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Game of June 11, 2011 at 18:10, 7 players
1. sunshine12 -506
2. SuperH -566
3. lastlea -699

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?hloost   H7    76    76   ooliths
 2. deeiost  12H    22    98   heisted
 3. ?aeeegs   K5    82   180   seepages
 4. einoopr   5H    60   240   poisoner
 5. aefgotu   O1    42   282   gaufre
 6. aimnrtu   1H    86   368   maturing
 7. bdegorv  N10    34   402   bodged
 8. aabiloq  15L    72   474   qadi
 9. aakovwz   G7    49   523   zoa
10. acdeily   O8    36   559   clay
11. adeiltv   I3    90   649   violated
12. iorstwy   4L    31   680   sowf
13. efilnow  13B    34   714   inflows
14. abdinru   B8    32   746   unbraid
15. acinprt   C2    78   824   cantrip
16. eijmrtv   A6    45   869   jet
17. eikmruv  12A    38   907   kaie
18. einruvy   2A    40   947   incurve

Remaining tiles: hmrxy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6210 Filesunshine12  2 18:55  -506  441     1.6210 sunshine12  2 18:55  -506  441 
  2.6268 FileSuperH      1  9:10  -566  381     2.6268 SuperH      1  9:10  -566  381 
  3.6207 Filelastlea     0 11:27  -699  248     3.6207 lastlea     0 11:27  -699  248 
  4.4411 FileHANITRA     0 14:42  -749  198     4.6700 mylover81   1  3:46  -826  121 
  5.6700 Filemylover81   1  3:46  -826  121     5.6023 scrab21     0  1:45  -916   31 
  6.  -  Filejosma       0  6:02  -905   42            Group: not rated
  7.6023 Filescrab21     0  1:45  -916   31     1.4411 HANITRA     0 14:42  -749  198 
                                             2.  -  josma       0  6:02  -905   42 

On 1st draw, OOL(I)THS H7 76 --- OOLITH a variety of limestone [n]
Other tops: SOOTHL(Y) H8 76, (C)OOLTHS H7 76
Other moves: OOL(I)THS H2 70, OOL(I)THS H3 70, OOL(I)THS H4 70, OOL(I)THS H6 70, OOL(I)THS H8 70
SHOOT(S) H3 24 sunshine12
HOST H8 14 josma

On 2nd draw, HEISTED 12H 22 --- HEIST to steal [v]
Other tops: DIETS G7 22, HOISTED 12H 22
Other moves: TODIES G5 21, DHOTIS 12G 20, DOTISH 12C 20, HISTED 12H 20, HOISED 12H 20
DIETS G7 22 sunshine12
TIDE I5 14 mylover81
LOST 9H 5 josma

On 3rd draw, SEE(P)AGES K5 82 --- SEEPAGE the quantity of fluid that has seeped [n]
Other tops: AGE(N)ESES K5 82
Other moves: AGE(N)ESES 13C 75, AGE(N)ESES 13A 68, SEE(P)AGES 13A 68, AGE(N)ESES K7 66, EAGE(R)EST 11A 66
GAS 11J 17 sunshine12
LEG 9H 5 josma

On 4th draw, POISONER 5H 60 --- POISONER one that poisons [n]
Other moves: PEDRO N10 28, PEON J6 27, POON J6 27, NOPE J4 26, PIONEER M7 26
POORIS 13C 18 josma
RIPEN J2 17 lastlea
(P)RONE 8K 15 sunshine12

On 5th draw, GAUFRE O1 42 --- GAUFRE a waffle [n]
Other moves: FADGE N10 36, FOREGUT O3 36, FRATE O4 36, FUDGE N10 36, FORAGE O3 33
GRAFT O4 33 lastlea
GIFT J4 31 SuperH
FOUER O1 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, MATURING 1H 86 --- MATURE to make or become mature [v]
Other moves: NATURISM 13B 85, NATRIUM 4C 79, NATRIUMS 13A 76, RUMINANT M1 72, TRAMP H1 36
TRIM J3 22 SuperH
(P)ANIM 8K 21 sunshine12
RIM J4 21 lastlea

On 7th draw, BODGED N10 34 --- BODGE to botch [v]
Other moves: BEGORED M7 32, BODGER N10 32, BODED N10 30, BODGE N10 30, OVERBED M7 30
BODED N10 30 SuperH
(P)ROVE 8K 24 sunshine12

On 8th draw, QADI 15L 72 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QIBLAS 13C 36, NIQAB M5 29, LABDA 15K 27, QIBLA 2D 26, QI G10 23
QI G10 23 sunshine12, SuperH

On 9th draw, ZOA G7 49 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZA 4L 46, ZO 4L 46, AZO G6 45, ZO G7 44, ZEA M11 41
ZOA G7 49 SuperH, sunshine12
ZONK M3 34 lastlea

On 10th draw, CLAY O8 36 --- CLAY to treat with clay (a fine-grained, earthy material) [v]
Other moves: DIALYSE 13C 35, YALD F6 35, CLAYED F2 33, DECAYS 13C 32, CAY O8 31
DAY O8 28 sunshine12
YA F6 25 lastlea
YA 4L 22 SuperH

On 11th draw, VIOLATED I3 90 --- VIOLATE to break or disregard the terms or requirements of [v]
Other moves: VALIDEST 13B 81, VIOLATE I3 36, OVATED I5 34, VAILED F2 33, VIALED F2 33
VIDE J4 21 SuperH
AT I7 19 sunshine12

On 12th draw, SOWF 4L 31 --- SOWF to whistle softly [v]
Other moves: WRISTY F9 29, SWY F8 28, WRY F8 28, EWT N5 27, STROWS 13C 26
NY N1 20 SuperH
YOWS 13E 14 sunshine12

On 13th draw, INFLOWS 13B 34 --- INFLOW the act of flowing in [n]
Other moves: FEU 3M 30, FOU 3M 30, FEW F8 28, IF 3L 25, NONLIFE M3 24
FOE 2F 18 SuperH
WOLFS 13D 15 sunshine12

On 14th draw, UNBRAID B8 32 --- UNBRAID to separate the strands of [v]
Other moves: BRAID B10 28, BRAIN B10 26, BRUIN B10 26, BUNIA B10 26, BURIN B10 26
WEB N4 24 SuperH, lastlea
AB 14E 22 sunshine12

On 15th draw, CANTRIP C2 78 --- CANTRIP a magic spell [n]
Other moves: CAIRN A4 36, PATIN A4 36, VATIC 3I 33, VRAIC 3I 33, ACTIN A4 30
PUNT 8A 21 SuperH, sunshine12
PAN A6 21 lastlea

On 16th draw, JET A6 45 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: MERIT A4 45
Other moves: JUPE 8A 42, RIVET A4 42, REMIT A4 39, VITE A6 38, VERT A5 36
JET A6 45 mylover81
JUPE 8A 42 SuperH, sunshine12, lastlea

On 17th draw, KAIE 12A 38 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other tops: MONIKER M3 38
Other moves: MUCKIER 2A 34, MUCKER 2A 32, EIK 3K 31, VIM 3K 29, EME 6M 28
EME 6M 28 mylover81
M*CK 2A 24 SuperH
WEM N4 24 sunshine12

On 18th draw, INCURVE 2A 40 --- INCURVE to curve inward [v]
Other moves: EYE 6M 34, VINERY 4A 32, YE 14F 31, WEY N4 30, YE 6N 30
EYE 6M 34 mylover81, SuperH, sunshine12
YE 14F 31 scrab21, lastlea

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