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Game of June 8, 2011 at 04:24, 4 players
1. kellybelly -348
2. TwoFold -380
3. slebbarc -465

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeilmrv   H4    82    82   vermeil
 2. aeenoos  11E    23   105   noose
 3. ?goprty   5E    44   149   poverty
 4. aabcetu   6D    27   176   cab
 5. deeghln  12A    30   206   hedge
 6. deeintu  12I    71   277   detinue
 7. ?bfgntu   A6    98   375   bunfight
 8. aaeorst   B1    76   451   aerosat
 9. eeikrss   K8    74   525   keisters
10. aiortyz   A1    73   598   zoa
11. aiinort   8K    30   628   korai
12. dnoprux   J9    52   680   ox
13. aadefio  14I    36   716   afraid
14. cdeinty   O3    68   784   cytidine
15. elopqrw  15D    44   828   plower
16. ahinntu   N4    34   862   nah
17. aijlmuw  14F    55   917   ja
18. gintuuw   4L    20   937   winy
19. giinqtu   J2    33   970   quit
20. ilmntuv   2J    28   998   quilt

Remaining tiles: glmnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7090 Filekellybelly  5 15:03  -348  650     1.7090 kellybelly  5 15:03  -348  650 
  2.6192 FileTwoFold     4 21:06  -380  618            Group: intermediate
  3.5058 Fileslebbarc    5 22:44  -465  533     1.6192 TwoFold     4 21:06  -380  618 
  4.3924 Filevictor      0  4:48  -950   48            Group: novice
                                             1.5058 slebbarc    5 22:44  -465  533 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3924 victor      0  4:48  -950   48 

On 1st draw, VERMEIL H4 82 --- VERMEIL a red color [n] --- VERMEIL to colour red [v]
Other moves: VERMEIL H2 76, VERMEIL H3 76, VERMEIL H6 76, VERMEIL H7 76, VERMEIL H8 76
VEILER H4 26 kellybelly
VILER H4 24 TwoFold
REVILE H3 20 slebbarc

On 2nd draw, NOOSE 11E 23 --- NOOSE to secure with a type of loop [v]
Other tops: AEONS 11D 23
Other moves: AEONS G5 21, AEONS I5 21, ANES 11E 21, EANS 11E 21, ENES 11E 21
NOOSE 11E 23 slebbarc
SOON 11H 21 kellybelly, TwoFold

On 3rd draw, PO(V)ERTY 5E 44 --- POVERTY the state of being poor [n]
Other moves: POG(E)Y 10B 38, POL(E)Y 10F 36, PYLOR(I) 10F 35, G(I)LPY 10F 34, ROP(I)LY 10D 34
TROY 10C 30 kellybelly
POV(E)RTY 4F 28 slebbarc
GRO(U)P 10B 28 TwoFold

On 4th draw, CAB 6D 27 --- CAB to take or drive a taxicab [v]
Other moves: BATEAU 12A 26, ABAC 4J 25, CAB 10D 25, CUB 10D 25, TAB 6D 25
CUB 10D 25 TwoFold
ABATE 4K 21 kellybelly
BYE K4 8 victor

On 5th draw, HEDGE 12A 30 --- HEDGE to surround with a hedge (a dense row of shrubs) [v]
Other tops: HELED 10B 30
Other moves: EDH G7 29, EH 10E 28, HENGE 12A 28, HELMED 7E 27, HEDGE 12I 25
EH 10E 28 kellybelly, TwoFold
HOLED F10 21 slebbarc
HEN 12D 16 victor

On 6th draw, DETINUE 12I 71 --- DETINUE an action to recover property wrongfully detained [n]
Other moves: DETINUE 13E 64, EIDENT 13C 29, VEINED 4H 29, DHUTI A11 27, THEED A11 27
THINE A11 24 slebbarc
HIDE A12 24 TwoFold, victor
TINED 10B 22 kellybelly

On 7th draw, BUNF(I)GHT A6 98 --- BUNFIGHT a tea party, a petty squabble [n]
Other moves: BUNFIG(H)T 9D 69, BUNFIG(H)T L8 67, F(O)UGHT A8 36, B(O)UGHT A8 33, F(A)UGH A8 33
BUF(F)ET O8 30 kellybelly
TH(I)NG A11 24 TwoFold
FUDG(E) C10 18 slebbarc

On 8th draw, AEROSAT B1 76 --- AEROSAT a satellite for use in air-traffic control [n]
Other moves: AEROSAT C2 74, AEROSTAT K7 66, SEARAT 14A 33, AREAS B6 27, SOARE 14A 27
STARE 14A 27 kellybelly, slebbarc
BUNF(I)GHTS A6 17 TwoFold

On 9th draw, KEISTERS K8 74 --- KEISTER the buttocks [n]
Other tops: KIESTERS K8 74
Other moves: KEISTERS J1 66, KIESTERS J1 66, RAIKS 1A 42, SARKS 1A 42, SEIKER 14A 41
SKIERS 14A 41 kellybelly
SEEKS 14A 35 slebbarc
SEEKS O11 27 TwoFold

On 10th draw, ZOA A1 73 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZA A1 68, ZO A1 68, KARZY 8K 66, ZOL 10F 65, ZOYSIA 15H 57
ZOA A1 73 kellybelly
ZA A1 68 TwoFold
ZORI F10 44 slebbarc

On 11th draw, KORAI 8K 30 --- KORE an ancient Greek statue of a young woman [n]
Other tops: KORAT 8K 30, KRAIT 8K 30, KRONA 8K 30
Other moves: IRONIST 15F 24, TRAIT 13A 24, AORIST 15G 21, ARIOSI 15G 21, ARISTO 15H 21
TRAINS 15F 18 kellybelly, TwoFold, slebbarc

On 12th draw, OX J9 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: EXPO O12 39, REDOX O11 39, REDUX O11 39, OX G8 36, EXON O12 33
OX J9 52 TwoFold, kellybelly
DUX C12 22 slebbarc

On 13th draw, AFRAID 14I 36 --- AFRAID filled with apprehension [adj]
Other tops: FADAISE 15F 36
Other moves: FRIED 14J 34, EF B9 30, SAFED 15K 30, FIE B10 29, FOE B10 29
SAFED 15K 30 slebbarc, kellybelly
FIE B10 29 TwoFold

On 14th draw, CYTIDINE O3 68 --- CYTIDINE a compound containing cytosine [n]
Other moves: SYNED 15K 53, NICETY 15D 41, DICEY 15E 38, DICTY 15E 38, CYTES 15G 37
DICEY 15E 38 kellybelly, TwoFold
YODE F10 28 slebbarc

On 15th draw, PLOWER 15D 44 --- PLOWER one that plows [n]
Other moves: REPLOW 15D 41, POWRES 15F 40, LOWES 15G 34, PLEW 10C 33, PLOW 10C 33
PROW 10C 33 TwoFold
PROWL 15E 32 kellybelly
QI 6N 31 slebbarc

On 16th draw, NAH N4 34 --- NAH no [adv]
Other moves: HA 14F 31, NAH 10D 30, AAH N8 29, AH 10E 29, AH 14E 28
NAH N4 34 TwoFold
HA 14F 31 kellybelly
AH N5 28 slebbarc

On 17th draw, JA 14F 55 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: WILTJA J2 40, JAW M3 38, JAW 10D 37, JAM M3 35, MAW 10D 32
JA 14F 55 kellybelly, TwoFold, slebbarc

On 18th draw, WINY 4L 20 --- WINY having the taste or qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: TIG 15M 17, INWIT M11 16, TUI C3 16, UNWIT M11 16, WUDU C10 16
WINY 4L 20 slebbarc
TIG 15M 17 TwoFold
NIT 15M 14 kellybelly

On 19th draw, QUIT J2 33 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QUIN M2 29, QUIT M2 29, TIEING B10 26, QUID C9 24, QUINE 8D 24
QUIT J2 33 kellybelly, TwoFold, slebbarc

On 20th draw, QUILT 2J 28 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other tops: QUINT 2J 28
Other moves: MUT C3 24, AIM N8 23, MIL 10F 23, VIM K1 23, VIM M3 21
QUILT 2J 28 kellybelly, slebbarc
VIM K1 23 TwoFold

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