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Game sheet of rn.roselle (file), Game of June 10, 2011 at 05:42

Word find
Word played
1 EENNRSY SNEERY H7 26   26 2/3 RENEYS H8   26 2/3
2 ?AEEILU YALE(S) 12H 14 -54 40 3/3 E(Q)UALISE 13B 68 94 2/3
3 ADGOSTX AX 14A 36 -2 76 1/3 OXGATES B8 38 132 1/3
4 ?AHIKOR HIK(E) A6 56 -72 132 1/3 AKIR(A)HO A3 128 260 1/3
5 ENOORSU E(Q)UALISER 13B 8 -64 140 2/2 ONEROUS C2 72 332 1/3
6 DEIMNTZ ZONED 2B 38 -4 178 1/2 MOZED 2B 42 374 1/3
7 ADEFIMU ZED D2 34 -7 212 1/2 FAMED 1E 41 415 1/3
8 AAGIINT NAG 3C 22 -55 234 1/1 IGNATIA 2I 77 492 1/3
9 AEIJLNY JAY O1 39 -45 273 1/1 JEAN 1L 84 576 1/3
10 AEFIOVW VOW G7 28 -15 301 1/2 VIEW 3I 43 619 1/4
11 AEEFOTT FET G9 23 -7 324 1/2 ZOA D2 30 649 1/4
12 AILRSTT STAR 4L 38 -32 362 1/2 STARLIT 14I 70 719 1/4
13 DHILOPR DOH G7 24 -16 386 1/1 HYPOID 12G 40 759 1/4
14 CENOPTT COTE O12 27 -37 413 1/1 ENTOPTIC N8 64 823 1/4
15 EINORUY YO 15H 21 -21 434 1/1 YOURN O4 42 865 1/4
16 EFIILUW WIFE 4F 22 -10 456 1/1   4H 32 897 1/4
17 BBCEGIU BICE 5E 21 -5 477 1/1 BIG N4 26 923 1/4
18 CDELRUV CLAVE E11 20 -8 497 1/1 FERULED E1 28 951 1/4

Total: 497/951 or -454 for 52.26%
Rank: 6042

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