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Game of June 8, 2011 at 21:30, 6 players
1. sunshine12 -358
2. SuperH -388
3. beckysharp -402

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdeirsv   H8    84    84   scrived
 2. ?ehiooy  13H    32   116   eyehook
 3. ?aadnuz   J7    71   187   unamazed
 4. ainnpst   8A    89   276   snaptins
 5. aellmps   O8    46   322   maples
 6. beeottw  K11    35   357   boh
 7. aaefior  L12    36   393   oof
 8. acdefio   E5    52   445   factoid
 9. abehlrt   A1    98   543   halberts
10. agilntx   F4    56   599   tax
11. eeoorsu   B2    30   629   roose
12. aeklnnt   C7    34   663   kantela
13. eiintty  15L    47   710   yite
14. deinntw   K3    79   789   twinned
15. eeggiru   G1    28   817   greige
16. eijoruv   1D    39   856   virge
17. eglmruu   C2    29   885   mug
18. aeiiqru   J2    39   924   qua
19. eijoruw  12A    38   962   jole

Remaining tiles: iilruw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6134 Filesunshine12  2 17:20  -358  604     1.6134 sunshine12  2 17:20  -358  604 
  2.6215 FileSuperH      4 21:24  -388  574     2.6215 SuperH      4 21:24  -388  574 
  3.5895 Filebeckysharp  2 27:52  -402  560            Group: novice
  4.4214 FileDbuggle     0 13:13  -620  342     1.5895 beckysharp  2 27:52  -402  560 
  5.4453 FileAndy1990    1 21:20  -628  334     2.5840 SPIDER767   1 11:52  -709  253 
  6.5840 FileSPIDER767   1 11:52  -709  253            Group: not rated
                                             1.4214 Dbuggle     0 13:13  -620  342 
                                             2.4453 Andy1990    1 21:20  -628  334 

On 1st draw, SCRIVED H8 84 --- SCRIVE to engrave [v]
Other moves: CERVIDS H4 82, SCRIVED H3 82, CERVIDS H7 80, SCRIVED H6 80, CERVIDS H2 78
VICED H4 30 beckysharp
VICES H4 28 SuperH, sunshine12
CRIED H4 22 Dbuggle

On 2nd draw, EYEHOO(K) 13H 32 --- EYEHOOK a type of hook [n]
Other moves: HYE(N)OID 14B 30, OOHE(D) I7 28, HED(G)Y 14F 27, HER(B)Y 10F 26, HER(R)Y 10F 26
HOY I13 25 SuperH
(T)HE I8 23 beckysharp
HE I9 22 sunshine12
HIDE 14F 16 Dbuggle

On 3rd draw, UNA(M)AZED J7 71 --- AMAZE to overwhelm with surprise or wonder [adj] --- UNAMAZED not amazed [adj]
Other moves: NAZ(I) 12J 54, AZ(O) 12K 50, ADZ 12K 48, (A)DZ 12K 45, (S)AZ O13 45
AZ(O) 12K 50 beckysharp
Z(O) 12L 43 sunshine12, SuperH
ZO(O) L12 22 Dbuggle
DAN(K) N10 8 Andy1990

On 4th draw, SNAPTINS 8A 89 --- SNAPTIN a container for food [n]
Other moves: PINTANOS L7 72, SNAPTIN K1 70, PINTANOS M7 64, SNAPTIN I1 64, ZAPS 12J 45
ZAPS 12J 45 sunshine12, beckysharp, SuperH
PIN(K)S N10 24 Andy1990
PIANOS L9 16 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, MAPLES O8 46 --- MAPLE a hardwood tree [n]
Other tops: PELMAS O8 46
Other moves: ZAPS 12J 45, ZEPS 12J 45, ZAP 12J 41, ZEP 12J 41, LAPELS O8 40
ZAPS 12J 45 SuperH, sunshine12
SPA O13 28 beckysharp
PEA(K)S N10 24 Dbuggle
MA(K)ES N11 12 Andy1990

On 6th draw, BOH K11 35 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other moves: BOW K9 31, WEB K9 30, WEET 9C 28, BEWEPT D4 26, EWE 9B 25
BOH K11 35 SuperH, beckysharp
BEET N6 18 sunshine12
TOWED 14D 17 Andy1990
WEEP 10L 11 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, OOF L12 36 --- OOF money [n]
Other moves: OOR L12 30, OO L12 28, ZOO 12J 28, FOE 7C 25, FADED 14F 23
OOF L12 36 SuperH
FOE 7C 25 sunshine12, beckysharp
FADED 14F 23 Andy1990
FINER B6 18 Dbuggle

On 8th draw, FACTOID E5 52 --- FACTOID a statement said so often that it is believed to be true [n]
Other moves: FOID 7C 30, DEAF 9C 26, DEIF 9C 26, DOFF 14J 25, FOE 7C 25
FOE 7C 25 beckysharp
DEAF N6 21 sunshine12
FINED B6 21 Andy1990
FACED C7 18 Dbuggle
DOF N7 16 SuperH

On 9th draw, HALBERTS A1 98 --- HALBERT an ancient axelike weapon [n]
Other moves: BLATHERS A1 92, BLATHER K3 83, BLATHER K1 76, HALBERT K1 76, BELAH F2 42
BELAH F2 42 sunshine12
BAH F4 34 SuperH, beckysharp
BATHED 14C 20 Andy1990
TABLE 6D 13 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, TAX F4 56 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LAX F4 56
Other moves: AX F5 55, AXION 9B 45, AX B1 41, XI B2 38, TAXING D10 37
TAX F4 56 sunshine12, beckysharp, SuperH, SPIDER767
TAXA 6D 27 Andy1990
LAX 3A 20 Dbuggle

On 11th draw, ROOSE B2 30 --- ROOSE to praise [v]
Other moves: FROS 14L 29, EUROS 12A 26, ROUES 12A 26, EROSE 12B 24, EROSE G2 24
ROUES 12A 26 sunshine12
ROUSE 12B 24 beckysharp
SORE 15L 23 SuperH
AROUSE 2A 16 Dbuggle, SPIDER767
AXES 6E 11 Andy1990

On 12th draw, KANTELA C7 34 --- KANTELA a Finnish zither [n]
Other moves: KANE G3 31, KANTEN D10 31, KETA C1 30, ANKLET N4 26, KANTEN K4 26
KANE G3 31 sunshine12
TALKED 14C 21 Andy1990
TANKED 14C 21 Dbuggle
LIKER 10D 19 beckysharp
LOKE 3A 16 SuperH

On 13th draw, YITE 15L 47 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other tops: YETI 15L 47, YETT 15L 47
Other moves: NITTY D11 34, YITE G3 29, FEY 14L 28, YETI C1 28, YETT C1 28
YETI 15L 47 sunshine12, SuperH
YE G5 24 beckysharp
YEN B11 15 Andy1990
NUTTY 7I 13 Dbuggle

On 14th draw, TWINNED K3 79 --- TWIN to bring together in close association [v]
Other moves: TWINNED N3 70, NEWT C1 34, EWT C2 32, WIT C3 32, DWINE G2 31
WIT C3 32 SuperH
WIDE G3 31 SPIDER767, sunshine12
WILD 12A 24 Andy1990
TWINNED 4F 24 Dbuggle
TWINNED N3 20 beckysharp

On 15th draw, GREIGE G1 28 --- GREIGE fabric in an unfinished state [n]
Other moves: EGG C2 27, GREGE G2 27, GREE L1 26, GERE G3 25, ERG C2 23
GREE L1 26 sunshine12
GI C3 19 SuperH
WIG 4K 14 Dbuggle
WIRE 4K 14 Andy1990
TRIG 3K 10 beckysharp

On 16th draw, VIRGE 1D 39 --- VIRGE the brink [n]
Other tops: VOUGE 1D 39
Other moves: JOLE 12A 38, GJU 1G 33, VOGUIER 1E 33, JOE L2 32, JEU N6 30
VIGOUR 1E 30 beckysharp
VOGUE 1E 27 sunshine12
GROVE 1G 27 Andy1990, Dbuggle
JOG 1E 11 SuperH

On 17th draw, MUG C2 29 --- MUG to assault with intent to rob [v]
Other moves: ERG C2 23, MUTUEL 3I 22, MUTULE 3I 22, EMU N8 21, MEU N8 21
GLUM N6 19 beckysharp
MUG B13 16 Andy1990
TERM 3K 12 Dbuggle
TIG 4F 6 SuperH

On 18th draw, QUA J2 39 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUA N6 36, QI J2 33, QUAIR I3 29, QUA L1 24, URAEI B10 24
QUA N6 36 sunshine12, beckysharp
QAT 3I 22 SuperH
QUIP 10L 17 Dbuggle
QUA J1 16 Andy1990
QI L2 13 SPIDER767

On 19th draw, JOLE 12A 38 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: J*W B13 35, JOW B13 35, JEU N6 30, JOE N6 30, JEU B13 29
JOLE 12A 38 Andy1990
J*W B13 35 sunshine12, SuperH
JOW B13 35 SPIDER767
JUD 14F 27 beckysharp
JUT 3I 18 Dbuggle

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