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Game of June 10, 2011 at 02:37, 8 players
1. bonggalita -442
2. ceosickey -468
3. tonikay -491

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efosstu   H4    26    26   foetus
 2. ?abfouv   4F    28    54   buffalo
 3. ?dhinrt   J3    67   121   handwrit
 4. aeenttw  11G    30   151   atween
 5. iinprst   9F    66   217   inspirits
 6. bcceikn   8L    38   255   bien
 7. aeilrtu  12B    71   326   uralite
 8. egmoosy  12J    41   367   smooge
 9. addenpw   8A    42   409   pawned
10. ceilsux  13M    43   452   xis
11. acelqry  A12    39   491   racy
12. egioqrt  14J    38   529   griot
13. aeghmvy  B11    39   568   vugh
14. aadelmo  15H    34   602   aloed
15. aadejrv   3J    40   642   hejra
16. eenouvy   3C    43   685   envoy
17. aceiilm   B1    44   729   maleic
18. aeikloz   D1    56   785   zinke

Remaining tiles: adloqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6968 Filebonggalita  0 12:06  -442  343     1.7108 kellybelly  0  4:07  -640  145 
  2.6631 Fileceosickey   0 13:40  -468  317            Group: intermediate
  3.3736 Filetonikay     0 19:01  -491  294     1.6968 bonggalita  0 12:06  -442  343 
  4.4915 Fileannelhynz   0  7:59  -584  201     2.6631 ceosickey   0 13:40  -468  317 
  5.3680 Filepaulineasb  0 14:33  -594  191     3.6307 rn.roselle  0  1:32  -715   70 
  6.7108 Filekellybelly  0  4:07  -640  145            Group: novice
  7.6307 Filern.roselle  0  1:32  -715   70     1.5715 Faeythe     0  2:35  -728   57 
  8.5715 FileFaeythe     0  2:35  -728   57            Group: not rated
                                             1.3736 tonikay     0 19:01  -491  294 
                                             2.4915 annelhynz   0  7:59  -584  201 
                                             3.3680 paulineasb  0 14:33  -594  191 

On 1st draw, FOETUS H4 26 --- FOETUS the unborn in the womb with distinctly formed parts [n]
Other tops: FOUEST H4 26, FOUETS H4 26
Other moves: FESTS H4 24, FETUS H4 24, FOSSE H4 24, FOUET H4 24, FUSES H4 24
FESTS H4 24 tonikay
FOSSE H4 24 ceosickey, Faeythe

On 2nd draw, BUFFA(L)O 4F 28 --- BUFFALO an ox-like animal [n] --- BUFFALO to intimidate [v]
Other moves: BOUFF(E) 4D 26, BU(Y)OFF 4C 26, BU(Y)OFF 4D 26, (R)UBOFF 4C 26, (R)UBOFF 4D 26
FOB G3 21 ceosickey
FOE 6F 14 Faeythe
B(E)EF 6F 14 tonikay

On 3rd draw, HAND(W)RIT J3 67 --- HANDWRIT written by hand [adj]
Other moves: ANTH(E)RID J4 65, (A)NTHERID 6D 65, NITHER(E)D 6D 63, NITH(E)RED 6B 63, DITH(E)R I6 31
THIRD I8 24 ceosickey
ID(E) 3I 13 tonikay

On 4th draw, ATWEEN 11G 30 --- ATWEEN between [prep]
Other tops: ATWEEN 11F 30
Other moves: TWEEN 11G 28, TWEEN 11H 28, TWEET 11G 28, TWEET 11H 28, ANEW 11H 26
HEWN 3J 26 ceosickey
WANT 3L 19 Faeythe
WEB F2 16 tonikay

On 5th draw, INSPIRITS 9F 66 --- INSPIRIT to fill with spirit or life [v]
Other moves: PRISTINE 6A 64, NIPS M1 27, PINS M1 27, PIRS M1 27, PITS M1 27
TRIPS H11 24 ceosickey
PRINTS L8 22 tonikay

On 6th draw, BIEN 8L 38 --- BIEN comfortable [adj]
Other tops: BEIN 8L 38
Other moves: SCENIC N9 32, BECK 3L 28, SICKEN N9 28, KIBE 3L 26, NECK 12K 26
NECK 12K 26 ceosickey
BIKES N5 13 tonikay

On 7th draw, URALITE 12B 71 --- URALITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: URALITE 12A 68, TOENAIL 5G 25, RETAIL 8A 23, RETIAL 8A 23, RITUAL 8A 23
RITUAL 8A 23 ceosickey
TAE 12G 14 tonikay

On 8th draw, SMOOGE 12J 41 --- SMOOGE to kiss [v]
Other moves: SEY 12J 37, MOSEY 12K 36, GOOSEY M1 35, GYMS M1 35, MOSEY M2 35
SMOG 12J 35 bonggalita
NOSY L11 14 paulineasb

On 9th draw, PAWNED 8A 42 --- PAWN to deposit as security for something borrowed [v]
Other moves: DAWNED 8A 39, DEEWAN O10 30, DEWED O11 30, HAWED 3J 30, PEW 13B 29
DEWED O11 30 bonggalita
WRAP C11 18 tonikay
WEB F2 16 annelhynz
PEW O11 8 paulineasb

On 10th draw, XIS 13M 43 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EXEC O12 39, ILEXES O10 39, ULEXES O10 39, XI 13M 39, XU 13M 39
LEXIS O11 36 bonggalita
EXITS M6 20 tonikay
EXCUSES N3 18 paulineasb
OX M12 18 annelhynz

On 11th draw, RACY A12 39 --- RACY bordering on impropriety or indecency [adj]
Other moves: RELAY 3C 37, QADI F6 34, QUERY B11 34, AYE 14L 33, CRESYL O10 33
QUAY B11 32 tonikay
EQUAL B10 32 bonggalita
TEARY H11 24 paulineasb
CLAY B6 15 annelhynz

On 12th draw, GRIOT 14J 38 --- GRIOT a tribal entertainer in West Africa [n]
Other moves: ERGOT 14J 34, QUIRE G3 32, QUITE G3 32, QUOTE G3 32, TROG 14K 30
QI 5E 26 bonggalita
QAT B7 12 tonikay
DIRT 6J 5 paulineasb

On 13th draw, VUGH B11 39 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: GYVE 10D 38, HAVE 10D 37, GAVE 10D 35, HEAVY 5B 35, VEA(L)Y K1 35
HEAVY B6 30 paulineasb
HAVE 3L 25 bonggalita
EH 15N 20 annelhynz
EA 15N 11 tonikay

On 14th draw, ALOED 15H 34 --- ALOED pertaining to aloe [adj]
Other moves: DAME 10D 29, DOME 10D 29, ALME 10D 28, LAME 10D 28, LOME 10D 28
DEMO 15G 24 bonggalita
HADE 3J 20 tonikay, ceosickey
EM 15N 17 annelhynz
MODE E5 14 paulineasb

On 15th draw, HEJRA 3J 40 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: JAVA 3L 37, DRAVE 10C 36, HADJ 3J 34, RAVE 10D 34, AVE 10E 33
JAVA 3L 37 bonggalita, kellybelly
HADJ 3J 34 ceosickey
JAB F2 28 annelhynz
JADE E5 24 paulineasb
AJAR B6 13 tonikay

On 16th draw, ENVOY 3C 43 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: YEVE 10D 37, NEVE 10D 34, EVE 10E 33, ENVOY 5B 29, VENEY 5B 29
ENVOY 5B 29 ceosickey
ENVY 5C 27 annelhynz, bonggalita, kellybelly
JOEY L3 14 tonikay
ENVY D7 10 paulineasb

On 17th draw, MALEIC B1 44 --- MALEIC pertaining to apples [adj]
Other moves: CLAIM B2 42, ILEAC B2 38, ILIAC B2 38, MALICE B1 36, CLAME B2 34
CAME 2F 33 kellybelly
MINCE D1 24 ceosickey
CLIME 5B 23 bonggalita
CAME 2A 22 rn.roselle
MALICE E10 20 paulineasb
EM 15N 17 annelhynz
MACE N2 16 tonikay

On 18th draw, ZINKE D1 56 --- ZINKE a wind instrument [n]
Other moves: ZONK D1 54, KAZI 2F 52, ZOA 7M 49, AZO 2M 48, ZONAE D1 48
AZO 2M 48 bonggalita, kellybelly
ZONAL D1 48 rn.roselle
KALE 2F 43 annelhynz
ZEK 14F 42 ceosickey
ZOA N1 24 paulineasb
ZA N2 22 tonikay

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