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Game of June 9, 2011 at 21:59, 5 players
1. sunshine12 -427
2. Andy1990 -554
3. Dbuggle -626

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegjruw   H4    42    42   jager
 2. eiimoru   4H    28    70   jorum
 3. ?aeiouv   M1    28    98   aviso
 4. begnott   G7    75   173   bettong
 5. ?mnooos  12A    76   249   monsoons
 6. acelppt   1I    42   291   placate
 7. ceorssw  14A   101   392   escrows
 8. aainpqu   2F    37   429   quai
 9. aeeiruv   A7    33   462   eruvim
10. adegilt   B1    75   537   ligated
11. dehilsx   1A    57   594   ilex
12. aeikrtz   I7    58   652   zek
13. ahilnow  11E    37   689   whoa
14. aeilnoy   D1    30   719   xylan
15. eefilpy   5K    32   751   pioye
16. adennrt   O4    27   778   derate
17. ddefint   J8    26   804   dif
18. deehost  15A    42   846   ethe
19. ailnrsu   N8    72   918   insular
20. bdfinno  11J    29   947   fondu

Remaining tiles: bin

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6175 Filesunshine12  2 22:44  -427  520     1.6175 sunshine12  2 22:44  -427  520 
  2.4446 FileAndy1990    0 22:25  -554  393            Group: not rated
  3.4227 FileDbuggle     0 14:18  -626  321     1.4446 Andy1990    0 22:25  -554  393 
  4.2949 Filecennet77    0  7:09  -862   85     2.4227 Dbuggle     0 14:18  -626  321 
  5.  -  Filelaflouya    0  1:54  -930   17     3.2949 cennet77    0  7:09  -862   85 
                                             4.  -  laflouya    0  1:54  -930   17 

On 1st draw, JAGER H4 42 --- JAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: GAUJE H4 30, GAUJE H8 28, JAGER H8 28, GAUJE H5 26, GAUJE H6 26
JAGER H4 42 sunshine12
JUG H8 22 Dbuggle
JUG H6 22 Andy1990
GEAR H8 10 laflouya

On 2nd draw, JORUM 4H 28 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: RIME I5 23, RUME I5 23, OMER I6 22, MOIRE G7 20, RIM I5 20
MORE G7 19 sunshine12
REM I7 14 Andy1990
GUM 6H 12 Dbuggle
MORE 7E 7 laflouya

On 3rd draw, AVI(S)O M1 28 --- AVISO advice [n]
Other tops: AVI(S)E M1 28
Other moves: AVE(S) M1 26, AVO(S) M1 26, EVO(S) M1 26, UVA(S) M1 26, VAE(S) M1 26
VA(S)E M2 26 sunshine12
VAGUE 6F 19 Dbuggle
RIVE(R) J4 15 Andy1990

On 4th draw, BETTONG G7 75 --- BETTONG an Australian rat kangaroo [n]
Other moves: BETTONG N5 68, BEGOTTEN 7G 67, BEGOTTEN 7B 64, BOTTEGA 1G 36, OBANG 1K 33
BANG 1L 30 sunshine12, Andy1990, Dbuggle

On 5th draw, MON(S)OONS 12A 76 --- MONSOON a seasonal wind [n]
Other moves: MONO(C)OTS 9A 74, MONSOON(S) 12A 74, GONOSOM(E) 13G 72, MONSOO(N) 14D 71, MO(N)SOON 14D 71
MOONS H11 34 sunshine12
MANS 1L 27 Dbuggle
MOANS 1K 24 Andy1990

On 6th draw, PLACATE 1I 42 --- PLACATE to soothe or mollify [v]
Other tops: PALPATE 1I 42
Other moves: APACE 1K 36, CAMPLE A10 36, EPACT 1K 36, CALP 1L 33, CAPA 1L 33
PLACE 1K 30 Dbuggle
AMPLE A11 27 sunshine12
MACE A12 24 Andy1990

On 7th draw, ESCROWS 14A 101 --- ESCROW to place a deed in the hands of a third party [v]
Other moves: ESCROWS 14F 77, ESCROWS N5 74, SCREWS 14B 49, SCROWS 14B 49, RESOWS 14B 45
MOWS A12 27 Andy1990, sunshine12
WORSE B11 16 Dbuggle

On 8th draw, QUAI 2F 37 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other tops: QUAINT 10B 37
Other moves: QUOPS B10 36, QUIPO E8 32, QUIPU K3 32, QUIP K3 30, APIAN 11A 29
QUIN(S) D8 23 Andy1990
EQUIP O1 17 Dbuggle
QUIM A9 15 sunshine12

On 9th draw, ERUVIM A7 33 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: VAIR 3D 22, AMEER A11 21, AUREI 3B 21, EAVE I7 21, EMEER A11 21
QUEER F2 16 Dbuggle
QUIRE F2 16 sunshine12
BEAVER 7G 12 Andy1990

On 10th draw, LIGATED B1 75 --- LIGATE to bind [v]
Other tops: TAIGLED B1 75
Other moves: GLOATED 11E 46, LEGIT 3C 28, ALGOID 11D 26, GELATI 3A 25, GEOID 5K 24
GI 3E 14 sunshine12
GUILT K3 12 Andy1990
VILE 10A 9 Dbuggle

On 11th draw, ILEX 1A 57 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: XI 15A 56, SILEX C2 45, EX A1 42, ILEX C3 41, OXIDES I4 40
HAILED 4A 28 Andy1990
LAXES 4A 26 Dbuggle
XIS 3E 25 sunshine12
RIDES J4 10 cennet77

On 12th draw, ZEK I7 58 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: ZAKAT 4A 56, ZERK I7 55, IZAR I6 54, ZARNEC C9 54, ZAIRE I7 52
ZA A4 44 sunshine12
RAKER J4 19 Andy1990
RAKE J4 18 cennet77
RITZ 10E 15 Dbuggle

On 13th draw, WHOA 11E 37 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other moves: NOH 15A 33, WHO 11E 33, HANIWA 4A 32, HI 15A 32, HO 15A 32
WHOA 11E 37 sunshine12
NOWHERE 8C 14 Dbuggle
KNOW 9I 11 cennet77
HOT 10E 8 Andy1990

On 14th draw, XYLAN D1 30 --- XYLAN a substance found in cell walls of plants [n]
Other moves: XENIAL D1 26, OYE C3 25, AYE A3 24, XENIA D1 24, AYIN 3D 22
YA A4 20 sunshine12
GAY 3B 14 cennet77
KEY 9I 10 Andy1990
VEIL 10A 9 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, PIOYE 5K 32 --- PIOYE a home-made firework [n]
Other moves: PIOY 5K 30, YELP E5 28, YIPE E5 28, YELP E4 27, YEP E5 26
FE A4 20 sunshine12
FUEL K3 14 Andy1990
VILE 10A 9 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, DERATE O4 27 --- DERATE to lower the rated capability of [v]
Other tops: DEANER O4 27, DENNET O4 27
Other moves: DEARE O4 24, DEARN O4 24, DENAR O4 24, DENET O4 24, DERAT O4 24
TEARED O4 24 cennet77
TENDER O4 24 Andy1990
TENNER O4 21 sunshine12
YEARN N5 10 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, DIF J8 26 --- DIF short for difference [n]
Other moves: DEFI E4 23, DEFT E4 23, DEIF E4 23, DINTED 10J 23, DINTED N9 23
DI 15A 20 sunshine12
KNIFE 9I 13 Dbuggle
KITED 9I 12 Andy1990

On 18th draw, ETHE 15A 42 --- ETHE easy [adj]
Other moves: DOH 15A 39, EHED C3 36, HODS 6J 35, ETH 15A 33, SOH 15A 33
DOH 15A 39 sunshine12
HOSTED N9 29 Andy1990
HOST 8L 11 Dbuggle
DUPES K3 8 cennet77

On 19th draw, INSULAR N8 72 --- INSULAR an islander [n]
Other tops: URINALS N8 72
Other moves: ANILS C3 33, ULANS C3 33, NA 13B 26, AI 13C 25, ANIL C3 24
NAILS K9 22 Andy1990, sunshine12

On 20th draw, FONDU 11J 29 --- FONDU a dish of melted cheese [n]
Other moves: BIFOLD 12J 28, FOB 6J 28, FOB M13 28, FIB 11J 27, FOB 11J 27
FON M13 24 Andy1990
FOIN M8 22 sunshine12
FAB 13M 16 Dbuggle

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