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Game of June 8, 2011 at 18:15, 4 players
1. woofy1 -438
2. tonikay -493
3. cipka_616 -746

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?diirrt   H4    68    68   dirtier
 2. ?cinrrt   9A    60   128   tricorne
 3. defnoot   A6    30   158   footed
 4. aehioqv   B2    33   191   hovea
 5. abelmrt   5E    36   227   lamiter
 6. abdgitu   6F    28   255   bura
 7. bfglmou   A1    33   288   fob
 8. norsuwy   C1    40   328   yow
 9. eiinops   K5    70   398   ripienos
10. aadeikl   4D    36   434   laked
11. aemnstw   F8    67   501   trewsman
12. aeejllp  J11    34   535   lapje
13. acdinst   8H    42   577   indicias
14. adegnnu   O1    83   660   dunnages
15. eelortz  15D    72   732   zoner
16. eisttuy   L1    34   766   yetis
17. aehiotu   B9    31   797   rhea
18. eiituux   M1    42   839   exit
19. ggiloqu  12H    48   887   quasi

Remaining tiles: gglouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6265 Filewoofy1      3 18:19  -438  449     1.6265 woofy1      3 18:19  -438  449 
  2.3698 Filetonikay     1 24:15  -493  394     2.6174 cipka_616   1  5:41  -746  141 
  3.6174 Filecipka_616   1  5:41  -746  141            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filetoutflou    1  2:31  -772  115     1.3698 tonikay     1 24:15  -493  394 
                                             2.  -  toutflou    1  2:31  -772  115 

On 1st draw, DIRTI(E)R H4 68 --- DIRTY unclean [adj]
Other moves: DIRTI(E)R H2 66, DIRTI(E)R H3 66, DIRTI(E)R H6 66, DIRTI(E)R H8 66, DIRTI(E)R H5 64
DIRTI(E)R H4 68 tonikay

On 2nd draw, TRIC(O)RN(E) 9A 60 --- TRICORNE a hat with the brim turned up on three sides [n]
Other moves: INCIT(E)R 5E 32, N(E)RITIC 5E 32, N(O)RITIC 5E 32, CITRIN 5D 16, CITRIN 5G 16
TIC(K) 5G 5 tonikay

On 3rd draw, FOOTED A6 30 --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other moves: FRONTED B8 26, REDFOOT B9 26, DEFT A6 24, OFTEN A7 24, ROOFED B9 24
DOTE A7 15 tonikay

On 4th draw, HOVEA B2 33 --- HOVEA an Australian shrub with purple flowers [n]
Other moves: RHEA B9 31, RHO B9 30, CHAVE D9 26, CHIVE D9 26, CHAV D9 24
H(O)OVE E8 20 tonikay

On 5th draw, LAMITER 5E 36 --- LAMITER a cripple [n]
Other moves: BAM A1 30, CAMBREL D9 28, CLAMBER D9 28, BAM C1 27, BECALM D7 26
MAT A1 22 tonikay

On 6th draw, BURA 6F 28 --- BURA a violent windstorm [n]
Other moves: DAB A1 27, DUB A1 27, GAB A1 27, GUB A1 27, BAD A1 26
GAB A1 27 woofy1
BAG A1 26 tonikay

On 7th draw, FOB A1 33 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other tops: FUB A1 33, FUM A1 33
Other moves: BUM A1 30, MOB A1 30, FOB C1 29, FOG A1 29, FUG A1 29
FOB A1 33 woofy1
MOB A1 30 tonikay

On 8th draw, YOW C1 40 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other moves: NOW C1 34, NOY C1 34, ROW C1 34, SOW C1 34, SOY C1 34
YOW C1 40 woofy1
BOORS 3A 14 tonikay

On 9th draw, RIPIENOS K5 70 --- RIPIENO a musical passage performed by all the performers [n]
Other tops: SINOPIE L5 70
Other moves: RIPIENOS 10H 68, PEINS L1 30, PENIS L1 30, PEONS L1 30, PINES L1 30
PINES L1 30 woofy1
SIPE L5 17 tonikay

On 10th draw, LAKED 4D 36 --- LAKED subjected to the process of laking [adj]
Other moves: RAIKED B9 33, LAIKED J8 29, LACKED D7 28, LICKED D7 28, DAK 4D 27
DIKE L11 25 woofy1
KIDS 12H 14 tonikay

On 11th draw, TREWSMAN F8 67 --- TREWSMAN a wearer of trousers [n]
Other tops: TRANSMEW F8 67
Other moves: WAMES L1 38, YAMENS 1C 36, WANES L1 34, WANTS L1 34, WEANS L1 34
NEWTS L9 29 woofy1
WASES 12I 16 tonikay

On 12th draw, LAPJE J11 34 --- LAPJE a rag [n]
Other moves: JASPE 12D 30, JEEP J11 30, PANEL 15D 30, PENAL 15D 30, JAPE J2 29
J*W 11D 26 tonikay
NAPE 15F 18 woofy1

On 13th draw, INDICIAS 8H 42 --- INDICIA a distinctive mark [n]
Other moves: DESCANT 15I 39, DISCANT 15A 39, DICAST 8J 36, INCANTS 15B 36, NICADS 8J 36
DIETS 15H 21 tonikay
NID 15F 12 woofy1

On 14th draw, DUNNAGES O1 83 --- DUNNAGE packing material used to protect cargo [n]
Other moves: DUNNAGE 15D 33, UNEDGE 15H 30, JUDGE 14J 28, GANNED 15C 27, GUNNED 15C 27
GANNED 15C 27 woofy1
GAE 7M 15 tonikay

On 15th draw, ZONER 15D 72 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other moves: NEEZE 15F 42, TREZ 15H 39, ZEE 15H 36, CLOZE D9 32, CROZE D9 32
ZONER 15D 72 woofy1
ZEE 15H 36 tonikay

On 16th draw, YETIS L1 34 --- YETI the abominable snowman [n]
Other tops: YETTS L1 34, YITES L1 34
Other moves: YUTZ D12 32, JETTY 14J 30, JUTTY 14J 30, STEY L12 28, STIMY 13C 28
YETIS L1 34 cipka_616
TYEE G12 26 woofy1
YAE 14E 13 tonikay

On 17th draw, RHEA B9 31 --- RHEA a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: RHO B9 30, ETH L10 29, OHIA L11 29, THAE L11 29, THIO L11 29
THOU L11 29 toutflou
HATE L12 28 cipka_616
THO L11 27 woofy1

On 18th draw, EXIT M1 42 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: EX N1 39, XI N2 38, XU N2 38, EXIT C11 35, XI M2 31
EXIT M1 42 toutflou
EX N1 39 woofy1
EXIT C11 35 cipka_616
TAXI N7 15 tonikay

On 19th draw, QUASI 12H 48 --- QUASI similar but not exactly the same [adj]
Other moves: QUIZ D12 44, QUIM 13C 30, QIS 12D 24, SUQ 12F 22, QI M7 21
QUIZ D12 44 woofy1, toutflou, cipka_616
QI M7 21 tonikay

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