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Game sheet of rn.roselle (file), Game of June 11, 2011 at 15:03

Word find
Word played
1 ?FIJNOO JOIN(S) H4 38   38 3/7 JOIN(T) H4   38 3/7
2 EEEERST JEERS 4H 24 -2 62 5/7 JESTEE 4H 26 64 4/8
3 ?ANOORU RUN(S) N1 19 -42 81 2/4 ARSONOU(S) J2 61 125 2/8
4 BGILLRY BY 3M 22 -18 103 2/5 LEGIBLY M3 40 165 3/8
5 ACDEHNV UNCLAD 8J 36   139 1/4 UNCLED 8J   201 1/8
6 AEGHISY HAS N2 28 -5 167 1/4 THY K4 33 234 1/8
7 DEPRTUW WEE L2 8 -12 175 3/3 UPDREW G8 20 254 1/8
8 AEGIRTZ GRAZE 12C 30 -10 205 3/3 RAZE F12 40 294 2/8
9 AEGIOST GEST H12 33 -28 238 2/3 GODETIAS O6 61 355 2/8
10 AEMQRRV VARE H12 49   287 2/3       404 1/8
11 ADEFMOU FAME N12 25 -14 312 2/3 DEFAME 15A 39 443 1/8
12 AEFIPTU FAP N12 23 -7 335 2/3 UPTIE N10 30 473 1/8
13 AEFNOTU FEN 14B 29 -1 364 2/3 FOUET E9 30 503 1/8
14 ADHLNOT HOD 14B 32 -7 396 2/3 HONDA 15K 39 542 1/8
15 AGILRSS GAS I10 12 -14 408 2/2 GRIS N1 26 568 2/8
16 AILQRTW WIT 14B 29 -10 437 2/3 QAT 14J 39 607 2/8
17 AILMRTW WIT 14B 29 -1 466 3/4 WILGA 1K 30 637 2/8
18 CEIIMNR MEN 14B 25 -54 491 2/3 CRIMINE D3 79 716 2/8
19 ABKOSTV KOAN 8A 24 -18 515 2/3 BOKS C7 42 758 2/8
20 AILNOTX AXON 8A 33 -3 548 1/3 TAXON B4 36 794 2/9

Total: 548/794 or -246 for 69.01%
Rank: 7246

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