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Game sheet of strongams (file), Game of June 8, 2011 at 16:43

Word find
Word played
1 EEINNRY             RENEY H8 24 24  
2 EGHIOST             GHOSTIER 8A 89 113  
3 ?IMNRST             MISENT(E)R 11E 86 199  
4 AABEENP             BEEP 10C 28 227  
5 ?EEFQTU             QUEE(S)T 12A 57 284  
6 AEIOSUX             EAUX 12L 42 326  
7 AADERRS             DARERS 13I 27 353  
8 ADEFLRW             DEWAX O8 48 401  
9 ACCIMNV M(E) K10 3 -27 3 2/2 INCAVO C3 30 431 4/4
10 ALMNTUV             QUAT A12 39 470 4/4
11 AGILOOR             LURGI B11 22 492 4/4
12 AIINOPZ             ZONA D1 52 544 5/5
13 AFNOOVW             AVOW 14G 34 578 5/5
14 ABILOPS AL G14 2 -64 5 2/2 BIOPLAST J4 66 644 5/5
15 ADILLNT BI 4J 4 -38 9 2/2 DITZ 1A 42 686 5/5
16 DEIKLTU             CLEIK 5C 36 722 5/5
17 ADEFMRT             FAD 6F 34 756 5/5
18 CGINRTY             CITY K3 31 787 5/5
19 EFHNOOO FIN 3B 6 -39 15 2/2 FOHN L1 45 832 4/5
20 GILMNOO OD 8N 3 -39 18 2/2 LOMING 15J 42 874 4/5

Total: 18/874 or -856 for 2.059%
Rank: 859

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