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Game of June 10, 2011 at 14:04, 5 players
1. Grace_Tjie -766
2. Losh -776
3. narisa -844

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiklptv   H4    32    32   vakil
 2. ?behsst   G7    78   110   behests
 3. emnoort  11E    90   200   mesotron
 4. fnorsuu  10F    31   231   fens
 5. ceemoru  12B    32   263   cermet
 6. deelnsv   5D    98   361   enslaved
 7. ?aaiouw  B10    34   395   wicca
 8. adelowy  12K    43   438   wyled
 9. degoopt   A7    31   469   depot
10. adeginr   O8   149   618   readding
11. aaceior   4K    23   641   areic
12. aegjotu   N9    57   698   ajee
13. ehiooru   6J    35   733   houri
14. aioorty   O1    30   763   oracy
15. aaggnpt  15A    28   791   gnat
16. aegiotu   B2    25   816   outage
17. aiiotux   C6    42   858   ixia
18. inpqtuz   D1    48   906   quite
19. ilnopuz   1D    48   954   quipo

Remaining tiles: bflnoz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4182 FileGrace_Tjie  0 11:09  -766  188     1.5774 Faeythe     0  5:32  -861   93 
  2.3200 FileLosh        0 14:17  -776  178            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filenarisa      0 10:06  -844  110     1.4182 Grace_Tjie  0 11:09  -766  188 
  4.5774 FileFaeythe     0  5:32  -861   93     2.3200 Losh        0 14:17  -776  178 
  5.  -  Filed7371391    0  2:46  -931   23     3.  -  narisa      0 10:06  -844  110 
                                             4.  -  d7371391    0  2:46  -931   23 

On 1st draw, VAKIL H4 32 --- VAKIL a native lawyer in India [n]
Other moves: PALKI H4 28, TILAK H8 28, VAKIL H8 26, PALKI H8 24, VAKIL H5 24
VITAL H4 24 Losh
PLAIT H8 16 narisa
TALK H8 16 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, BEH(E)STS G7 78 --- BEHEST a command [n]
Other moves: B(E)HESTS G7 77, BEH(E)STS 9B 76, B(E)HESTS 9D 76, BEH(E)STS 9D 75, B(E)HESTS 9B 75
HE(R)B G7 23 Grace_Tjie
BETS 9E 20 narisa
B(A)KE 6F 15 Losh

On 3rd draw, MESOTRON 11E 90 --- MESOTRON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: MONTERO I5 80, ANTEROOM 5H 70, MONTERO F1 68, MONTERO I8 66, MESOTRON 13E 61
M(E)NTOR 10F 15 Losh
MOORS 13C 14 narisa
MORT 12D 12 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, F(E)NS 10F 31 --- FEN a marsh [n]
Other moves: FOUNTS 12C 29, FRONTS 12C 29, FES F10 28, FEU F10 28, F(E)N 10F 28
OF 12L 14 Grace_Tjie
FORMS E8 10 narisa
FORUM E7 10 Losh

On 5th draw, CERMET 12B 32 --- CERMET a heat-resistant alloy [n]
Other moves: COMET 12C 30, CREME 12A 28, CROME 12A 28, MUCOR 12K 28, MUCRO 12A 28
CERT 12D 22 narisa
MORE 12B 16 Grace_Tjie
MOVE 4F 9 Losh

On 6th draw, ENSLAVED 5D 98 --- ENSLAVE to make a slave of [v]
Other moves: SLEAVED 5E 44, VENDEES C7 32, DEVVELS 4F 28, EVENED C8 28, VENNELS L8 28
NOS H10 16 Losh
KNEELS 6H 12 narisa

On 7th draw, WIC(C)A B10 34 --- WICCA a form of nature-oriented witchcraft [n]
Other tops: WAC(K)O B10 34
Other moves: WAI(R)UA 4A 30, (K)AWAU 4B 28, (T)AWAI 4B 28, WAI 4D 26, WAI(R)UA 4J 26
(B)OW 4B 20 Grace_Tjie
CAW B12 16 Faeythe, narisa
WE(T) D4 10 Losh

On 8th draw, WYLED 12K 43 --- WYLE to beguile [v]
Other moves: WADY 4A 40, DEAWY 12K 39, DOWLY 12K 39, WALY 4A 38, YAWLED 4J 38
DEWY 4A 36 Grace_Tjie
YO A14 20 Faeythe
DENY L9 16 d7371391
SWAYED 13G 14 Losh

On 9th draw, DEPOT A7 31 --- DEPOT a railroad or bus station [n]
Other tops: POGOED 4J 31
Other moves: GOOP A8 30, POGOED O7 30, POOD A8 29, POOTED 4J 29, DOPED O8 27
DOPED O8 27 Faeythe
DOPE O12 21 Grace_Tjie
ADOPT 14B 10 Losh
DOTED K1 7 d7371391

On 10th draw, READDING O8 149 --- READD to add again [v]
Other tops: DREADING O8 149
Other moves: GRAINED B2 78, GRADINE B1 75, EARDING 9I 65, REGAINED N6 64, DREADING K1 61
GRINDED O8 30 Faeythe
DEAR O12 15 Grace_Tjie
DINE O12 15 Losh

On 11th draw, AREIC 4K 23 --- AREIC pertaining to a region of the earth contributing little surface drainage [adj]
Other tops: CORIA 10K 23
Other moves: ACARI 4A 22, CARE 4A 22, CERIA 4B 22, CERO 4A 22, CIAO 4A 22
ACRE 4K 15 Grace_Tjie
CORN 14L 12 Losh

On 12th draw, AJEE N9 57 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JEE N10 54, JOE N10 54, JUGA 4A 44, JATO 4A 42, JEAT 4A 42
TOGUE D1 14 Losh

On 13th draw, HOURI 6J 35 --- HOURI a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief [n]
Other moves: HEROIN 14J 34, HEROON 14J 34, ORIHOU 4A 34, ROUCHE O1 33, HOER 6J 32
HEIR M3 14 Losh

On 14th draw, ORACY O1 30 --- ORACY skill in oral communication [n]
Other tops: YARCO O1 30, YARTO 4A 30
Other moves: AIRY 4A 26, ARTY 4A 26, OARY 4A 26, TORY 4A 26, TOYO 4B 26

On 15th draw, GNAT 15A 28 --- GNAT a small winged insect [n]
Other tops: ANGA 15A 28
Other moves: ANTA 15A 25, ATAP 4A 22, NAPA 4B 22, PAGEANT D2 22, PANT 4A 22

On 16th draw, OUTAGE B2 25 --- OUTAGE a failure or interruption in use or functioning [n]
Other moves: GAITER 2J 22, GIAOUR 2J 22, GOITER 2J 22, GUITAR 2J 22, TEA 13K 22

On 17th draw, IXIA C6 42 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: TIX A1 41, OX C6 39, XI C7 36, XU C7 36, TAX H13 32

On 18th draw, QUITE D1 48 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other tops: QUINE D1 48
Other moves: PIQUET D1 44, QUIZ 3A 44, ZIN A1 40, PIQUE D1 38, ZIP C1 38

On 19th draw, QUIPO 1D 48 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUINOL 1D 45, QUINO 1D 42, QUOIN 1D 42, ZIN A1 40, ZO N1 37

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