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Game of June 7, 2011 at 13:11, 8 players
1. slebbarc -374
2. naomiari -494
3. margalang -532

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efilopr   H4    80    80   profile
 2. acdirst  11E   103   183   drastic
 3. ?demntx  12A    35   218   mixte
 4. aenorry   C7    38   256   anorexy
 5. amnstuv   5E    36   292   antrums
 6. bdeiouy   8A    39   331   bony
 7. cellpsu  L11    35   366   sculp
 8. ?ennruw   J8    70   436   unwinder
 9. aegiiuv  15E    30   466   vaguer
10. abeklrt  A10    42   508   kembla
11. aaeiotv   D1    30   538   aviate
12. aeeilrt   2B    76   614   levirate
13. adegiqr   3A    36   650   qadi
14. dehjort   1G    47   697   jet
15. ehnooor   4J    29   726   heroon
16. ggiiosw   3I    27   753   wo
17. deiinoo   3I    29   782   wooed
18. dfhiios   O1    33   815   fohns
19. dggiiin  15L    21   836   ping
20. dgiiiiz  F14    31   867   za

Remaining tiles: dgiiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4986 Fileslebbarc    3 18:02  -374  493     1.6602 mylover81   4  4:28  -665  202 
  2.4761 Filenaomiari    3 17:26  -494  373     2.6201 lastlea     0  6:37  -760  107 
  3.5947 Filemargalang   3 13:02  -532  335            Group: novice
  4.6602 Filemylover81   4  4:28  -665  202     1.5947 margalang   3 13:02  -532  335 
  5.4941 Fileworsie      0  4:23  -742  125            Group: not rated
  6.6201 Filelastlea     0  6:37  -760  107     1.4986 slebbarc    3 18:02  -374  493 
  7.3997 Filestana       1  2:35  -819   48     2.4761 naomiari    3 17:26  -494  373 
  8.2706 Filesathish     0  1:06  -854   13     3.4941 worsie      0  4:23  -742  125 
                                             4.3997 stana       1  2:35  -819   48 
                                             5.2706 sathish     0  1:06  -854   13 

On 1st draw, PROFILE H4 80 --- PROFILE to draw an outline of [v]
Other moves: PROFILE H2 76, PROFILE H3 76, PROFILE H6 76, PROFILE H7 76, PROFILE H8 76
PROFILE H4 30 slebbarc, lastlea

On 2nd draw, DRASTIC 11E 103 --- DRASTIC a severe purgative [n] --- DRASTIC extremely severe [adj]
Other moves: DRASTIC 11H 84, DRASTIC 11G 83, ADSCRIPT 4B 76, ACRIDEST 10C 65, CAROTIDS 6E 65
STAID 11H 25 slebbarc
DRATS 11D 25 lastlea

On 3rd draw, M(I)XTE 12A 35 --- MIXTE denoting a type of bicycle frame. No -S [adj]
Other tops: MI(R)EX J10 35
Other moves: EXIT(E)D J9 33, EXTO(L)D 6E 33, T(A)XIMEN J8 33, (E)XITED J9 33, EX(E)MPT 4D 32
EXIT J9 27 slebbarc
XI J10 25 lastlea

On 4th draw, ANOREXY C7 38 --- ANOREXY lack of appetite [n]
Other moves: ANYMORE A9 36, ARMORY A10 33, AERY I4 31, MANY A12 27, MARY A12 27
MARY A12 27 slebbarc
MANY A12 27 lastlea

On 5th draw, ANTRUMS 5E 36 --- ANTRUM a cavity in a bone [n]
Other moves: MAT(I)NS B9 33, TAM(I)NS B9 33, AN(I)MUS B10 31, SUMMAT A10 30, AM(I)NS B10 29
MUMS A12 24 naomiari
MAMS A12 24 slebbarc

On 6th draw, BONY 8A 39 --- BONY full of bones [adj]
Other tops: BENDY 8A 39, BUNDY 8A 39
Other moves: DENY 8A 36, BONEY 8A 33, MOBY A12 33, OUNDY 8A 33, PYOID 4H 33
MOBY A12 33 naomiari, slebbarc

On 7th draw, SCULP L11 35 --- SCULP to form an image from solid material [v]
Other moves: PULSE L8 31, CUSP L9 27, SCULL L11 27, SCUP L11 27, SPEC L11 27
SPELL L11 27 margalang
MULL A12 18 naomiari
MUSE A12 18 slebbarc

On 8th draw, UNWIN(D)ER J8 70 --- UNWINDER one that unwinds [n]
Other moves: ENWR(A)P 15G 30, UNMEW(S) A10 30, UNM(O)WN A10 30, UNWEP(T) 15H 30, UNWR(A)P 15G 30
PR(O)W 15L 24 worsie
P(A)WN 15L 24 naomiari, slebbarc
PURE 15L 18 margalang

On 9th draw, VAGUER 15E 30 --- VAGUE not clearly expressed or understood [adj]
Other moves: VAGUE 4A 28, VIGIA 4A 28, GIVER 15F 27, PAVE 15L 27, AIVER 15F 24
PAVE 15L 27 naomiari
GIVER 15F 27 margalang, worsie, slebbarc

On 10th draw, KEMBLA A10 42 --- KEMBLA small change (Australian rhyming slang from Kembla Range) [n]
Other moves: KA 14F 35, BETRAY D3 34, BLEAK 4A 34, BREAK 4A 34, B(I)KER B11 33
MAKE A12 30 slebbarc, margalang, naomiari
BLANKET F2 29 worsie

On 11th draw, AVIATE D1 30 --- AVIATE to fly an aircraft [v]
Other moves: PAVE 15L 27, OVATE D2 26, VITAE 4A 26, AVIATE 4A 24, VETO D3 24
PAVE 15L 27 margalang, slebbarc, worsie
VOTER F7 10 naomiari

On 12th draw, LEVIRATE 2B 76 --- LEVIRATE the custom of marrying the widow of one"s brother [n]
Other moves: TREENAIL F1 62, LEAVIER 2A 24, KERRIA 10A 22, LAVEER 2B 22, LEAVER 2A 22
TRAVEL 2A 22 margalang
LIVER 2B 20 naomiari
RETAIL 1A 18 worsie
ATRIAL 1D 18 slebbarc

On 13th draw, QADI 3A 36 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: DERIG 1G 32, DIRGE 1G 32, AIDER 1G 29, DARG 1G 29, DEAIR 1G 29
PAID 15L 21 slebbarc
QAIDS K1 15 naomiari

On 14th draw, JET 1G 47 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: DEHORT 1G 47
Other moves: OHED 1F 40, DERTH 1G 38, HERD 1G 37, DOJO B7 35, HORDE 3I 35
JET 1G 47 naomiari, mylover81, margalang
JA F14 25 slebbarc

On 15th draw, HEROON 4J 29 --- HEROON a temple dedicated to a hero [n]
Other moves: HOE M13 28, HOO M13 28, PHON 15L 27, POOH 15L 27, HERON 4J 25
HOE M13 28 mylover81
POOR 15L 18 naomiari
OH G7 17 margalang
HA F14 13 slebbarc

On 16th draw, WO 3I 27 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: GOWNS O1 27, OWING O1 27, POWS 15L 27, SWING O1 27
Other moves: WIS E1 26, GOINGS O1 24, GOWN O1 24, IWI 3M 23, TWIG G5 23
SWING O1 27 mylover81, margalang, stana
GOWNS O1 27 slebbarc
PIGS 15L 21 naomiari

On 17th draw, WOOED 3I 29 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: ON(I)E B10 25, ONIONED O3 24, NODI B7 21, NOONED O1 21, NOONED O4 21
PEND 15L 21 slebbarc, mylover81, naomiari
POND 15L 21 margalang

On 18th draw, FOHNS O1 33 --- FOHN a warm dry wind [n]
Other moves: FOHN O1 30, HOI M13 28, OOHS 6G 27, PHIS 15L 27, PHOS 15L 27
PHIS 15L 27 mylover81
FOINS O1 24 slebbarc
SHIN O1 21 margalang, stana
QIS A3 13 naomiari

On 19th draw, PING 15L 21 --- PING to produce a brief, high-pitched sound [v]
Other tops: NODI B7 21
Other moves: ID 4A 20, ID N1 17, DODGING M3 14, GI M13 14, GAD 1C 13
PING 15L 21 slebbarc, mylover81, naomiari
ID 4A 20 margalang

On 20th draw, ZA F14 31 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZAG 1C 29, DZO B6 28, ZA 1C 24, ZED C1 24, ZIN N13 24
ZA F14 31 mylover81, slebbarc, naomiari, margalang
ZIG O13 13 sathish

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