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Game of June 8, 2011 at 08:58, 7 players
1. Bez -559
2. yab -606
3. Cruiser -663

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acnttuy   H8    28    28   canty
 2. eiilmnn  11A    70    98   liniment
 3. ?ehjnou   C7    56   154   johnnie
 4. adeirvw   8A    51   205   avowed
 5. aelpstw  14A    39   244   wastel
 6. abcegor  10F    83   327   bongrace
 7. ?dnoorx  15A    51   378   ox
 8. ?eiinns   N9    82   460   asinine
 9. deopstu  15H   176   636   outspeed
10. aadegot   O4    31   667   dotage
11. aeforru   D3    33   700   farrow
12. beilrtt   4H    78   778   brittled
13. aeeoqsu   6J    37   815   queest
14. egilmoz   H1    57   872   zombie
15. aaiorvy   L8    36   908   vicary
16. aadloru   I1    23   931   arar
17. dfghiop   C2    33   964   foh
18. dgikluu  K10    39  1003   adukis

Remaining tiles: gilpu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5356 FileBez         2 19:00  -559  444     1.6422 yab         2 13:54  -606  397 
  2.6422 Fileyab         2 13:54  -606  397            Group: novice
  3.4368 FileCruiser     0 16:22  -663  340     1.5356 Bez         2 19:00  -559  444 
  4.5976 Filemargalang   0 12:35  -780  223     2.5976 margalang   0 12:35  -780  223 
  5.4999 Fileannelhynz   1 12:06  -792  211            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filegfrazzic    0  5:18  -947   56     1.4368 Cruiser     0 16:22  -663  340 
  7.  -  FileEX_MY       0  0:25  -990   13     2.4999 annelhynz   1 12:06  -792  211 
                                             3.  -  gfrazzic    0  5:18  -947   56 
                                             4.  -  EX_MY       0  0:25  -990   13 

On 1st draw, CANTY H8 28 --- CANTY cheerful [adj]
Other tops: CATTY H8 28, CUTTY H8 28
Other moves: CANTY H4 26, CATTY H4 26, CUTTY H4 26, AUNTY H8 24, NATTY H8 24
CANTY H8 28 Bez
TUNY H8 14 Cruiser

On 2nd draw, LINIMENT 11A 70 --- LINIMENT a medicinal liquid [n]
Other moves: MAINLINE 9G 65, MEIN G9 25, MIEN G9 25, MYELIN 12G 22, LIMEY 12D 20
MINNY 12D 20 Cruiser
MINE 10F 12 annelhynz
MAIN 9G 10 Bez

On 3rd draw, JOHNN(I)E C7 56 --- JOHNNIE a condom [n]
Other moves: JIN(G)O B10 54, JIN(N)E B10 54, JI(N)NE B10 54, (S)HINJU B9 46, JENN(Y) G9 43
JOHN I6 26 Bez
JE(T) F10 25 Cruiser

On 4th draw, AVOWED 8A 51 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: AVOWER 8A 48, AVOW 8A 42, VROW 8A 42, DROVE 8A 39, DROW 8A 36
DROVE 8A 39 annelhynz
WIELD A8 33 Bez
VIRAL A7 24 Cruiser

On 5th draw, WASTEL 14A 39 --- WASTEL bread made from the finest flour [n]
Other moves: WASE I9 38, PASTEL 14A 37, SPAWL 14C 35, WASP 14A 35, SPAW 14C 34
PLATES A10 27 Bez
PLEATS A10 27 Cruiser
WED F6 15 annelhynz

On 6th draw, BONGRACE 10F 83 --- BONGRACE a sunshade worn over a hat [n]
Other moves: OB 15A 31, OBANG 10E 30, ACERB 15F 29, BANCO 10F 29, BANGER 10F 29
ACRE 15F 20 Bez
OWE A13 18 annelhynz
OGRE 15F 17 Cruiser

On 7th draw, OX 15A 51 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: (E)X 15A 45, (O)X 15A 45, OX(F)ORD 15F 41, DOX(Y) 15E 38, DO(U)X 15E 38
OX 15A 51 annelhynz
OX(E)N 15F 32 Cruiser
COX L10 24 Bez

On 8th draw, (A)SININE N9 82 --- ASININE obstinately stupid or silly [adj]
Other tops: INSINE(W) N8 82, INSI(G)NE N8 82, INS(A)NIE N8 82
Other moves: C(O)NIINES 8H 80, SI(R)ENIAN K4 78, CINE(R)INS 8H 77, IN(O)SINE 15D 77, NEIN(E)IS N4 76
SEINE 13B 21 Bez
SIN N10 21 Cruiser, yab
E(L) I12 6 annelhynz

On 9th draw, OUTSPEED 15H 176 --- OUTSPEED to go faster than [v]
Other moves: SPOUTED O3 91, OUTSPED 15F 88, OUTSPED O3 85, SPOUTED 7H 75, OUTSPEED E2 72
OUTSPEED 15H 126 yab
POSTED 15J 30 Cruiser
POET 15L 27 margalang
TOD O13 25 annelhynz

On 10th draw, DOTAGE O4 31 --- DOTAGE the state of senility [n]
Other tops: DOGATE O4 31
Other moves: TOGAED O4 29, TEAED M9 26, EGAD M10 23, GATED O5 23, JADE 7C 23
TOGAED O4 29 yab
GATED O5 23 Bez
JADE 7C 23 margalang
TOW D6 15 annelhynz
GATER J6 10 Cruiser

On 11th draw, FARROW D3 33 --- FARROW to give birth to a litter of pigs [v]
Other tops: FURROW D3 33
Other moves: FEARER 13B 29, AURORAE K5 28, FACER L8 28, FEARE 13B 27, FARCEUR L7 26
FURROW D3 33 yab
FORRAD 4J 20 Bez
FROW D5 19 annelhynz
FRAUD 4K 18 Cruiser
FE M9 18 margalang

On 12th draw, BRITTLED 4H 78 --- BRITTLE to become brittle [v]
BLITE C1 28 yab
BET E7 17 margalang
BRAIL K8 14 Cruiser
RIB 6D 11 annelhynz

On 13th draw, QUEEST 6J 37 --- QUEEST a pigeon [n]
Other moves: QUAERES J6 36, SACQUE L8 36, QUAERE J6 35, QUEERS J6 35, ROQUES 6D 35
QUARE 5A 28 Bez
QUA 3J 27 yab
AQUA K10 26 margalang
SAFE 3B 14 gfrazzic

On 14th draw, ZOMBIE H1 57 --- ZOMBIE a will-less human capable only of automatic movement [n]
Other moves: ZOMBI H1 54, GLOZE C1 53, MOZE C2 53, ZIMB H1 51, MIZ C2 49
ZOMBIE H1 57 yab, Bez
MAZE K9 30 margalang
ZIG 13M 26 Cruiser

On 15th draw, VICARY L8 36 --- VICARY a vicarship [n]
Other moves: VICAR L8 28, VINY 12L 28, OY C3 25, CAVY L10 24, IRONY 12K 24
OY C3 25 margalang
IVORY 5A 22 gfrazzic
VARY K9 20 Bez, Cruiser
ZOARIA 1H 16 yab

On 16th draw, ARAR I1 23 --- ARAR the sandarac tree [n]
Other tops: ALOD C1 23, ODA C3 23, (I)DOL 12C 23
Other moves: LOD C2 21, ROD C2 21, DOL C2 20, LEAD 13B 20, LEUD 13B 20
OD I1 17 margalang
LOAF 3A 14 Bez
ALFA 3B 14 yab
ROLL M1 8 Cruiser

On 17th draw, FOH C2 33 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: FIDO C2 31, POH C2 31, FOP C2 30, HIP C2 30, HOP C2 30
HIP C2 30 margalang, yab
HOP C2 30 Bez
FIORD 2F 21 Cruiser
DROP 5C 14 gfrazzic

On 18th draw, ADUKIS K10 39 --- ADUKI (Japanese) a kind of bean [n]
Other moves: KID B1 33, DAK K9 31, GID B1 27, KILLED M2 26, LID B1 25
LIKE N1 16 yab
ZAG 1H 13 Cruiser
DURING 12J 10 Bez
IDLE N1 10 margalang
LUD F6 6 gfrazzic

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