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Game of June 12, 2011 at 00:18, 9 players
1. yab -420
2. Faeythe -440
3. ksong -521

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeefmu   H4    28    28   female
 2. eistuxy   I6    46    74   exist
 3. aaeglow   J3    42   116   alowe
 4. acenosw   K1    42   158   cowans
 5. egnotuu   1K    27   185   cogue
 6. addelov   L3    33   218   ave
 7. einppru   G9    23   241   pinup
 8. deeiirs  13F    74   315   epeirids
 9. acelstu  14A    86   401   cautels
10. akmnoty  A12    51   452   yack
11. aeghloo   F9    35   487   oho
12. dehilrt   E3    80   567   thirled
13. ?nnnqtu   4A    52   619   quoth
14. agiilnr   M5    64   683   railing
15. abenort   K8    70   753   taborine
16. eginnrv   O1    89   842   enerving
17. dfioorz   8A    81   923   froze
18. adjmoty  15H    54   977   joyed

Remaining tiles: abdimt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6376 Fileyab         5 21:05  -420  557     1.6376 yab         5 21:05  -420  557 
  2.5735 FileFaeythe     2 16:57  -440  537     2.6211 lastlea     1 22:29  -532  445 
  3.  -  Fileksong       1 21:22  -521  456            Group: novice
  4.6211 Filelastlea     1 22:29  -532  445     1.5735 Faeythe     2 16:57  -440  537 
  5.3847 Filetonikay     0 14:22  -587  390            Group: not rated
  6.3561 Filerobboem     1 13:33  -744  233     1.  -  ksong       1 21:22  -521  456 
  7.4759 Fileicbear56    0  2:32  -848  129     2.3847 tonikay     0 14:22  -587  390 
  8.4088 Filenarisa      0  6:33  -860  117     3.3561 robboem     1 13:33  -744  233 
  9.  -  Fileannabe21    0  3:22  -954   23     4.4759 icbear56    0  2:32  -848  129 
                                             5.4088 narisa      0  6:33  -860  117 
                                             6.  -  annabe21    0  3:22  -954   23 

On 1st draw, FEMA(L)E H4 28 --- FEMALE the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs [n]
Other tops: FUMA(G)E H4 28
Other moves: FAME(D) H4 26, FAME(S) H4 26, FA(N)UM H4 26, FEMA(L) H4 26, FEME(S) H4 26
FEMA(L)E H4 28 yab
F(L)AME H4 26 tonikay
F(R)AME H4 26 ksong
FEMU(R) H4 26 lastlea
(D)EFAME H8 26 Faeythe
FUME(S) H8 18 robboem
FAME(S) H8 18 narisa

On 2nd draw, EXIST I6 46 --- EXIST to have actual being, to live [v]
Other tops: EXITS I6 46
Other moves: EXIT I6 45, SIXTY I7 45, XYSTI 10F 44, SIXTE I7 42, SIXTY 10H 42
EXITS I6 46 Faeythe
XYSTI 10F 44 yab
SEXY 10H 41 tonikay
SEX I5 41 ksong
MIXES 6H 30 narisa, robboem
YEXES 9G 27 lastlea

On 3rd draw, ALOWE J3 42 --- ALOWE ablaze [adv]
Other moves: LOWE J4 41, AWE J5 40, OWE J5 40, WE J6 39, AGLOW J2 35
LOWE J4 41 Faeythe
AWE J5 40 lastlea
AGLOW J2 35 ksong
LAW J4 30 yab
WAX 7G 17 tonikay
GALAX 7E 14 robboem

On 4th draw, COWANS K1 42 --- COWAN someone who makes dry-stone walls [n]
Other moves: ENOWS K2 39, NOWS K3 37, COWANS 11D 35, WAES K3 34, WANS K3 34
WEASON 11F 31 yab
SCAN 11I 25 Faeythe
CAST 10F 23 narisa
CANES 3I 20 robboem
SNOW G2 18 tonikay

On 5th draw, COGUE 1K 27 --- COGUE a type of wooden vessel [n]
Other tops: CONGE 1K 27, ECONUT 1J 27
Other moves: EGO L3 25, UNTO L2 25, CENTO 1K 24, CENTU 1K 24, CONTE 1K 24
CONGE 1K 27 yab
COUNT 1K 24 ksong, robboem, Faeythe, narisa, lastlea
EXISTENT I6 16 tonikay
TONGUE 10I 11 annabe21

On 6th draw, AVE L3 33 --- AVE an expression of greeting or farewell [n]
Other tops: AVO L3 33, EVO L3 33
Other moves: DAWDLE 3I 26, ADO L3 25, DAWED 3I 24, DEV I1 24, LAV I1 23
GLOVED M1 22 lastlea, Faeythe, narisa
ED L3 20 yab
DELVES 9D 14 tonikay
DOVES 9E 13 robboem
LOVES 9E 12 annabe21

On 7th draw, PINUP G9 23 --- PINUP a picture that may be pinned up on a wall [n]
Other moves: PEP I1 22, PIP I1 22, PRENUP G9 22, PUP I1 22, PURPIE G9 22
PINUP G9 23 yab
UPPER G1 19 lastlea
UPPER N1 18 Faeythe
PIR G3 15 robboem
PRUNES 9D 9 ksong
LAVE 4J 7 tonikay

On 8th draw, EPEIRIDS 13F 74 --- EPEIRID a type of spider [n]
Other moves: EIDERS 14B 28, IRIDES 14B 28, DIENES 11D 27, EIDERS G1 26, DENES 11E 25
EIDERS 14B 28 yab
RIDE H12 25 robboem
SIRED 11I 25 ksong
PRESIDE 13G 22 Faeythe
DEERS 14C 18 tonikay
DE F10 16 lastlea

On 9th draw, CAUTELS 14A 86 --- CAUTEL wariness [n]
Other moves: SULCATE 11I 81, SULCATE F5 75, SULCATE M5 65, CUTLASES M6 62, CUTLASES M8 61
CLEATS 14B 34 lastlea
SECT H12 24 Faeythe
LEAST 14D 23 robboem
LACED L9 16 ksong
SULCATE M5 15 yab
EST H13 9 tonikay

On 10th draw, YACK A12 51 --- YACK to talk persistently [v]
Other tops: YOCK A12 51
Other moves: MACK A12 45, MOCK A12 45, MAKO F8 44, AMOK F7 42, YAK F8 42
YOCK A12 51 Faeythe
YACK A12 51 yab, robboem, lastlea
TACK A12 33 ksong
MAKO G1 20 tonikay

On 11th draw, OHO F9 35 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: LAH F8 33, OOH F8 33, AH F9 32, HAWALA 3I 32, OH F9 32
AH F9 32 ksong
HALO 12I 29 tonikay
HA F10 28 Faeythe
HALOED L8 28 yab
HO F10 28 lastlea

On 12th draw, THIRLED E3 80 --- THIRL to thrill [v]
Other moves: THIRDED L7 32, THIRLED L7 30, HEID 12K 29, HIED 12K 29, DAWAH 3I 28
THIRLED L7 30 yab
THIRD E5 26 Faeythe
THREE 5D 16 ksong
HILT D11 14 tonikay

On 13th draw, QU(O)TH 4A 52 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: (S)UQ D3 44, QU(A)TE 8A 42, QU(I)NE 8A 42, QU(I)TE 8A 42, QU(O)TE 8A 42
QU(I)TE 8A 42 ksong
QU(A) B10 35 yab
Q(I) 12K 35 tonikay, Faeythe
QU(I)RT 6B 35 lastlea

On 14th draw, RAILING M5 64 --- RAILING a fence-like barrier [n]
Other moves: GLAIRINS M6 61, RAILINGS M6 61, (O)RIGINAL C4 61, GLIA F1 26, LIANG 12K 26
GLIADIN L9 20 yab
GIT 3C 14 lastlea
QI A4 11 tonikay
RAILINGS M6 11 Faeythe

On 15th draw, TABORINE K8 70 --- TABORINE a small drum [n]
Other moves: BARNET 8A 34, ROATE F2 34, BEAN F2 33, BEAT F2 33, BOAT F2 33
BLOT 8L 27 ksong, Faeythe, yab, lastlea
ABORT J10 15 tonikay

On 16th draw, ENERVING O1 89 --- ENERVE to enervate [v]
Other moves: REEVING 15I 45, GRIEVE 15H 42, GREVE 8A 39, EVENING 15I 36, NEIVE 8A 36
REEVING 15I 45 icbear56
GRIEVE 15H 42 Faeythe
GIVER 15H 30 tonikay
ENURING B2 20 yab
VIE B10 19 ksong

On 17th draw, FROZE 8A 81 --- FREEZE to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature, pa p FROZEN [v]
Other tops: FORZE 8A 81, FRIZE 8A 81
Other moves: FRITZ D11 54, OOZED 15H 51, DITZ D12 48, DOZER 15H 48, RITZ D12 46
FROZE 8A 81 ksong
DOZER 15H 48 icbear56
ZIT 3C 46 yab, tonikay, lastlea
ZO F2 33 Faeythe

On 18th draw, JOYED 15H 54 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: MATEY 15H 42, MOTEY 15H 42, JATO 3C 40, MAYED 15H 39, JOTTY D11 38
JOYED 15H 54 yab
JADE 15H 36 icbear56, Faeythe, lastlea
TAMED 15H 30 ksong
J(O)Y C3 24 tonikay

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