J6 35, HOER J6 35
HORE J6 35 Faeythe
HEAR 13L 24 worsie
HERO L8 20 yab
ER O1 19 annelhynz

On 8th draw, BOVID 13K 33 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: AVOID 13K 29, AB O1 27, AVID 13L 27, BOVID G7 27, OB O1 27
AB O1 27 annelhynz
OB O1 27 Faeythe
BID 13M 23 worsie
AVOID L8 23 yab

On 9th draw, PORTOISE 8B 61 --- PORTOISE the gunwale [n]
Other tops: ROOPIEST 8B 61
Other moves: TROOP 12H 28, OP O1 27, STOPER G4 26, REPOT 12H 24, ROOP 12I 24
OP O1 27 Faeythe
TROOP L11 20 yab
PROBE K10 18 worsie
TROPE 14G 17 annelhynz

On 10th draw, WAYGONE 3A 83 --- WAYGONE exhausted by travel [adj]
Other moves: WAYGONE 14E 72, NOWAY 12H 38, WAGON 12H 34, WAY 12J 32, YAW 12J 32
OW O1 31 Faeythe
AY O1 31 yab
AW O1 31 annelhynz
G*Y C7 13 worsie

On 11th draw, REWAX A1 48 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: AXE 9B 41, AXITE G6 41, EXIT G6 40, IXIA G6 40, RAX 9A 39
REWAX A1 48 yab
AXE 9B 41 Faeythe
TAXI B2 22 worsie
TEW A1 18 annelhynz

On 12th draw, Z(A)G I3 48 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZEA 7C 47, ZOA 7C 47, ZA 7C 44, ZO 7C 44, GHAZI 14G 42
ZO 7C 44 yab
ZIP B6 34 annelhynz
ZOO L11 24 worsie
ZIG D1 23 Faeythe

On 13th draw, RIGATONI 1A 80 --- RIGATONI a tubular pasta [n]
Other moves: OPIATING B7 76, RIGATONI D8 70, TOITING E5 32, AGAIN 4A 28, AG O1 23
OPIATING B7 26 yab
AG O1 23 annelhynz, Faeythe
TOTING E8 14 worsie

On 14th draw, VOCULAR C7 38 --- VOCULAR vocal [adj]
Other moves: CURAT 12H 28, CURTAL 12G 26, OVULAR C8 26, CAVORT L10 24, OCULAR C8 22
AR O1 19 annelhynz
VOCAL C7 17 worsie
CAR 14J 17 yab

On 15th draw, QUATE 12A 48 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other tops: QUANT 12A 48
Other moves: QUAT 12A 46, QI 7G 42, QI G7 42, QUEEN 10B 36, QUEUE 10B 36
QI G7 42 yab
QUEEN 10B 36 worsie, annelhynz

On 16th draw, FIRE 9I 33 --- FIRE to project by discharging from a gun [v]
Other tops: FERN 9I 33, FIRN 9I 33
Other moves: FER 9I 32, FIR 9I 32, FECIT 11E 30, LIFTER 11C 30, FICE 11E 28
FICE 11E 28 yab
ER O1 19 annelhynz
FINE N12 19 sathish
QI A12 11 worsie

On 17th draw, QUIN A12 39 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other tops: QUIT A12 39
Other moves: XENIC 5A 28, LINECUT 11C 24, LENTIC 11C 22, LUETIC 11C 22, CENT 10F 18
QUIT A12 39 worsie, annelhynz, yab
TINE N12 10 sathish

On 18th draw, CHUTNEE 14F 76 --- CHUTNEE a condiment [n]
Other tops: CHUTNEE 14E 76
Other moves: HENCE 11E 30, TECHNO L8 27, COTH L12 26, LEECH 11C 26, LETCH 11C 26
HENCE 11E 30 yab
CHE 14I 20 worsie
HEN 14J 20 annelhynz

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