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Game of June 10, 2011 at 08:44, 5 players
1. rn.roselle -533
2. Bez -668
3. sunshine12 -808

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?anopsv   H2    80    80   pavones
 2. gimnrsy   3B    84   164   myringas
 3. acefiln   2A    36   200   cafe
 4. egirrsx   I5    38   238   rex
 5. adortuy   J6    38   276   dorty
 6. ehinort   8A    86   362   ornithes
 7. adilstw  K10    23   385   awdls
 8. adegirt   L4    79   464   triaged
 9. aelosuw   M7    35   499   woes
10. aeehikt   N5    37   536   theek
11. eginptu   B8    84   620   reputing
12. ?abeoqu   E5   122   742   quotable
13. alortuv   O1    29   771   volta
14. ceilmoo  15A    33   804   ogmic
15. abefiln  12H    88   892   findable
16. aeiinrz  H12    48   940   faze
17. deijnor   C7    39   979   endiron
18. aiijluu   N2    38  1017   ja

Remaining tiles: iiluu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6346 Filern.roselle  3 19:38  -533  484     1.6346 rn.roselle  3 19:38  -533  484 
  2.5398 FileBez         0 22:31  -668  349     2.6192 sunshine12  0 12:01  -808  209 
  3.6192 Filesunshine12  0 12:01  -808  209            Group: novice
  4.  -  Filerruscoe     0  2:35  -964   53     1.5398 Bez         0 22:31  -668  349 
  5.  -  FileJowie       0  1:28 -1012    5            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  rruscoe     0  2:35  -964   53 
                                             2.  -  Jowie       0  1:28 -1012    5 

On 1st draw, PAVON(E)S H2 80 --- PAVONE a peacock [n]
Other moves: PAVON(E)S H4 78, PAVON(E)S H3 74, PAVON(E)S H6 74, PAVON(E)S H8 74, PAVON(E)S H5 72
PAV(E)NS H4 26 rn.roselle
OV(E)NS H4 16 Bez

On 2nd draw, MYRINGAS 3B 84 --- MYRINGA the eardrum [n]
Other moves: PRYINGS 2H 42, PRYSING 2H 42, MAYINGS 3G 40, MYRINGA 3B 30, MARGINS 3G 28
RIM I1 19 Bez
GROINS 5F 14 rruscoe
MORNS 5G 14 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, CAFE 2A 36 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: AMNIC B2 30, FARCIE D1 30, FARCIN D1 30, FANE 2A 29, FACILE G7 28
FANE 2A 29 sunshine12
FACE G7 26 rn.roselle
CAMEL B1 18 rruscoe
CRANE D2 14 Bez

On 4th draw, REX I5 38 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: SEX I5 38
Other moves: XIS I7 37, EX I6 35, XI I7 35, SIXER E2 34, PIXES 2H 32
SEX I5 38 rn.roselle
XIS I7 37 sunshine12
SEXING 6D 30 Bez
S(E)XIER 7G 21 rruscoe

On 5th draw, DORTY J6 38 --- DORTY delicate [adj]
Other moves: VOTARY 4H 36, TODAY G5 35, DAY G5 34, DOY G5 34, TOADY J6 33
DAY G5 34 sunshine12
YOD G7 31 Bez, rn.roselle

On 6th draw, ORNITHES 8A 86 --- ORNIS the collection of birds of a region [n]
Other moves: INTHRONE F2 65, HEREINTO D1 32, RHETOR 8J 30, ROTHER 8J 30, HERITOR D1 28
HEROINE D1 28 rn.roselle
OH K10 15 sunshine12
TORN 9J 5 Jowie

On 7th draw, AWDLS K10 23 --- AWDL a Welsh ode [n]
Other tops: AWDLS K2 23, DAWTS K2 23, WADIS K2 23, WADTS K2 23, WAILS 7A 23, WAITS 7A 23, WALDS K2 23, WILDS K2 23
Other moves: WAID 7A 22, WERT D1 22, AWDL K10 21, DAWS K3 21, SAID 9D 21
HAWS F8 18 sunshine12
AW K10 15 rn.roselle
WILDS D7 9 Bez

On 8th draw, TRIAGED L4 79 --- TRIAGE to treat disaster victims using a triage [v]
Other moves: DIGERATI D7 70, GRITTED E5 36, RADGER 8J 30, REGARD 8J 30, RIDGER 8J 30
RAGE L8 18 sunshine12
GLIDER 13J 16 Bez
DE L10 15 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, WOES M7 35 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other moves: REGLOW 8J 30, UNWEALS C7 30, WALDOES 12H 30, WALDOS 12H 28, WALDO 12H 26
GLOW 8L 24 rn.roselle, sunshine12
PAWS 2H 19 Bez

On 10th draw, THEEK N5 37 --- THEEK to thatch [v]
Other moves: KHADI 12H 36, KHEDA 12H 36, KHILAT 13H 34, EATH L12 32, TERAKIHI D1 32
HIKE N4 27 rn.roselle
GOTH 8L 24 sunshine12, Bez

On 11th draw, REPUTING B8 84 --- REPUTE to consider to be as specified [v] --- REPUTING pluming oneself [n]
Other tops: ERUPTING B7 84
Other moves: PETTING E5 40, PUTTING E5 40, REPUNIT B8 30, UPSENT 14I 28, PELTING 13I 26
TINGE O1 26 rn.roselle
SING 14K 10 sunshine12

On 12th draw, QUOTAB(L)E E5 122 --- QUOTABLE fit to quote [adj] --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [adj]
Other moves: BU(R)QA O1 77, BA(R)OQUES 14D 70, QUO(T)ABLE 13E 70, AQU(A) A12 61, (A)QUA A12 59
QUAD(S) 12H 48 rn.roselle
QU(I)D 12H 23 Bez

On 13th draw, VOLTA O1 29 --- VOLTA a turning [n]
Other moves: OVULAR 13H 26, VALOUR 13I 26, VALOR 13I 24, VOLAR 13I 24, VOLTA 13I 24
VALOUR 13I 26 Bez
VALOR 13I 24 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, OGMIC 15A 33 --- OGMIC written using ogam [adj]
Other moves: EL O7 28, TELECOM 12B 28, DEMIC 12K 26, DOMIC 12K 26, EMIC D12 26
MERE D1 18 rn.roselle
SMILE 14K 14 Bez

On 15th draw, FINDABLE 12H 88 --- FIND to come upon after a search [adj] --- FINDABLE able to be found [adj]
Other moves: ABSEIL 14I 28, EL O7 28, FEM C13 28, NAIF 9D 27, ENFILADE 12E 26
FLAB 13J 18 Bez
DEAF 12K 16 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, FAZE H12 48 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other tops: FRIZ H12 48
Other moves: ZA N2 46, PIZE 2H 37, ZAIRES 14F 37, ZANIES 14F 37, REZ F12 34
FAZE H12 48 rn.roselle
SIZER 14K 28 Bez

On 17th draw, ENDIRON C7 39 --- ENDIRON a metal support for logs in a fireplace [n]
Other tops: JERID O11 39
Other moves: REJON O11 36, JIZ 14F 35, JOINDER C5 29, ER O7 28, BENJ M12 26
DOZENS 14F 22 rn.roselle
JEER O10 11 Bez

On 18th draw, JA N2 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JIZ 14F 35, PUJA 2H 31, BAJU M12 26, JA 4A 22, JAI M2 22
JA N2 38 rn.roselle
QI 5E 11 Bez

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