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Game of June 11, 2011 at 17:26, 8 players
1. Ansuyah -370
2. SuperH -416
3. narisa -709

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aenorsw   H4    26    26   weason
 2. ?aefijp  10F    40    66   jaspe
 3. ?ertttx  11C    39   105   retax
 4. dehrtuy   8H   107   212   outhyred
 5. aefilmt   L1    90   302   femality
 6. aeinqst  10B    36   338   qat
 7. behioss   K8    38   376   hishes
 8. egnnruw  12A    35   411   grew
 9. abceint   7A    66   477   cabinets
10. aefklnv   A4    54   531   flack
11. deeilmo  13E    64   595   melodise
12. aeegint   E1    68   663   antigene
13. bgorsuz  H12    75   738   zobo
14. acnoruv   M8    42   780   rancor
15. inoruvv  L11    34   814   over
16. adginuy   D1    43   857   yaud
17. gilnpsu   1D    39   896   yauping
18. iilnors   N2    72   968   lioniser

Remaining tiles: dioouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6661 FileAnsuyah     3 15:28  -370  598     1.6661 Ansuyah     3 15:28  -370  598 
  2.6252 FileSuperH      2 15:58  -416  552     2.6252 SuperH      2 15:58  -416  552 
  3.3967 Filenarisa      1 11:39  -709  259     3.6692 mylover81   0  0:51  -914   54 
  4.2708 FileZEHAVARON   0 12:47  -730  238            Group: novice
  5.5728 FileFaeythe     0  4:40  -824  144     1.5728 Faeythe     0  4:40  -824  144 
  6.6692 Filemylover81   0  0:51  -914   54            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileNurri       0  4:56  -924   44     1.3967 narisa      1 11:39  -709  259 
  8.  -  Filejosma       0  1:10  -965    3     2.2708 ZEHAVARON   0 12:47  -730  238 
                                             3.  -  Nurri       0  4:56  -924   44 
                                             4.  -  josma       0  1:10  -965    3 

On 1st draw, WEASON H4 26 --- WEASON the throat [n]
Other tops: AWNERS H3 26, OWNERS H3 26, RESAWN H8 26, RESOWN H8 26, WORSEN H4 26
Other moves: RESAW H8 24, RESOW H8 24, SEROW H8 24, WANES H4 24, WARES H4 24
WORSEN H4 26 Ansuyah
WARNS H4 24 SuperH
WEARS H4 24 Faeythe, narisa

On 2nd draw, JA(S)PE 10F 40 --- JASPE rayon cloth with a shaded effect [n]
Other moves: JA(S)P 10F 37, FEIJ(O)A G5 36, (L)APJE G3 35, JAPE G6 34, JAPE(D) G6 34
JA(S)PE 10F 40 SuperH
JAP G3 29 Ansuyah
JAPA(N) 6G 15 Faeythe

On 3rd draw, RET(A)X 11C 39 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: EXT(O)RT K6 38, TEXT(E)R K5 38, T(E)XTER K5 38, (U)RTEXT K9 38, EXT(O)RT 11I 37
(E)XERT 11I 34 Faeythe
(A)XE 11I 30 SuperH
REX I3 25 Ansuyah
TEXTER J9 15 narisa

On 4th draw, OUTHYRED 8H 107 --- OUTHYRE to give out as if on hire [v]
Other moves: HEY 12D 42, HYED 12A 38, YEH 12F 35, DEY 12D 34, HERY K8 34
YET 12F 29 SuperH
THY I6 29 Ansuyah
THREW 4D 22 Faeythe
DEARY 6F 21 narisa

On 5th draw, FEMALITY L1 90 --- FEMALITY the quality of being female [n]
Other moves: FAME 12D 51, FEM 12D 39, LAME 12D 39, LIME 12D 39, TAME 12D 39
FAME 12D 51 Ansuyah, SuperH
MELT 12F 28 Faeythe
RIFLE C11 16 narisa
FLEW 4E 10 Nurri

On 6th draw, QAT 10B 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: HASTEN K8 32, QAT J6 32, HASTE K8 30, NAIFEST 1I 30, TRANQS C10 30
QAT 10B 36 Ansuyah
STAIN K10 24 SuperH
FIST 1L 21 narisa
FATS 1L 21 Nurri
FETA 1L 21 Faeythe

On 7th draw, HISHES K8 38 --- HISH to hiss [v]
Other tops: SHISH K7 38
Other moves: HOBS 12A 37, HISH K8 34, HOB M2 33, BEHOTES D6 32, SHISO K7 32
HOB M2 33 SuperH
FISH 1L 30 Ansuyah, narisa

On 8th draw, GREW 12A 35 --- GREW to shudder [v] --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: NEW 12D 32, WREN 12A 31, REW 12F 29, WEN 12F 29, NEW 12B 27
NEW 12D 32 Ansuyah
WEN 12F 29 SuperH
FUNG 1L 24 narisa
WRENS 13G 13 Nurri

On 9th draw, CABINETS 7A 66 --- CABINET a piece of furniture with shelves and drawers [n]
Other moves: BIFACE 1J 39, CABARET C7 34, INFECT 1J 33, ANTIC L11 31, ENIAC L11 31
BEAT 12F 28 SuperH
FACE 1L 27 narisa, ZEHAVARON
FACT 1L 27 Ansuyah

On 10th draw, FLACK A4 54 --- FLACK to work as a press agent [v]
Other tops: FLECK A4 54
Other moves: FAKE 6B 44, KALE 6B 42, FAKE K2 41, FECK A5 39, KAF 6D 39
FLACK A4 54 Ansuyah, narisa
FLECK A4 54 SuperH

On 11th draw, MELODISE 13E 64 --- MELODISE to compose a melody [v]
Other moves: ELEMI M1 35, LIMEADE 6D 34, MODEL K2 33, AMOLE 6A 31, DEMO M2 31
MELD 12F 29 Ansuyah
MED 12F 29 SuperH
FILM 1L 27 ZEHAVARON, narisa

On 12th draw, ANTIGENE E1 68 --- ANTIGENE a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies [n]
Other moves: NEGATE 12F 40, NEGATER M2 38, NAG 12F 32, NEG 12F 32, NETE 12F 32
NEG 12F 32 SuperH
FEAT 1L 21 Ansuyah

On 13th draw, ZOBO H12 75 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOBU H12 75
Other moves: ZOOS H12 69, AZO 6A 67, BOZO H12 54, GROSZ M10 54, SUBZERO 2H 48
ZOOS H12 69 Ansuyah
ZO D1 44 SuperH

On 14th draw, RANCOR M8 42 --- RANCOR bitter and vindictive enmity [n]
Other tops: VACUA 1D 42
Other moves: ACORN M10 38, ARVO M12 38, CORNU M11 38, NARCO M11 38, URVA M12 38
ACORN M10 38 Ansuyah

On 15th draw, OVER L11 34 --- OVER to leap above and to the other side of [v]
Other tops: OVEN L11 34
Other moves: VEIN L12 28, RAVIN 1D 27, AVION 1E 24, ROBIN 14F 24, VIVO 14B 24
FOUR 1L 21 Ansuyah
GRIN A12 15 SuperH

On 16th draw, YAUD D1 43 --- YAUD an old horse [n]
Other moves: NAZI 12F 37, YAUD M1 37, GANDY 1D 36, GAUDY 1D 36, AYIN F1 34
GANDY 1D 36 SuperH
DINGY 14A 27 Ansuyah

On 17th draw, YAUPING 1D 39 --- YAUP to utter a loud harsh cry [v]
Other moves: INGULFS 1G 33, NISGUL 15J 33, SPUG 15L 33, SPUEING 2I 32, INGULF 1G 30
SPIN 15L 30 mylover81, Ansuyah, SuperH
OIL 15H 3 josma

On 18th draw, LIONISER N2 72 --- LIONISER one that lionises [n]
Other moves: ORIBIS 14E 29, LINOS M2 26, LORIS M2 26, NORIS M2 26, ROSIN M2 26
SORN 15L 24 SuperH
SOIL 15L 24 mylover81, Ansuyah

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