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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of June 11, 2011 at 13:27

Word find
Word played
1 ?AHNNVY H(E)AVY H4 34 -2 34 1/2 H(R)YVNA H4 36 36 1/2
2 FGOPRSU SPROG 10H 25 -5 59 2/4 UFOS 10E 30 66 1/4
3 AELORSU LOUSER 11B 23 -59 82 1/3 ROULEAUS E4 82 148 1/4
4 DEILMOR             OVERMILD 7G 67 215 2/4
5 AAEEILR             EELIER 8A 21 236 2/5
6 ?ACHNTZ             (S)CHANTZE A1 116 352 3/6
7 AEEFISU             SAI 9A 31 383 3/6
8 AAGIKOT             KIAAT D1 34 417 5/6
9 ABCEOSX             BOXES D10 40 457 5/6
10 EILNRWY             WEY C11 43 500 5/6
11 ACEOORT             TRACE B11 37 537 5/7
12 DEGINUV             KNIVED 1D 42 579 5/7
13 AEFIMOU             FOAM 8L 53 632 6/7
14 DEJNOPR             JAPED 9G 43 675 6/7
15 EGINPRU             (R)EPURING 5H 70 745 6/7
16 AEGNOOQ             ENG F4 21 766 6/9
17 ABEIILO             OBELIA 2I 31 797 6/9
18 INOQTUW             SUQ 14D 32 829 6/9
19 DINOORT             OOTID 3I 33 862 7/10
20 GINRTTW             LOWTING M7 30 892 7/10

Total: 82/892 or -810 for 9.192%
Rank: -

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