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Game of June 8, 2011 at 22:17, 5 players
1. sunshine12 -268
2. bonggalita -393
3. Dbuggle -444

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deimnnr   H4    24    24   minder
 2. eorstwz  10C    48    72   towzes
 3. adehino  11D    45   117   head
 4. ?iinoux  12A    49   166   unbox
 5. ?aaiiis  13C    28   194   asea
 6. aaikost  14E    29   223   sakia
 7. bceertu  H12    33   256   crib
 8. ijlostt   8C    66   322   joltiest
 9. adiinot   6H    65   387   nidation
10. egglnor  A10    24   411   gouger
11. bilopuv   5K    28   439   pub
12. eeefqrt   O5    27   466   enfree
13. aaeinot   H1    39   505   netminders
14. aeillty   M3    30   535   lability
15. eeilmru   1B    63   598   lemurine
16. acdfhio  13H    41   639   rhodic
17. aaegnry   B1    34   673   larney
18. eiopquw   L8    53   726   quop
19. aefinov   A5    40   766   fave

Remaining tiles: ginovw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6149 Filesunshine12  4 19:41  -268  498     1.6149 sunshine12  4 19:41  -268  498 
  2.6961 Filebonggalita  2 14:22  -393  373     2.6961 bonggalita  2 14:22  -393  373 
  3.4211 FileDbuggle     3 19:51  -444  322            Group: novice
  4.4453 FileAndy1990    1 21:28  -459  307     1.5699 Faeythe     0  4:09  -706   60 
  5.5699 FileFaeythe     0  4:09  -706   60            Group: not rated
                                             1.4211 Dbuggle     3 19:51  -444  322 
                                             2.4453 Andy1990    1 21:28  -459  307 

On 1st draw, MINDER H4 24 --- MINDER one that minds [n]
Other moves: DENIM H8 22, MINED H4 22, MIRED H4 22, REMIND H7 22, DENIM H4 20
MINDER H4 24 Andy1990, sunshine12, Dbuggle

On 2nd draw, TOWZES 10C 48 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: ZOSTER 10F 47, TOZES 10D 44, ZEST 10F 43, SEZ 10H 42, ZOS 10F 42
ZONERS 6F 37 sunshine12
ZONE 6F 33 Dbuggle
WENT 6F 15 Andy1990

On 3rd draw, HEAD 11D 45 --- HEAD to be chief of [v]
Other moves: NOAH 11D 42, HOA 11D 38, DEAN 11D 36, IDEA 11C 36, ODEA 11C 36
HEAD 11D 45 sunshine12
WHINED E10 26 Dbuggle, Andy1990

On 4th draw, UN(B)OX 12A 49 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: NOX 12C 45, OX 12D 43, (B)OX 12C 43, (C)OX 12C 43, (F)OX 12C 43
NOX 12C 45 sunshine12
ZAX F10 19 Andy1990
MINX 4H 13 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, AS(E)A 13C 28 --- ASEA at sea [adv]
Other moves: S(E)A 13D 22, S(E)I 13D 22, SAI(S) 13A 18, (M)AAS 13A 18, (P)AIS 13A 18
SA(T) I3 8 sunshine12
(B)AS(H) C12 4 Andy1990

On 6th draw, SAKIA 14E 29 --- SAKIA an Eastern water wheel [n]
Other tops: KRAITS 9G 29, SAKAI 14E 29, SITKA 14E 29
Other moves: KRAIT 9G 28, SAKI 14E 28, SIKA 14E 28, KRIS 9G 27, KUIAS A11 27
SKAT I2 19 sunshine12
SKIN 6E 18 Dbuggle, bonggalita
(B)ASK C12 7 Andy1990

On 7th draw, CRIB H12 33 --- CRIB to confine closely [v]
Other moves: TERCE 15H 32, TRUCE 15H 32, BERET 13I 27, BRIE H12 27, BRIT H12 27
CRIB H12 33 Dbuggle, sunshine12
TRUCE 15H 32 bonggalita
BIT H13 15 Andy1990

On 8th draw, JOLTIEST 8C 66 --- JOLTY marked by a jolting motion [adj]
Other moves: JILTS J10 42, JOLTS J10 42, JINS 6F 27, JIN 6F 26, JOIST J11 26
JOLTS J10 42 bonggalita
JOT I3 24 sunshine12
JILTS 5G 24 Andy1990
JOINS 6E 14 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, NIDATION 6H 65 --- NIDATION attachment of a blastocyst to the uterus wall [n]
Other moves: NIDATION 6A 63, CONIDIA 12H 20, AMIDIN 4G 18, AUDIO A11 18, AUDIT A11 18
ADO 9A 16 sunshine12, Faeythe
ADD 7F 14 bonggalita
JOT C8 11 Andy1990
DOT J6 8 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, GOUGER A10 24 --- GOUGER one that gouges [n]
Other tops: GENRO O4 24, GLURGE A10 24, GONER O4 24, GRUNGE A10 24, LONGER O4 24
Other moves: CLOGGER 12H 22, RIGOL 5G 22, TOGGLER L6 22, ENNOG O4 21, GUNGE A11 21
GONER O4 24 Dbuggle
LOUNGE A10 21 bonggalita
NOG O6 12 sunshine12
GRONE O3 7 Andy1990

On 11th draw, PUB 5K 28 --- PUB a public bar [n] --- PUB to go to a public bar, PUBBED, PUBBING, PUBS [v]
Other moves: PULI 5K 26, LIPO 5K 24, UPDO 7F 24, VOLUBIL E2 24, OBI 5J 23
PUB 5K 28 bonggalita
PIVOT L2 20 Andy1990
NIB O6 15 sunshine12
NIP O6 15 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, ENFREE O5 27 --- ENFREE to set free [v]
Other moves: FREEBIE M1 26, REEFER 13H 23, FE B14 22, RETE 7K 21, TEENER O3 21
FE B14 22 bonggalita
NEF O6 18 sunshine12
JET C8 11 Dbuggle, Andy1990

On 13th draw, NETMINDERS H1 39 --- NETMINDER [n]
Other moves: ATONIA N9 22, TAENIA N9 22, ATONIA N10 20, NIOBITE M2 20, TAENIA N10 20
TONIES I3 18 sunshine12
ABATE 15G 15 bonggalita
JET C8 11 Dbuggle
JOT C8 11 Andy1990

On 14th draw, LABILITY M3 30 --- LABILITY the state of being labile [n]
Other moves: AYE N9 29, TYE N9 29, AY N9 28, TAILYE N9 28, YALE N10 28
YELL N10 28 bonggalita
YALE N10 28 sunshine12
TALLY N10 24 Faeythe
YELL E5 14 Andy1990
YET F6 14 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, LEMURINE 1B 63 --- LEMURINE an ancient Roman festival [n] --- LEMURINE pertaining to a lemur [adj]
Other moves: RELUMINE 1B 61, LEMUR L8 28, EMULE L9 23, EMURE L9 23, MUTE L4 22
EMULE L9 23 Andy1990
MILER L10 21 bonggalita, sunshine12
MAR 4L 20 Faeythe
METRE 3F 9 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, RHODIC 13H 41 --- RHODIC pertaining to rhodium [adj] --- RHODIUM a metallic element [adj]
Other moves: ODAH 2B 32, FADO 2A 27, FAH 2A 27, FIDO 2A 27, FOH 2A 27
FAH L10 26 sunshine12
HAD 4L 26 bonggalita
HAD N9 23 Andy1990
MAID D1 14 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, LARNEY B1 34 --- LARNEY (South Africa) a white person, a rich person [n] --- LARNEY of clothes, smart [adj]
Other moves: YAG 12J 28, NARY 2A 27, ANY 2B 25, ARY 2B 25, ABYE 15G 24
YAG 12J 28 sunshine12
GAY 4L 22 bonggalita
GRANDE K9 16 Andy1990
EYE C1 12 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, QUOP L8 53 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QI L8 44, EQUIP 5E 36, QUEY 10J 36, QUIPO L11 34, EQUIP 5B 32
QUOP L8 53 sunshine12
QI L8 44 bonggalita
QUIP L11 30 Dbuggle
QUID K10 28 Andy1990

On 19th draw, FAVE A5 40 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FONDA K10 35, FOID K10 33, FOND K10 33, FAIN A5 31, FANE A5 31
FAVE A5 40 bonggalita
NOVA A5 28 sunshine12
RAVINE F1 13 Dbuggle
FAINT 3D 9 Andy1990

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