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Game of June 9, 2011 at 17:26, 3 players
1. rn.roselle -468
2. Losh -616
3. emma_88 -859

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adilmot   H7    24    24   diatom
 2. dnoprsy  13C    34    58   proyns
 3. dfgkouw  12B    32    90   douk
 4. deehnrt   9G    68   158   hartened
 5. ??abenv   K5    94   252   verbenas
 6. aeeimor   8K    32   284   boree
 7. fiinosu   E8    26   310   finsko
 8. aehlopt   D4    86   396   taphole
 9. aeegnsu   8A    30   426   ganofs
10. agimqrs   F6    32   458   qis
11. eeilnrz   C3    37   495   rez
12. eiorstw   2C    75   570   towsier
13. eeimntx   1H    41   611   next
14. fgjlotu   1D    39   650   jo
15. aaelouv  L11    22   672   loave
16. abgilru   E4    35   707   ag
17. aadeiru  14J    26   733   diver
18. acgilty  O12    46   779   city
19. aafgimu  M11    34   813   fume
20. abgiilw  15F    30   843   wilga
21. abceilu   M3    28   871   calibre

Remaining tiles: aeiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6276 Filern.roselle  3 16:55  -468  403     1.6276 rn.roselle  3 16:55  -468  403 
  2.3078 FileLosh        0 25:13  -616  255            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Fileemma_88     0  1:20  -859   12     1.3078 Losh        0 25:13  -616  255 
                                             2.  -  emma_88     0  1:20  -859   12 

On 1st draw, DIATOM H7 24 --- DIATOM any of a class of algae [n]
Other tops: AMIDOL H3 24
Other moves: DIATOM H4 22, MALOTI H4 22, MODAL H4 22, AMIDOL H4 20, AMIDOL H7 20
MOLD H8 14 Losh
MAIL H5 12 emma_88

On 2nd draw, PROYNS 13C 34 --- PROYN to prune [v]
Other moves: DOPY G6 32, ROPY G6 31, DOPY I9 30, PROSY G5 30, PROSY I5 30
SPORTY 10D 13 Losh

On 3rd draw, DOUK 12B 32 --- DOUK to bathe [v]
Other tops: GOUK 12B 32
Other moves: WOF I9 29, FROW D12 28, GROK D12 28, OUK 12C 28, FOUD 12B 27
FOOD E11 16 Losh

On 4th draw, HARTENED 9G 68 --- HARTEN to give courage to [v]
Other moves: NEATHERD 9F 66, ADHERENT 9H 65, THREADEN 9D 65, NITHERED 8G 63, NETHER I6 33
NEITHER 8F 11 Losh

On 5th draw, VE(R)BENA(S) K5 94 --- VERBENA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: (W)AVEB(A)ND N2 86, (W)(A)VEBAND N2 86, BE(K)NAV(E)D N2 78, B(E)(K)NAVED N2 78, ENV(I)AB(L)E M2 78
A(D)VE(R)T J4 15 Losh

On 6th draw, BOREE 8K 32 --- BOREE an Acacia tree [n]
Other moves: ANOMIE L8 31, ENAMOR L8 31, AMEER 14A 29, ANOMIE 10J 27, ENAMOR 10J 27
ADMIRE N8 15 Losh

On 7th draw, FINSKO E8 26 --- FINSKO a reindeer-skin boot [n]
Other moves: TIFOSI J9 23, REFUSION M8 22, SOU 14E 21, UNFIT 10D 21, FIORIN I6 20
OF 7M 17 rn.roselle
(S)IN 12K 4 Losh

On 8th draw, TAPHOLE D4 86 --- TAPHOLE a hole in a blast furnace [n]
Other moves: TAPHOLE D2 82, TAPHOLE F2 71, TAPHOLE G1 70, TAPHOLE I1 70, PHO 10M 36
HELP L12 32 rn.roselle
HOD B10 15 Losh

On 9th draw, GANOFS 8A 30 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other moves: GENUA C3 28, GENUS C3 28, GANOF 8A 27, SENEGA E1 26, SAGENE E1 24
USAGE E2 24 rn.roselle
SAGE 5C 10 Losh

On 10th draw, QIS F6 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS E3 30, QIS 14A 29, MAGI E3 26, QIS C2 26, RAMI E3 26
QIS E3 30 rn.roselle
IMAGE O4 9 Losh

On 11th draw, REZ C3 37 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other tops: L*Z C3 37, RIZ C3 37
Other moves: HIZEN G9 34, ZEP 6B 34, ZIP 6B 34, ZEAL B6 33, ZED B10 33
ZIP 6B 34 rn.roselle
TEEL 4D 4 Losh

On 12th draw, TOWSIER 2C 75 --- TOWSY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: STREW 2B 45, STROW 2B 45, STOWER 2B 35, STOWRE 2B 35, ENOWS 10J 31
ZAS 5C 24 rn.roselle
WEST 6J 15 Losh

On 13th draw, NEXT 1H 41 --- NEXT coming immediately after; adjoining [adj] --- NEXT the person or thing that comes immediately after [n]
Other moves: MEINT 1H 38, TEX 1H 38, ZAX 5C 38, MIXEN L11 36, MIXTE L11 36
ZAX 5C 38 rn.roselle
NEXT H1 36 Losh

On 14th draw, JO 1D 39 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: FLOUT 3I 34, JUD B10 27, JET 6J 26, JEU 6J 26, ZAG 5C 26
JO 1D 39 rn.roselle
JUG A6 11 Losh

On 15th draw, LOAVE L11 22 --- LOAVE to form a head as in a cabbage [v]
Other tops: AVALE 3I 22
Other moves: MAU(S)OLEA 12H 20, REVALUE M8 20, A(R)EOLA 7J 19, LAEVO J11 19, LOAVE J11 19
(S)OLVE 12K 16 rn.roselle, Losh

On 16th draw, AG E4 35 --- AG agriculture [n] --- AG pertaining to agriculture [adj]
Other moves: BAZAR 5A 32, BLAGUER 15G 30, BULGIER 15G 30, GAZAL 5A 30, GAZAR 5A 30
AG E4 35 rn.roselle
VAIL 14L 14 Losh

On 17th draw, DIVER 14J 26 --- DIVER one that dives [n]
Other moves: IDEA 3F 22, RAVED 14J 22, RIVED 14J 22, AERIED 15H 21, DEAIR 3G 21
DIVER 14J 26 rn.roselle
AGED A7 6 Losh

On 18th draw, CITY O12 46 --- CITY a large town [n]
Other moves: LAITY O11 37, GAILY 3I 28, YA J6 27, YAGI 15G 27, LIGATE 15G 26
YA J6 27 rn.roselle
VAIL 5K 7 Losh

On 19th draw, FUME M11 34 --- FUME to give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) [v]
Other moves: MAFIA 15F 33, AGAMI 15F 27, AMIGA 15F 27, FA J6 27, FRAIM I8 25
FA J6 27 rn.roselle
YAM F13 10 Losh

On 20th draw, WILGA 15F 30 --- WILGA a small, white flowered tree [n]
Other moves: GIBLI 15F 27, GIBLI 3I 26, ALIBI 15F 24, BIALI 15F 24, BIGA 15G 24
WE 6J 13 rn.roselle
WETA 4B 7 Losh

On 21th draw, CALIBRE M3 28 --- CALIBRE the diameter of a gun barrel [n]
Other moves: ABULIC 3I 26, ACULEI 3I 22, BELACE 6J 22, DEC(R)IAL 7H 22, BA J6 21
BE J6 21 rn.roselle
LAVE 5I 7 Losh

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