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Game sheet of yab (file), Game of June 12, 2011 at 07:09

Word find
Word played
1 ?CEEGNS ENC(A)GES H2 24 -50 24 1/3 EG(E)NCES H8 74 74 1/3
2 EFHMNRU FUME G8 24 -11 48 1/4 FEHM I10 35 109 1/4
3 AAFNORU             OAF G11 33 142 2/5
4 ?EIIPTT PIETI(S)T J4 19 -61 67 2/5 EPIT(R)ITE 8A 80 222 2/5
5 AINNPST PAINTS J6 27 -34 94 2/5 PANTINES A2 61 283 2/5
6 ABDEMTW MA(R)TED E6 16 -16 110 3/5 WAME B1 32 315 3/5
7 DEENOUY DUE C2 27 -6 137 1/5 YEDE J12 33 348 2/5
8 ABHISYZ BIZ C7 27 -7 164 2/2 BIZONE 11D 34 382 1/5
9 AAOSTUX POX B8 30 -10 194 3/4 XU C2 40 422 3/5
10 ADEILNW DELAINE 15I 27 -10 221 2/3 WANED 12A 37 459 2/5
11 ABDEEOV WAVE A12 30 -3 251 2/3 DWEEB A11 33 492 2/5
12 CENORST TENRECS 15I 30 -41 281 1/2 CRONETS I2 71 563 2/5
13 DHILOOR OH J1 28 -38 309 4/4 HELIODOR 6H 66 629 2/5
14 EINOORR IRONER O1 21 -1 330 2/4 CORONER 2I 22 651 1/5
15 AIIRSUU AURIS O4 18 -10 348 1/4 SURA 1L 28 679 1/5
16 AAGILOV VARIOLA O4 42 -2 390 1/4 VILIAGO K5 44 723 1/6
17 AJLORUU JURAL O4 60   450 1/4       783 1/6
18 AIKORTY YERK 15I 16 -53 466 3/3 YAKITORI F1 69 852 1/6
19 AGILQTU QI E4 37 -14 503 4/4 TEQUILA 15I 51 903 1/6

Total: 503/903 or -400 for 55.70%
Rank: 6414

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