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Game of June 12, 2011 at 04:53, 7 players
1. kellybelly -381
2. Klonimous -458
3. yab -579

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efhlor   H2    82    82   fahlore
 2. ?hiknnt   3F    86   168   thanking
 3. elorrsu   5E    28   196   rollers
 4. aeemmtu   D1    28   224   emmet
 5. aagnopr   G8    66   290   paragon
 6. enoosuz  15G    59   349   snooze
 7. deeilnv   M9    91   440   livened
 8. aaegrst   N1    84   524   gastrea
 9. abfirty   O7    50   574   ratify
10. aejpstu   1L    60   634   juga
11. abeeisy   C3    49   683   absey
12. bddnotu   B6    33   716   bound
13. acditvw   1A    36   752   wived
14. aeioptu  K11    32   784   topaz
15. ceeglou   D7    82   866   eclogue
16. aceiiiw  L12    40   906   wice
17. adeiiqt  J10    33   939   qi
18. adeiitu  N13    26   965   ed
19. aiiitux   A8    56  1021   xi

Remaining tiles: aiitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7144 Filekellybelly  6 17:51  -381  640     1.7144 kellybelly  6 17:51  -381  640 
  2.5712 FileKlonimous   4 19:35  -458  563            Group: intermediate
  3.6429 Fileyab         2 24:39  -579  442     1.6429 yab         2 24:39  -579  442 
  4.6046 Fileksong       3 19:58  -597  424     2.6046 ksong       3 19:58  -597  424 
  5.5392 FileBez         0 22:37  -683  338            Group: novice
  6.4264 Filelyndyloo    3 14:45  -702  319     1.5712 Klonimous   4 19:35  -458  563 
  7.3034 FileZEHAVARON   0  1:48 -1018    3     2.5392 Bez         0 22:37  -683  338 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4264 lyndyloo    3 14:45  -702  319 
                                             2.3034 ZEHAVARON   0  1:48 -1018    3 

On 1st draw, F(A)HLORE H2 82 --- FAHLORE a copper ore [n]
Other tops: F(A)HLORE H4 82
Other moves: F(A)HLORE H6 76, F(A)HLORE H7 76, F(A)HLORE H8 76, F(A)HLORE H3 74, F(A)HLORE H5 74
HO(O)FER H4 30 ksong
FOR(T)H H8 28 kellybelly
FLO(W)ER H4 24 Klonimous

On 2nd draw, TH(A)NKIN(G) 3F 86 --- THANK to express gratitude to [v] --- THANKING thanks [n]
Other moves: (U)NTHINK G7 72, H(O)TLINK 5E 52, HIK(E) G1 34, H(A)NKIN(G) 3G 34, TIK(A) G1 31
TH(A)NKIN(G) 3F 36 Klonimous
THINK(S) 9C 30 kellybelly, yab
THI(C)KEN 8C 17 ksong
KIN G1 15 Bez

On 3rd draw, ROLLERS 5E 28 --- ROLLER a cylindrical device that rolls or rotates [n]
Other moves: EUSOL N1 24, LOSER N1 24, LUSER N1 24, OUSEL N1 24, LOSE N1 22
LOSER N1 24 kellybelly, Klonimous
LOUSER 9E 21 Bez
SOURER 9H 21 yab
RULERS 9C 21 ksong

On 4th draw, EMMET D1 28 --- EMMET an ant [n]
Other moves: HELMET G3 26, MAMEE 2B 26, MAMEE 4A 26, MEM 6D 25, TEEM 6C 24
MEM 6D 25 Klonimous, kellybelly
TEEM 6C 24 yab
TAME 4B 14 Bez

On 5th draw, PARAGON G8 66 --- PARAGON to compare with [v]
Other moves: GRAMPA 2A 30, GOMPA 2B 28, POA C1 26, POON 6F 26, POOR 6F 26
POOR 6F 26 kellybelly, ksong
ROAN C1 24 Klonimous
PAGER 1A 24 yab, Bez
PANG L1 20 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, SNOOZE 15G 59 --- SNOOZE to sleep lightly [v]
Other moves: SEZ 15G 47, ZONE L1 46, OOZES 1A 42, ZONES 1A 42, ZOS 6B 42
SNOOZE 15G 59 ksong, kellybelly, Klonimous
ZONES 1A 42 Bez
ZOS F13 29 yab
ZONES 15C 26 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, LIVENED M9 91 --- LIVEN to make lively [v]
Other moves: SNIVELED K5 74, ENVIED M10 37, LEVIED M10 37, VEILED M10 37, VEINED M10 37
LIVENED M9 41 kellybelly
ENVIED M10 37 ksong
DEVEIN 1A 30 lyndyloo
DELVING 12A 28 Klonimous
DIVE 1A 24 Bez
ANVILED 11G 22 yab

On 8th draw, GASTREA N1 84 --- GASTREA a type of metazoan [n]
Other moves: GASTRAEA 11B 68, TEARGAS N4 68, TEARS C1 35, EARST C2 33, GASTER N1 32
TEARS C1 35 kellybelly
TEARGAS 9B 22 yab
GREETS 1A 21 Klonimous
GRAVES 11J 20 Bez
AGES 6A 19 ksong, lyndyloo

On 9th draw, RATIFY O7 50 --- RATIFY to approve and sanction formally [v]
Other moves: TABEFY 1A 42, FAIRY O6 40, RATIFY O6 40, FRAY O6 37, RIFTY O6 37
FAIRY O6 40 Bez
FRAY O6 37 kellybelly
BARF O7 31 yab
FIRE 1A 21 Klonimous

On 10th draw, JUGA 1L 60 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other tops: JAGS 1L 60, JUGS 1L 60
Other moves: UPJETS 1A 45, JAPES 1A 42, JUPES 1A 42, UPJET 1A 42, PEATS C1 41
JAGS 1L 60 kellybelly, ksong
JUGS 1L 60 lyndyloo
JUPES 1A 42 Klonimous
TAJ F9 27 yab

On 11th draw, ABSEY C3 49 --- ABSEY the alphabet [n]
Other moves: ABSEY 6B 45, SEY 6D 39, AYS C3 34, BAYE L12 33, EASY C3 33
BY 14I 32 kellybelly
ABYES 1A 30 yab
YITE 4L 27 Klonimous
BASE 1A 18 lyndyloo
YA F7 10 Bez

On 12th draw, BOUND B6 33 --- BOUND to leap [v]
Other moves: OBTUND D7 29, BOND B6 28, BOD B6 27, BODE L12 27, BODED 1A 27
BOUND B6 33 kellybelly, ksong
BOND B6 28 yab
BODE L12 27 Klonimous
BONED 1A 24 lyndyloo
BUNG 12D 14 Bez

On 13th draw, WIVED 1A 36 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: ADVECT 1A 36, ADVEW 1A 36, WAVED 1A 36
Other moves: CAVED 1A 33, CAWED 1A 33, VICED 1A 33, WADE L12 31, WIDE L12 31
WAVED 1A 36 lyndyloo, Klonimous, yab
WIVED 1A 36 kellybelly
CAWED 1A 33 ksong
WO J14 13 Bez

On 14th draw, TOPAZ K11 32 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other moves: OPIATE A10 30, TOEA A7 29, OPIATE F5 27, POOT 6F 26, PATE L12 24
PATE L12 24 kellybelly
PUT F11 14 yab
PEAT 11E 12 lyndyloo
PRAT 10F 12 ksong
REAP 10G 12 Bez
TRIPE 10F 11 Klonimous

On 15th draw, ECLOGUE D7 82 --- ECLOGUE a pastoral poem [n]
Other moves: ECLOGUE I7 73, GOEL A8 29, LUCE L12 28, GOE A7 27, GEE A8 26
COGGLE 12D 22 kellybelly
ECLOGUE 12C 22 yab
CREEL 10F 15 Klonimous
CLEG 12D 14 lyndyloo
EDUCE 10A 8 Bez

On 16th draw, WICE L12 40 --- WICE canny [adj]
Other moves: AWE L11 35, AW N9 30, AW L11 28, WE L12 27, IWI E9 25
AWE L11 35 Klonimous
AW M6 21 kellybelly
WE C13 20 ksong
ACKER J1 17 Bez
AWE J9 16 yab

On 17th draw, QI J10 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 2K 32, AD N13 26, ED N13 26, QAT L8 26, ADIT E9 23
QI J10 33 kellybelly, yab, lyndyloo
QI 2K 32 Bez
AD N13 26 Klonimous
ED N13 26 ksong

On 18th draw, ED N13 26 --- ED education [n]
Other tops: AD N13 26
Other moves: ADIT E9 23, DITA E10 23, DITE E10 23, IDE 4J 23, HEID 4H 22
AD N13 26 Klonimous
DO J14 18 kellybelly
ET 2A 13 ksong
ADIEU 13A 12 yab
DIKER J1 12 Bez

On 19th draw, XI A8 56 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU A8 56
Other moves: JINX L1 36, XI E10 33, XU E10 33, XI 2K 28, XU 2K 28
XU A8 56 kellybelly, Klonimous
XU 8A 27 lyndyloo
AX C11 21 yab
AXE 13B 20 Bez
EX I5 18 ksong

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