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Game of June 9, 2011 at 00:35, 2 players
1. ceosickey -711
2. bonggalita -789

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?fooost   H4    24    24   foots
 2. aefjmrv   I3    29    53   jam
 3. deotuvy   3I    32    85   joyed
 4. abeknrt   2J    44   129   kab
 5. aciilsu   G8    63   192   iliacus
 6. ?airtuv  12G    76   268   curative
 7. ?dennrv  10G    67   335   innerved
 8. aadglou   1K    34   369   doula
 9. ceenort   5E   102   471   oncometer
10. bdeersw  14B    40   511   bedews
11. aeeimno  15A    36   547   minae
12. efinrst  O12    38   585   serf
13. aeehnpt  14J    38   623   heaper
14. eilostt  15H    28   651   toile
15. alopqrt   F2    36   687   tranq
16. ginprsy   7B    29   716   pyins
17. aghioru  13C    34   750   hog
18. eginowx   6J    52   802   xi
19. ailouwz   8A    45   847   zoa
20. egilnrw   9B    29   876   lwei
21. gginrtu   4A    23   899   gringa

Remaining tiles: tu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6603 Fileceosickey   2  7:10  -711  188     1.6603 ceosickey   2  7:10  -711  188 
  2.6968 Filebonggalita  1  4:18  -789  110     2.6968 bonggalita  1  4:18  -789  110 

On 1st draw, FOOTS H4 24 --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other tops: FOOTS(Y) H4 24
Other moves: FOOT(S) H4 22, FOOT(Y) H4 22, FOO(D)S H4 22, FOO(L)S H4 22, FOO(T)S H4 22

On 2nd draw, JAM I3 29 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JORAM 5G 28, MAJOR 5E 28, JAR I3 25, FAME I3 24, FARM I3 24
JAM I3 29 bonggalita

On 3rd draw, JOYED 3I 32 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: YOD J2 31, EYOT J1 30, DOY J2 29, VOE J2 29, TOY J2 26
YOD J2 31 bonggalita

On 4th draw, KAB 2J 44 --- KAB an ancient Hebrew unit of measure [n]
Other tops: KANE 2J 44
Other moves: KAE 2J 40, KAT 2J 40, KA 2J 37, NABK 4L 37, KBAR 2K 36
BARE 2J 32 bonggalita

On 5th draw, ILIACUS G8 63 --- ILIACUS a muscle in the groin [n]
Other tops: ILIACUS I8 63
Other moves: LAIC 4L 31, SAIC 4L 31, LACS 4L 27, OSCULA 6H 27, LAC 4L 23
COS 6G 18 bonggalita

On 6th draw, CURATIV(E) 12G 76 --- CURATIVE something that cures [n]
Other tops: CURVITA(L) 12G 76, CU(L)TIVAR 12G 76, VIRTUO(S)A 6C 76
Other moves: VIRTUA(L) F2 71, VITRAU(X) F2 71, VIRTU(O)SA 14A 70, DURATIV(E) M3 66, TRAVAI(L) 11E 36

On 7th draw, INNERV(E)D 10G 67 --- INNERVE to stimulate [v]
Other moves: INN(E)RVED 10G 65, (U)NDRIVEN 10C 65, (I)NNERV(E)D N6 62, (U)NDRIVEN L8 62, (U)NNERV(E)D N6 62

On 8th draw, DOULA 1K 34 --- DOULA (modern Greek) a woman trained to give support for childbirth [n]
Other moves: GAUD 4L 31, GOAD 4L 31, GOLD 4L 31, UDAL 4K 31, D*G* 4L 29

On 9th draw, ONCOMETER 5E 102 --- ONCOMETER
Other moves: NECROTISE 8A 86, TRECENTO 7H 62, TENRECS 14A 30, TRONCS 14B 28, COENURE 13C 25

On 10th draw, BEDEWS 14B 40 --- BEDEW to cover with dew [v]
Other moves: SWEE O12 38, DWEEBS 14B 36, RESEWS 14B 34, SW(E)RVED M8 34, BEDEW 4A 33

On 11th draw, MINAE 15A 36 --- MINA an ancient unit of weight and value [n]
Other tops: MONIE 15A 36
Other moves: NAME 15A 33, NEMA 15A 33, NOMA 15A 33, NOME 15A 33, MIAOU 13C 32

On 12th draw, SERF O12 38 --- SERF a feudal slave [n]
Other tops: FINERS 6J 38, FINEST 6J 38, SEIF O12 38, SIFT O12 38
Other moves: FINER 6J 37, FINES 6J 37, FIRES 6J 37, FINE 6J 34, FIRE 6J 34

On 13th draw, HEAPER 14J 38 --- HEAPER one that heaps [n]
Other moves: HATE 6J 34, HEATER 14J 34, HETE 6J 34, PETHER 14J 34, HAE 6J 31

On 14th draw, TOILE 15H 28 --- TOILE a sheer linen fabric [n]
Other tops: SOIL 4L 28, SOLE 4L 28, SOLI 4L 28, STILE 15H 28, STILT 15H 28, STOLE 15H 28, TEILS 15H 28, TOILS 15H 28, TOISE 15H 28, TOITS 15H 28
Other moves: OSTEITIS 8A 27, ITSELF 15J 26, SOL 4L 24, SOT 4L 24, SILOED N5 23

On 15th draw, TRANQ F2 36 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: POL 13C 27, POT 13C 27, QAT 4C 26, LOP 13A 25, TOP 13A 25
QAT 4C 26 ceosickey

On 16th draw, PYINS 7B 29 --- PYIN a protein compound contained in pus [n]
Other tops: SPRY N5 29
Other moves: SPIRY 3C 28, SPY N5 28, SYN N5 28, YIPS 7C 28, GYPS 7C 27
PIG 9M 18 ceosickey

On 17th draw, HOG 13C 34 --- HOG to take more than one's share [v]
Other moves: HOA 6J 31, HA 6J 28, HI 6J 28, HO 6J 28, HAO 8A 27
HOG 13A 27 ceosickey

On 18th draw, XI 6J 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OX 2N 31, XI 8A 31, GIEN 8A 30, NIXE 6J 30, EXPO B5 29
XI 6J 52 ceosickey

On 19th draw, ZOA 8A 45 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZA 8A 37, ZO 8A 37, WAZIR 3B 34, WIZ 9M 30, ZILA 4C 28
ZOA 8A 45 ceosickey

On 20th draw, LWEI 9B 29 --- LWEI a monetary unit of Angola [n]
Other moves: WIG 9C 24, WEIL 9B 23, WEIR 9B 23, WEN 9C 23, WIN 9C 23
WINGER 3A 20 ceosickey

On 21th draw, GRINGA 4A 23 --- GRINGA a foreign woman in Latin America -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: GRINGA 11B 16, NUTRIA 4A 16, UNGIRT 3B 16, GIGA 4C 15, GUGA 4C 15

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