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Game of June 10, 2011 at 11:02, 8 players
1. kellybelly -413
2. remij -527
3. annelhynz -576

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ooqrtw   H4    24    24   wroot
 2. eilmnnp   4H    26    50   wimple
 3. ?adiimq   N1    61   111   quidam
 4. eenortu   K1    70   181   outpreen
 5. ?ackluv   8J    42   223   uncake
 6. aaeirsv   L8    78   301   caviares
 7. ceelnst  13G    78   379   lecterns
 8. adelnor  15E    77   456   ladrones
 9. adinort   E8    68   524   trinodal
10. aeffgnp   1H    39   563   ganof
11. aabegtx   M7    36   599   tax
12. deistuz  14D    69   668   daze
13. abeiuvy  D10    41   709   bayed
14. aefopsu  N10    34   743   foussa
15. ehiinos   O1    45   788   iso
16. ehinopy   8A    36   824   ophite
17. egiinrv   B8    82   906   prieving
18. behiltw  K11    33   939   thebe
19. egijluy   2F    29   968   jeu

Remaining tiles: gilwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7116 Filekellybelly  2 17:09  -413  555     1.7116 kellybelly  2 17:09  -413  555 
  2.4048 Fileremij       1 18:55  -527  441            Group: novice
  3.4904 Fileannelhynz   0 16:19  -576  392     1.5219 Oasthouse1  0  7:18  -814  154 
  4.4217 FileDbuggle     0 19:31  -576  392            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileKiwiM8      1 25:01  -667  301     1.4048 remij       1 18:55  -527  441 
  6.5219 FileOasthouse1  0  7:18  -814  154     2.4904 annelhynz   0 16:19  -576  392 
  7.  -  Filekiwianna    0  2:34  -937   31     3.4217 Dbuggle     0 19:31  -576  392 
  8.4370 FileLucylulu    0  3:41  -943   25     4.  -  KiwiM8      1 25:01  -667  301 
                                             5.  -  kiwianna    0  2:34  -937   31 
                                             6.4370 Lucylulu    0  3:41  -943   25 

On 1st draw, WROOT H4 24 --- WROOT to turn up with the snout [v]
Other tops: O(U)TROW H7 24, WROOT(S) H4 24
Other moves: Q(A)T H6 22, Q(A)T H7 22, Q(A)T H8 22, T(H)ROW H8 22, WOOT(Z) H4 22
WROT(E) H4 22 Dbuggle
Q(I) H8 20 Oasthouse1
ROWT H8 14 remij
TROW H8 14 Lucylulu
WOR(K) H8 12 KiwiM8

On 2nd draw, WIMPLE 4H 26 --- WIMPLE to pleat [v]
Other moves: PLIM G6 21, LIMPER 5C 20, PENNI G7 20, PENNI I7 20, PRELIM 5G 20
PRIME 5G 18 Dbuggle, remij, Oasthouse1
LIME I1 14 annelhynz
WIMP 4H 11 Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, Q(U)IDAM N1 61 --- QUIDAM a certain person [n]
Other moves: QADI N2 43, QADI(S) N2 43, QAID N1 43, QAID(S) N1 43, QAD(I) N2 41
QI(S) N2 35 kellybelly
Q(U)OD 6F 33 Oasthouse1
MEDIA M3 18 remij
Q(U)IM J1 14 Dbuggle

On 4th draw, OUTPREEN K1 70 --- OUTPREEN to surpass in preening [v]
Other moves: EURONOTE 6C 62, EURONOTE 6E 62, EURONOTE 7C 61, EURONOTE 7E 60, NEUTER O5 24
TENOR O5 21 Oasthouse1
NOTER O5 21 kellybelly
TOUR O5 18 annelhynz
PORT K4 12 remij
PORN K4 12 Dbuggle
MORE J4 8 KiwiM8

On 5th draw, UNCAK(E) 8J 42 --- UNCAKE to break up a cake (a block of compacted matter) [v]
Other moves: LACK O5 36, LACK(S) O5 36, LUCK O5 36, LUCK(S) O5 36, LUCK(Y) O5 36
LACK O5 36 kellybelly
LAK(E) O5 27 annelhynz
NAV(E)L 8K 24 remij
A(S)K O6 22 Oasthouse1
C(O)OK 6F 15 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, CAVIARES L8 78 --- CAVIARE the roe of sturgeon [n]
Other moves: IS O1 40, QI 1N 33, SAVIOR 1G 30, VIREOS 1G 30, ARVOS 1H 27
IS O1 40 kellybelly, Oasthouse1
QI 1N 33 remij, annelhynz, KiwiM8
CRAVES L8 22 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, LECTERNS 13G 78 --- LECTERN a reading desk [n]
Other moves: CENTILES 11H 70, SENECA M3 32, ESTOC 1H 30, CTENES 14J 28, CENTOS 1G 27
CENTERS 13G 26 kellybelly
NESTS 15H 15 Dbuggle
UNCLES J8 14 KiwiM8
CITES 11K 14 remij
SEEL 15L 12 annelhynz

On 8th draw, LADRONES 15E 77 --- LADRONE a thief [n]
Other moves: LADRONE 12A 70, RONDAVEL 10G 68, LOAMED J1 32, NAMED J2 29, ALDERN H10 27
REDEAL H10 27 kellybelly
LOADERS 15F 24 kiwianna
DORSAL N10 22 Dbuggle
SADE 15L 15 annelhynz
RANTED J10 11 remij
RUNED J7 10 KiwiM8

On 9th draw, TRINODAL E8 68 --- TRINODAL having three nodes [adj]
Other moves: IN O1 40, IT O1 40, QI 1N 33, INROAD 14A 31, TRIAD 14B 29
IN O1 40 remij, kellybelly, annelhynz
KNIT N8 10 Dbuggle
DOOR 7F 7 kiwianna
DA F14 7 KiwiM8

On 10th draw, GANOF 1H 39 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other moves: GONEF 12D 37, FAP F10 35, GANEF D10 35, FAE F10 31, FAN F10 31
FAP F10 35 kellybelly
EF F9 28 annelhynz
AGENT 8A 21 Dbuggle
GASP N11 14 remij
IF 10E 13 KiwiM8

On 11th draw, TAX M7 36 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: EX I6 36
Other moves: AX 9L 34, AX M8 34, BEGAT D10 33, TEABOX 12A 32, BAXTER 5C 30
TAX M7 36 kellybelly, KiwiM8
VEXT 10L 30 annelhynz
BOX 12D 24 Dbuggle
BOX 7G 23 remij

On 12th draw, DAZE 14D 69 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: SAZ 14D 63, SIZED D10 62, SIZE D10 55, ZED D12 54, ZIT D12 51
SIZED D10 62 kellybelly
ITS O1 45 remij
SIZED 10D 35 Dbuggle
ZITS N10 33 KiwiM8
ZED 6J 33 annelhynz

On 13th draw, BAYED D10 41 --- BAY to howl [v]
Other moves: BEAUTY 8A 36, BEDAZE 14B 36, UBIETY 8A 36, QI 1N 33, BAY D10 32
BEAUTY 8A 36 Dbuggle
QI 1N 33 remij, KiwiM8
MAY J4 31 kellybelly
YE 6J 13 annelhynz

On 14th draw, FOUSSA N10 34 --- FOUSSA an animal [n]
Other tops: FOSSAE N10 34
Other moves: FOSSA N10 32, FOSSE N10 32, FEUS J6 30, FOUATS 8A 30, FOUETS 8A 30
KEFS N8 29 kellybelly
FEAST 8A 27 remij
SPOUT 8A 24 Dbuggle
SPED 13B 14 KiwiM8
FE 6J 13 annelhynz

On 15th draw, ISO O1 45 --- ISO film replay facilities [n]
Other tops: INS O1 45
Other moves: IN O1 40, IS O1 40, HOUSE J6 33, QI 1N 33, OH O14 32
INS O1 45 kellybelly, remij
IS O1 40 KiwiM8, annelhynz
HOIST 8A 27 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, OPHITE 8A 36 --- OPHITE an igneous rock [n]
Other tops: POINTY 8A 36
Other moves: PHENE K11 35, HYE K11 33, POYNT 8A 33, OH O14 32, OY O14 32
OY O14 32 kellybelly
OH O14 32 annelhynz
AY 15N 15 remij
PED 13C 12 KiwiM8
PIER 5E 12 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, PRIEVING B8 82 --- PRIEVE to prove [v]
Other moves: INVEIGH C2 32, PERVING B8 30, PREVING B8 30, GEN F10 27, GIN F10 27
IN O14 14 annelhynz
VINO 11K 14 remij, Dbuggle
OVERING A8 12 kellybelly
GIVE F5 10 KiwiM8

On 18th draw, THEBE K11 33 --- THEBE a monetary unit of Botswana [n]
Other moves: MEW J4 31, BHUT J6 30, TEW F10 27, BE F10 26, BI F10 26
WHITER 5C 24 Dbuggle
WHITEN J10 22 kellybelly
BLOW 7F 18 KiwiM8
AW 15N 15 remij, annelhynz

On 19th draw, JEU 2F 29 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: GEY M3 27, JEE 6J 26, JEE F6 26, JEU 6J 26, NY J1 26
JEE 6J 26 kellybelly
JEE F6 26 remij
JOY 7G 25 Dbuggle
AY 15N 15 annelhynz
BILE 10D 8 KiwiM8

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