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Game of June 9, 2011 at 23:35, 6 players
1. sunshine12 -448
2. lastlea -526
3. slebbarc -529

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefgirv   H4    30    30   fiver
 2. abelovw   G7    29    59   wave
 3. adinnru  H10    27    86   durian
 4. ?ilooop   4A    76   162   oilproof
 5. dfiorty  F10    42   204   forty
 6. ?cemprt   A3    89   293   computer
 7. aaeiilt   6G    22   315   aviate
 8. aelossy   K2    72   387   asystole
 9. deeginr   M3    85   472   reeding
10. begistu   C2    76   548   bulgiest
11. aegmrtz   J2    70   618   zea
12. bcdegil   2M    24   642   bid
13. ahlnnot   O1    36   678   odah
14. ahilnnt  E11    35   713   haint
15. celnors  13H    72   785   incloser
16. dlmotux  N10    42   827   muxed
17. aegnotu   E1    66   893   outrange
18. eijklnw  15A    51   944   welkt

Remaining tiles: ijnq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6193 Filesunshine12  2 18:01  -448  496     1.6193 sunshine12  2 18:01  -448  496 
  2.6204 Filelastlea     1 26:46  -526  418     2.6204 lastlea     1 26:46  -526  418 
  3.5120 Fileslebbarc    0 20:05  -529  415            Group: novice
  4.5713 FileFaeythe     1  8:52  -712  232     1.5120 slebbarc    0 20:05  -529  415 
  5.2951 Filecennet77    0  9:47  -816  128     2.5713 Faeythe     1  8:52  -712  232 
  6.4420 Filehulusian    0  7:22  -847   97            Group: not rated
                                             1.2951 cennet77    0  9:47  -816  128 
                                             2.4420 hulusian    0  7:22  -847   97 

On 1st draw, FIVER H4 30 --- FIVER a five dollar bill, a five pound note [n]
Other tops: FAVER H4 30
Other moves: GRIEF H8 26, VIRGA H4 26, VIRGE H4 26, FAVER H8 24, FERIA H4 24
FAVER H4 30 sunshine12
GRIEF H8 26 slebbarc
FIVER H7 22 cennet77
GRIEF H4 22 lastlea

On 2nd draw, WAVE G7 29 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other tops: WOVE G7 29
Other moves: WOLVE G7 27, BOWEL G7 26, WAB G7 26, WEB G7 26, BAWL G7 25
BOWEL G7 26 lastlea
FAVEL 4H 22 slebbarc
WEB 7G 15 cennet77

On 3rd draw, DURIAN H10 27 --- DURIAN an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: DURIAN 11G 26, INDUNA 11E 26, DURIAN 11E 25, DINAR 11G 24, DINNA 11G 24
DRAIN 11G 24 lastlea
FUNDI 4H 18 sunshine12
DRAIN 5E 12 slebbarc
RAINED 10C 9 cennet77

On 4th draw, OILP(R)OOF 4A 76 --- OILPROOF impervious to oil [adj]
Other moves: OILPROO(F) 12D 68, POLIO F10 27, POLIO(S) F10 27, PIL(A)O F10 26, POL(I)O F10 26
POLIO F10 27 lastlea
PO(S) F10 22 sunshine12
LOOPED 10C 15 slebbarc

On 5th draw, FORTY F10 42 --- FORTY a number [n]
Other moves: FIORD F10 36, FRUITY 11F 35, FYRD F10 34, FOY F10 32, FRY F10 32
FORTY F10 42 lastlea
FRY F10 32 sunshine12
FLIRTY C3 26 slebbarc
FID 13G 13 cennet77

On 6th draw, COMP(U)TER A3 89 --- COMPUTER a machine that computes automatically [n]
Other tops: COMPTER(S) A3 89
Other moves: IMP(A)CTER 13H 82, PLECTR(U)M C3 78, IMP(A)CTER 5H 76, IMP(A)CTER B4 71, EMPIR(I)C 5E 58
COMP(A)RE A3 36 sunshine12
OPT(I)C A4 24 slebbarc
CRIME B2 22 cennet77

On 7th draw, AVIATE 6G 22 --- AVIATE to fly an aircraft [v]
Other tops: AVAILE 6G 22, AVITAL 6G 22
Other moves: AVAIL 6G 21, AVALE 6G 21, AVAL 6G 20, AVEL 6G 20, LAVA 6F 20
TEA I7 15 sunshine12
TAILER 12A 14 slebbarc
WET 7G 7 cennet77
LI(R)E E2 6 lastlea

On 8th draw, ASYSTOLE K2 72 --- ASYSTOLE a heart malfunction [n]
Other moves: LOSSY M3 34, LYASES M3 30, EYASS M3 28, LYASE M3 28, LYASES M1 28
YALES M2 26 slebbarc, sunshine12
SLAYS M2 26 lastlea
YES L5 6 cennet77

On 9th draw, REEDING M3 85 --- REEDING a convex moulding [n]
Other moves: ENERGID B8 80, REEDING B9 78, REGAINED 2H 78, REIGNED B9 78, DREEING L9 75
GLIDER 8J 27 sunshine12
DARING 2J 24 lastlea
REIGNED 12H 18 slebbarc

On 10th draw, BULGIEST C2 76 --- BULGY bulging [adj]
Other moves: SAGBUT 2J 34, TAUBES 2J 32, BLINGS 8J 30, BLUNGE 8J 30, SUBITO 11A 30
BLINGS 8J 30 sunshine12, Faeythe, lastlea
BLUNGE 8J 30 slebbarc

On 11th draw, ZEA J2 70 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA J2 64, ZEA E11 50, ZA E11 46, MAZEY 14B 38, AZERTY 14A 36
ZA J2 64 sunshine12
ZA E11 46 slebbarc
ZAG 2J 33 lastlea
NAM 8M 15 Faeythe

On 12th draw, BID 2M 24 --- BID to make a bid (an offer of a price) [v]
Other tops: BED 2M 24, BEG 2M 24, BIELDY 14A 24, BIG 2M 24
Other moves: BIELD N1 23, DIB I5 23, DIEB I5 23, GIBED L9 23, BEIGY 14B 22
BEG 2M 24 Faeythe
NIB 8M 15 lastlea
ZAG 2J 13 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ODAH O1 36 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: HALON D8 35, HONAN D8 35, HA 1N 29, HO 1N 29, HOA E11 26
HA 1N 29 sunshine12, lastlea, Faeythe
HO 1N 29 slebbarc

On 14th draw, HAINT E11 35 --- HAINT (Southern US dialect) a ghost [n]
Other tops: HAINT D8 35, HIANT D8 35
Other moves: HAIN E11 33, HATPIN D1 26, AHINT D7 25, NINTH I5 25, THALI D7 25
HAINT D8 35 sunshine12
HA E11 22 slebbarc, Faeythe
NAH 8M 18 lastlea, hulusian

On 15th draw, INCLOSER 13H 72 --- INCLOSER one that incloses [n]
Other moves: CORIES B1 46, LORIES B1 42, ENROLS D9 35, RECS D11 35, ROCS D11 35
CLONER 8J 27 Faeythe, hulusian
CLONES 8J 27 slebbarc
CREST 15A 24 sunshine12
SCARER 12C 16 cennet77

On 16th draw, MUXED N10 42 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: TIX I5 41, DOUX L12 40, OX 14M 38, DOUX N7 36, TUXEDO N10 32
OX 14M 38 Faeythe, sunshine12, lastlea
TROD O12 18 hulusian
EX N13 18 slebbarc

On 17th draw, OUT(R)ANGE E1 66 --- OUTRANGE to surpass in range [v]
Other moves: TOGAE D11 39, TOGA D11 32, GOX 12L 30, URAO O12 28, UREA O12 28
UREA O12 28 slebbarc, lastlea
TAX 12L 26 Faeythe
AGONY 14B 18 cennet77
RAG O13 15 sunshine12
ROT O13 12 hulusian

On 18th draw, WELKT 15A 51 --- WELKT twisted [adj]
Other moves: WOKEN 1D 48, WELKIN O6 45, KEX 12L 42, KOINE 1D 42, WELKIN B9 40
KEX 12L 42 sunshine12
JOKE L12 32 slebbarc
JOWL L12 30 lastlea
WELK K11 22 hulusian
JOW 1D 21 Faeythe

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