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Game of June 10, 2011 at 09:28, 6 players
1. rn.roselle -328
2. kellybelly -417
3. Bez -594

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeelnuv   H3    26    26   avenue
 2. ?ceeffl   5E    44    70   fleecie
 3. ?aijpss   8B    67   137   jaspises
 4. dehkoru   L4    42   179   drouk
 5. ainoory   8L    33   212   kyar
 6. aabglnt   F2    74   286   ballating
 7. deeortw   C7    32   318   watered
 8. aeimntv  B10    43   361   matin
 9. ahillnt   O4    62   423   inthrall
10. addeehs  A12    40   463   ahed
11. aefimou   N2    26   489   miaou
12. deioosw  12I    87   576   woodies
13. eenoxyz  11K    72   648   zex
14. egiinov  M10    26   674   exing
15. ceopruy  14J    34   708   porgy
16. benostv  15G    30   738   votes
17. einoqru   4A    55   793   quinol
18. bgiiort   B2    24   817   bourg
19. cefiirt   6J    28   845   fro

Remaining tiles: ceiiit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6338 Filern.roselle  4 20:09  -328  517     1.7106 kellybelly  5 11:55  -417  428 
  2.7106 Filekellybelly  5 11:55  -417  428            Group: intermediate
  3.5365 FileBez         0 13:59  -594  251     1.6338 rn.roselle  4 20:09  -328  517 
  4.6408 Fileyab         1  9:52  -632  213     2.6408 yab         1  9:52  -632  213 
  5.4909 Fileannelhynz   0  3:26  -735  110            Group: novice
  6.  -  Filerruscoe     0  0:44  -800   45     1.5365 Bez         0 13:59  -594  251 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4909 annelhynz   0  3:26  -735  110 
                                             2.  -  rruscoe     0  0:44  -800   45 

On 1st draw, AVENUE H3 26 --- AVENUE a wide street [n]
Other tops: VENULE H4 26
Other moves: VALUE H4 24, VEALE H4 24, VEENA H4 24, VENAE H4 24, VENAL H4 24
AVENUE H3 26 rn.roselle
LEAVEN H4 20 Bez

On 2nd draw, FLEEC(I)E 5E 44 --- FLEECIE (New Zealand) someone who collects fleeces in a shearing shed [n]
Other tops: FLEECE(D) 5E 44, FLEECE(R) 5E 44, FLEECE(S) 5E 44
Other moves: AFFEC(T) 3H 34, AFFEE(R) 3H 30, C(O)FFEE 5C 26, C(O)FFEE 5D 26, C(O)FFLE 5C 26
FLEECE(S) 5E 44 rn.roselle
(S)CUFFLE 7F 21 Bez

On 3rd draw, JASPI(S)ES 8B 67 --- JASPIS jasper [n]
Other tops: JASPISE(S) 8B 67
Other moves: JA(S)PISES 8B 66, JASPS L1 56, JAP(E)S L1 54, JA(A)PS L1 54, JA(R)PS L1 54
JA(R)S L2 32 rn.roselle
JAILS F2 30 Bez

On 4th draw, DROUK L4 42 --- DROUK to drench [v]
Other moves: HARDOKE 3G 40, HARDOKE C7 40, HOKED 4K 35, KHOR L2 34, KHUD 4J 34
HOER L2 26 rn.roselle
PROUD E8 16 Bez

On 5th draw, KYAR 8L 33 --- KYAR a fibre obtained from coconut husks [n]
Other tops: KAYO 8L 33
Other moves: NAY 9A 28, NOY 9A 28, RAY 9A 28, AY 9B 27, OY 9B 27
RAY 9A 28 rn.roselle
PRAY E8 18 Bez

On 6th draw, BALLATING F2 74 --- BALLAT to make ballads about [v]
Other moves: GAB 9A 25, LAB 9A 24, NAB 9A 24, TAB 9A 24, AB 9B 23
GAB 9A 25 rn.roselle
TUBA 7K 21 kellybelly
JAB B8 18 Bez

On 7th draw, WATERED C7 32 --- WATER to sprinkle with water (a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid) [v]
Other tops: DOWT 9A 32
Other moves: ROWT 9A 31, OWT 9B 30, DOW 9A 29, REDOWA C3 28, ROW 9A 28
WATERED C7 32 kellybelly
DOW 9A 29 rn.roselle, yab
J*W B8 21 Bez

On 8th draw, MATIN B10 43 --- MATIN a morning song, as of birds [n]
Other tops: MANET B10 43
Other moves: VEENA(S) G3 36, NATIVE B10 33, TAMEIN B10 33, TAMINE B10 33, TAMIN B10 31
MATE B10 29 kellybelly
MANE B12 19 rn.roselle
MEET 12A 18 yab
MEET 12B 12 Bez

On 9th draw, INTHRALL O4 62 --- INTHRALL to enthrall [v]
Other moves: HAEN G3 30, HAN A13 27, HAT A13 27, HIN A13 27, HIT A13 27
HAT A13 27 yab, kellybelly, Bez
HAT 9I 19 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, AHED A12 40 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v]
Other moves: ASHED 15A 38, DEASH D10 37, HADES 12K 33, HEADS 12K 33, HEEDS 12K 33
HEEDS 12K 33 rn.roselle
HADES 12K 33 kellybelly
HAD A13 30 yab
SHADED 15B 20 Bez

On 11th draw, MIAOU N2 26 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: FAME N2 24, FUME N2 24, FEM G1 23, MEFF E3 23, POUF E8 23
FAME N2 24 kellybelly
FAME M1 21 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, WOODIES 12I 87 --- WOODY a wood-panelled station wagon [n]
Other moves: WEIDS 12K 33, WIDES 12K 33, WOODS 12K 33, DEWS 12L 31, DOWS 12L 31
WOODIES 12I 37 kellybelly, yab, rn.roselle

On 13th draw, ZEX 11K 72 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZEX M1 60, YEX 11K 48, YEX M1 48, ZO 11K 47, ZOOEY J10 45
ZEX 11K 72 kellybelly
ZO 11K 47 rn.roselle
ZOOEY J10 45 rruscoe
OX 13I 25 yab

On 14th draw, EXING M10 26 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: VEE G3 26
Other moves: GOV G1 25, VEG M1 24, OGEE G2 23, VIGIL 4B 23, NOVEL 4B 21
VEIL 4C 19 kellybelly
NO 13J 16 rn.roselle
GO O1 13 yab

On 15th draw, PORGY 14J 34 --- PORGY an American sea fish [n]
Other moves: CURPEL 4A 31, REPO 13H 29, COPSY I5 28, PORGE 14J 28, PURGE 14J 28
PORGY 14J 34 kellybelly, yab
OY O1 22 annelhynz
YE O1 19 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, VOTES 15G 30 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other tops: BENTOS 15F 30
Other moves: SENTS D8 28, SONES D8 28, STOVE 15F 28, BETON 15G 27, BONES 15G 27
VOTES 15G 30 kellybelly, rn.roselle
BE O1 16 annelhynz

On 17th draw, QUINOL 4A 55 --- QUINOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: QI O1 37, QUO(I)N J2 35, ROQUE 13E 31, QUINOA 3A 30, QUENA 3B 28
QI O1 37 annelhynz
QI 3M 22 kellybelly
QUINE 13E 22 rn.roselle
QUIRE 13E 22 Bez

On 18th draw, BOURG B2 24 --- BOURG a medieval town [n]
Other tops: GOB M1 24
Other moves: BOG M1 22, OBI 3B 22, ROB M1 22, GIB G1 21, GOB G1 21
GOB M1 24 kellybelly
BO O1 16 annelhynz
BI O1 16 rn.roselle
BRIG C2 14 Bez

On 19th draw, FRO 6J 28 --- FRO a hairstyle [n] --- FRO away from [adv]
Other moves: FIRIE C1 26, FIE C3 24, EF 15N 20, FET M1 20, FE O1 19
FRO 6J 28 rn.roselle
FIE C3 24 kellybelly
FE O1 19 annelhynz
TR(I)CE J3 12 Bez

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