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Game of June 12, 2011 at 01:02, 5 players
1. yab -305
2. ksong -455
3. johnny55 -582

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegoryz   H8    58    58   agryze
 2. cehimtw  11C    34    92   witchy
 3. beiilms   E4    74   166   limbiest
 4. ?aennop   B6    83   249   pannose
 5. ?aaeflx  A12    63   312   flax
 6. ?eioott  12H    84   396   zootiest
 7. eeiorsu  14H    28   424   soiree
 8. abdehou   A6    51   475   obeah
 9. aaaemor  15L    36   511   mare
10. eijlrty   C3    41   552   riley
11. ceeiklo   O6    39   591   cleekit
12. einrsuv   M5    63   654   universe
13. aadgnrv   C9    28   682   dawn
14. giorstt  13C    36   718   storge
15. adijotw  11J    31   749   ja
16. adfntuv   F5    22   771   duan
17. dfinotv   L4    23   794   void
18. afgnoqt   3I    35   829   fagot
19. npqtuuw   6J    33   862   quin

Remaining tiles: dnptuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6375 Fileyab         6 22:02  -305  557     1.6375 yab         6 22:02  -305  557 
  2.  -  Fileksong       0 27:41  -455  407     2.6217 lastlea     0  3:03  -806   56 
  3.4600 Filejohnny55    0 13:17  -582  280            Group: novice
  4.5576 FileKlonimous   1 16:59  -609  253     1.5576 Klonimous   1 16:59  -609  253 
  5.6217 Filelastlea     0  3:03  -806   56            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ksong       0 27:41  -455  407 
                                             2.4600 johnny55    0 13:17  -582  280 

On 1st draw, AGRYZE H8 58 --- AGRYZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: AGRYZE H3 42, AGRYZE H4 40, AGRYZE H7 40, GYOZA H4 40, AGRYZE H5 38
GRAZE H4 34 ksong, johnny55, lastlea
GRAZE H8 32 yab

On 2nd draw, WITCHY 11C 34 --- WITCHY malicious [adj]
Other moves: CHEWY 11D 32, MYTHIC 11G 32, THYMIC 11F 32, CHEWIE 13C 30, WH*T*Y 11C 30
WITCHY 11C 34 yab
WHEY 11E 26 johnny55
CHEWIE 13F 22 lastlea
CHIME 13D 15 ksong

On 3rd draw, LIMBIEST E4 74 --- LIMBY having many large branches [adj]
Other moves: MISCIBLE F8 68, MISLIE B9 38, ZIMBIS 12H 38, MISLIE 14F 36, ZIMBI 12H 36
SIMILE 14H 34 yab
SLIME B11 32 johnny55
ES 12C 13 ksong

On 4th draw, PANNO(S)E B6 83 --- PANNOSE like felt [adj]
Other moves: PANNO(S)E 14C 79, PENWO(M)AN C8 76, NAPOLE(O)N 4A 72, NAP(O)LEON 4A 72, NONPEA(K) G2 61
(S)PANE B11 29 johnny55
PENNIA 8A 27 yab
ZONE(D) 12H 26 ksong

On 5th draw, FLAX A12 63 --- FLAX the fibres of the plant linum [n]
Other tops: FALX A12 63, FLEX A12 63
Other moves: AN(O)XIA 8A 60, FA(I)X A12 60, FA(L)X A12 60, FA(U)X A12 60, FL(A)X A12 60
FLAX A12 63 yab
FLAXE(S) 4D 32 johnny55
FLAXE(N) 4D 32 ksong

On 6th draw, ZOOTIE(S)T 12H 84 --- ZOOTY flashy in manner or style [adj]
Other moves: TOOT(S)IE 14D 79, TOOT(S)IE C1 71, TOOT(S)IE I4 65, TOOT(S)IE G2 60, TOOT(S)IE I2 60
TOOT(S)IE 14D 29 yab
TOILET 4B 12 johnny55

On 7th draw, SOIREE 14H 28 --- SOIREE an evening party [n]
Other moves: EROSE 14E 27, EUROS 14D 27, OSIER 14G 27, REUSE 14E 27, ROUES 14D 27
SOIREE 14H 28 yab
RETIES O10 18 ksong
STORE O11 15 Klonimous
STEER O11 15 johnny55

On 8th draw, OBEAH A6 51 --- OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n] --- OBEAH to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: HABU 15L 50, BOHEA A5 47, HADE 15L 47, HAED 15L 47, HAUD 15L 47
HOTBED O10 36 yab
BATHED O10 36 Klonimous
THOU O12 21 johnny55
BOTH O10 9 ksong

On 9th draw, MARE 15L 36 --- MARE a dark area on the surface of the moon or Mars [n] --- MARE a mature female horse [n]
Other tops: MAAR 15L 36, MARA 15L 36
Other moves: MAARE 11J 27, ARAME D2 26, ARM 13K 26, MA F6 26, ME F6 26
MARE 15L 36 yab
AMORT O8 21 Klonimous
TAME O12 18 johnny55, ksong

On 10th draw, RILEY C3 41 --- RILEY angry [adj]
Other moves: JILT 11J 39, JILTER C2 39, TRIJET O7 39, YITE F6 38, TWYER C10 37
JELLY 4B 30 ksong
JILTER K9 26 yab
JE(S)T N10 26 johnny55

On 11th draw, CLEEKIT O6 39 --- CLEEK to clutch [v]
Other moves: LOCKET O7 36, KEEL D1 34, KOEL D1 34, KILO 11J 30, LEKE 11J 30
LOCKET O7 36 yab, ksong, Klonimous
LICK 4E 15 johnny55

On 12th draw, UNIVERSE M5 63 --- UNIVERSE the totality of all existing things [n]
Other moves: SWEIR C10 28, NEWS C9 24, FEEN 12A 23, FEES 12A 23, AIVERS 14A 22
INVERT K7 18 yab
REVISE M7 14 ksong
VET K10 12 Klonimous
RISK 10L 10 johnny55

On 13th draw, DAWN C9 28 --- DAWN to begin to grow light in the morning [v]
Other moves: VARAN L1 26, DRAIN D8 25, GRAIN D8 25, ARGAND 14A 24, RAVAGE 13C 24
VANG L2 19 yab
GRAN L2 12 ksong
GRAT K9 10 johnny55
NA I7 5 Klonimous

On 14th draw, STORGE 13C 36 --- STORGE natural affection [n]
Other moves: STOGIE 13C 34, RITTS D10 32, SORTIE 13C 32, RITS D10 30, RITT D10 30
STIR 13C 26 yab
SORT 13C 26 ksong
ROCS F9 14 Klonimous

On 15th draw, JA 11J 31 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JIAO F2 31
Other moves: ADJOIN 6H 30, JAI F2 28, WADS 11J 28, JOIN 6J 27, ROJI 10H 27
JA 11J 31 yab
JOIN 6J 27 ksong
WOAD F2 21 Klonimous

On 16th draw, DUAN F5 22 --- DUAN a section of a poem [n]
Other moves: TUAN F5 20, FAD B2 19, FUD B2 19, VATU F3 19, DAFT N2 18
FA F5 18 ksong
FAT B2 16 Klonimous
VATU 5J 14 yab

On 17th draw, VOID L4 23 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other tops: FOID L4 23
Other moves: DI B14 21, DIVOT N1 20, FIDO L2 18, FINO L3 18, FONDU 5I 18
FONDU 5I 18 yab
FIDO I6 17 Klonimous
FIN L3 14 ksong

On 18th draw, FAGOT 3I 35 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other moves: QAT 3K 33, GANOF 3I 31, QAT B2 28, FAGOT 3K 27, FANGO 3K 27
QAT 3K 33 ksong
FAGOT 3K 27 Klonimous
FONT N2 17 yab

On 19th draw, QUIN 6J 33 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: QAT J2 32, JAPS 11J 17, NU B14 17, PI L11 17, QUANT J1 16
QUIN 6J 33 Klonimous, yab
QAT J2 32 ksong

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