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Game of June 8, 2011 at 01:17, 3 players
1. TwoFold -424
2. AtommotA -763
3. Faeythe -824

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abilmn   H2    76    76   ambling
 2. adiortx   1H    96   172   radix
 3. ehiosww   9D    30   202   whews
 4. aegrttv   8A    33   235   vega
 5. acilott   2B    84   319   tailcoat
 6. ?beiiru   5D    86   405   bruilzie
 7. aehnoqr  10D    38   443   noh
 8. aelnotu   3G    29   472   omental
 9. aaegkrs   1A    54   526   reak
10. demnoou   E7    29   555   unhood
11. eiiopsu   4A    26   581   peso
12. agjoprt   4L    34   615   gajo
13. eeefmns   6J    35   650   femes
14. definqu   B6    36   686   queen
15. acdestu   M6    82   768   educates
16. afioort  L11    32   800   afoot
17. eilprtv   B6    36   836   queenlier
18. eiinpvy   8L    36   872   puny
19. dgiirtv   O1    27   899   vigor
20. deirtyz  A12    49   948   trez

Remaining tiles: diiy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6188 FileTwoFold     2 23:21  -424  524     1.6188 TwoFold     2 23:21  -424  524 
  2.5802 FileAtommotA    0  7:30  -763  185            Group: novice
  3.5680 FileFaeythe     0  5:28  -824  124     1.5802 AtommotA    0  7:30  -763  185 
                                             2.5680 Faeythe     0  5:28  -824  124 

On 1st draw, AMBLIN(G) H2 76 --- AMBLE to saunter [v] --- AMBLING a wandering about [n]
Other tops: ALB(U)MIN H2 76, ALB(U)MIN H8 76, AMBLIN(G) H3 76, BALMIN(G) H4 76, BIL(L)MAN H4 76, BIL(L)MAN H8 76, BIMAN(A)L H2 76, BIMAN(A)L H4 76, BIM(A)NAL H2 76, BIM(A)NAL H4 76, BI(L)LMAN H4 76, BI(L)LMAN H8 76, BLAMIN(G) H4 76, LAMBIN(G) H2 76, LAMB(K)IN H2 76, MINABL(E) H4 76, MINABL(E) H8 76, MIN(I)LAB H4 76, MIN(I)LAB H6 76, M(I)NILAB H4 76, M(I)NILAB H6 76
Other moves: ALB(U)MIN H3 72, ALB(U)MIN H4 72, ALB(U)MIN H6 72, ALB(U)MIN H7 72, AMBLIN(G) H4 72
BALMIN(G) H4 26 AtommotA, Faeythe
BLAMIN(G) H4 26 TwoFold

On 2nd draw, RADIX 1H 96 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: TAXOR 1D 72, IXORA 1E 69, ORIXA 1G 69, RAX 1H 63, ADROIT 1F 54
RAX 1H 63 Faeythe
RADIO 1H 54 AtommotA
XI I2 24 TwoFold

On 3rd draw, WHEWS 9D 30 --- WHEW a whistling sound [n] --- WHEW to utter a sound of astonishment [v]
Other tops: HOES G3 30
Other moves: HOE G3 27, WISH 9F 27, HEWS 9E 26, HOWS 9E 26, SHEW 9H 26
SHOW 9H 26 TwoFold
AWES 2H 21 AtommotA
HAW 2G 14 Faeythe

On 4th draw, VEGA 8A 33 --- VEGA a low fertile plain [n]
Other moves: VERA 8A 30, GREAT 10B 26, GETA 8A 24, THRAVE E8 24, TREAT 10B 23
WAVER D9 22 TwoFold
GEAR 10C 21 Faeythe
BATTER 4H 16 AtommotA

On 5th draw, TAILCOAT 2B 84 --- TAILCOAT a man's coat [n]
Other moves: ATILT 2J 30, TACTION 7B 25, TICAL 2K 25, OTIC 2J 24, CALO 10B 23
TILT 2K 19 AtommotA
TIC 2K 16 TwoFold

On 6th draw, BRUIL(Z)IE 5D 86 --- BRUILZIE a noisy quarrel [n]
Other moves: BLUI(D)IER 5G 68, (D)IEB 1A 35, BRUL(Y)IE 5E 32, BRUL(Z)IE 5E 32, BUIL(D)ER 5E 32
RUB(S) 1A 22 TwoFold
BRIBE 4H 18 AtommotA

On 7th draw, NOH 10D 38 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other tops: NAH 10D 38
Other moves: NIQAB D1 34, TRANQ B2 34, HONER 10B 33, AH 10E 31, EH 10E 31
NOH 10D 38 TwoFold
OH 10E 31 AtommotA

On 8th draw, OMENTAL 3G 29 --- OMENTAL relating to a omentum [adj] --- OMENTUM a fold in an abdominal membrane [adj]
Other moves: AUNT 1A 22, AUTO 1A 22, LANT 1A 22, LEAT 1A 22, LENO 1A 22
UTE 2L 15 TwoFold

On 9th draw, REAK 1A 54 --- REAK to care [v]
Other moves: ASKER 11E 36, ESKAR 11E 36, KAAS 1A 34, KAES 1A 34, KARA 4A 34
SKAG L5 21 TwoFold

On 10th draw, UNHOOD E7 29 --- UNHOOD to remove a hood from [v]
Other moves: DOOM 4C 28, DOOM 4L 28, DOUM 4C 28, DOUM 4L 28, EUDEMON B8 28
DOOM 4L 28 TwoFold

On 11th draw, PESO 4A 26 --- PESO a monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries [n]
Other tops: PISO 4A 26
Other moves: PIOUS 13A 25, POISE 13B 25, PSEUDO 12A 24, SOUP 4L 24, EPOS 13B 23
SOUP 4L 24 TwoFold

On 12th draw, GAJO 4L 34 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: G*DJ* 12C 28, GORP 4L 28, JOE B6 26, RAJ 4L 26, TAJ 4L 26
JOE B6 26 TwoFold

On 13th draw, FEMES 6J 35 --- FEME a wife [n]
Other moves: FEENS 6J 33, FEESE 6J 33, FOEMEN O3 33, FEME 6J 32, FEMS 6J 32
FEMS 6J 32 TwoFold

On 14th draw, QUEEN B6 36 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: EQUID 12A 32, ENUF D12 28, QUID 12B 28, EQUID M6 26, EQUINE M6 26
QUID 12B 28 TwoFold

On 15th draw, EDUCATES M6 82 --- EDUCATE to teach [v]
Other moves: MUSCADET L6 78, CAUSED 13B 33, EDUCTS A10 32, CASED 13C 31, CASTED 13C 31
CASTED 13C 31 TwoFold

On 16th draw, AFOOT L11 32 --- AFOOT on foot [adv]
Other moves: ADRIFT 12D 28, FAIR L12 28, FARO L12 28, F*RT L12 28, FIAR L12 28
FAR L10 23 TwoFold

On 17th draw, QUEENLIER B6 36 --- QUEENLY of or befitting a queen [adj]
Other moves: PRIVET 15G 33, PERV K8 30, PIVOT O1 30, PUER 8L 27, PUIR 8L 27
PRIVATE 11H 24 TwoFold

On 18th draw, PUNY 8L 36 --- PUNY of inferior size, strength, or significance [adj]
Other tops: YEN N10 36
Other moves: ENVY D12 34, ENVOY O1 33, YEP A13 31, TIVY 15L 30, YE N10 29
YEP A13 31 TwoFold

On 19th draw, VIGOR O1 27 --- VIGOR active strength or force [n]
Other tops: DIVOT O1 27
Other moves: DIV K9 26, VIRID 12A 26, IGG C6 23, VIG K9 22, DIGIT 15H 21
DIVOT O1 27 TwoFold

On 20th draw, TREZ A12 49 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: ZED N12 44, DYER A12 42, REZ A13 40, DREY A12 39, TREZ 15L 39
REZ A13 40 TwoFold

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