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Game of June 12, 2011 at 10:57, 5 players
1. yab -450
2. lyndyloo -600
3. jimbo -673

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehnnot   H4    26    26   honed
 2. adeiptz   G4    43    69   azide
 3. eghlops   5E    72   141   pozoles
 4. ?irstuy   E5    74   215   pyritous
 5. ?aabino  12A    72   287   abrasion
 6. aeiorst  13G    73   360   oariest
 7. ahinnor   F8    33   393   rah
 8. dgiortt  14J    33   426   droit
 9. abciitv   A9    36   462   aviatic
10. aeegllr  15E    81   543   alleger
11. cdeilnt   J4    65   608   denticle
12. aeekosu  O11    49   657   ukase
13. eeginpv   B3    74   731   peeving
14. beoqrty   A1    46   777   troy
15. abgnoqu   N6    42   819   quango
16. beemmnu   O7    34   853   mm
17. efjnowx   C2    49   902   wex
18. beffnou   D8    35   937   fub

Remaining tiles: efjnow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6425 Fileyab         3 21:16  -450  487     1.6425 yab         3 21:16  -450  487 
  2.4292 Filelyndyloo    1 18:00  -600  337            Group: novice
  3.4098 Filejimbo       0 17:24  -673  264     1.5889 ksong       1  2:14  -882   55 
  4.5889 Fileksong       1  2:14  -882   55            Group: not rated
  5.3250 FileLosh        0  1:33  -910   27     1.4292 lyndyloo    1 18:00  -600  337 
                                             2.4098 jimbo       0 17:24  -673  264 
                                             3.3250 Losh        0  1:33  -910   27 

On 1st draw, HONED H4 26 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other tops: DOETH H8 26
Other moves: HOTEN H4 24, DOETH H4 22, HONED H8 22, DOETH H5 18, DOETH H6 18
HONED H4 26 ksong, yab, lyndyloo
NOTED H7 12 jimbo

On 2nd draw, AZIDE G4 43 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZAPTIEH 4B 42, PIZED G7 40, PIZE G7 38, ZANIED 6F 38, PEZANT 6D 37
DAZE G3 34 yab
DAZE I1 29 ksong
TEAZED 7D 28 jimbo
ZEE 7G 23 lyndyloo
DOZE 5G 14 Losh

On 3rd draw, POZOLES 5E 72 --- POZOLE a thick soup made of pork, corn, garlic, and chili [n]
Other moves: HOPES F6 44, HOPE F6 41, HOPS F6 41, HOLES F6 40, HOP F6 40
HOPES 9C 32 lyndyloo, yab, jimbo
HELPED 8C 13 Losh

On 4th draw, PYRIT(O)US E5 74 --- PYRITE a metallic sulfide [adj] --- PYRITOUS resembling pyrite [adj]
Other moves: RUSTI(L)Y F8 73, SUR(D)ITY F8 73, SUR(D)ITY I8 65, j*S**TRY J4 64, SE(C)URITY J4 62
YIR(D)S 9C 29 yab
TR(A)YS 9C 26 lyndyloo
S(H)IRTS K5 5 jimbo

On 5th draw, AB(R)ASION 12A 72 --- ABRASION a graze on the skin [n]
Other moves: OUABAIN(S) 11D 68, AB(R)ASION K1 59, BA(G)NIO D8 35, BIN(G)O D8 33, OB(T)AINED 8A 33
ABA(C)I 8A 18 yab
B(R)AINED 8B 10 lyndyloo
NOB(L)E J1 8 jimbo

On 6th draw, OARIEST 13G 73 --- OARY like oars [adj]
Other moves: OARIEST 11G 68, OARIEST 13H 68, OTARIES 13H 68, OARIEST 11H 66, OTARIES 11H 66
ROTATES 9A 26 lyndyloo
ATRESIA A6 21 yab
AB(R)ASIONS 12A 10 jimbo

On 7th draw, RAH F8 33 --- RAH to cheer on a team or player [v] --- RAH used to cheer on a team or player [interj]
Other tops: HONAN 6J 33
Other moves: HOAR 6J 30, HORA 6J 30, HORI 6J 30, HORN 6J 30, HIN 6J 29
RHINOS L8 20 jimbo
HIRED 8D 13 lyndyloo
NANA H12 12 yab

On 8th draw, DROIT 14J 33 --- DROIT a legal right [n]
Other moves: GORDITA A6 27, DROIT 12J 23, DITTO 6J 21, IGNARO H10 21, TID D8 21
GATOR A11 18 yab
DIGIT J10 13 lyndyloo
RIOTS L9 10 jimbo

On 9th draw, AVIATIC A9 36 --- AVIATIC relating to aviation [adj] --- AVIATION the aircraft industry [adj]
Other tops: VIATICA A6 36
Other moves: ATAVIC A10 33, VIATIC A10 33, BIVIA A8 30, VATIC A11 30, CAB 15M 28
VIATIC A10 33 yab
CIVET J2 18 jimbo
BITER K10 14 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, ALLEGER 15E 81 --- ALLEGER one that alleges [n]
Other moves: ALLEGER 11H 69, ALLEGER B3 62, AGLEE 15K 38, GEAL 15L 32, GEAR 15L 32
ALLEGER 15E 31 yab
REGALE J4 11 jimbo
GELID J10 11 lyndyloo

On 11th draw, DENTICLE J4 65 --- DENTICLE a small tooth [n]
Other moves: DELTIC 4J 29, INCITE 14A 26, CID 15M 25, DELICT 4J 25, INDITE 14A 24
DELICT 4J 25 yab
SCENT K5 7 jimbo
TIDE J12 5 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, UKASE O11 49 --- UKASE an edict [n]
Other moves: KATAS 9C 32, KETAS 9C 32, KUTAS 9C 32, ASK O13 28, OKTAS 9C 28
UKASE O11 49 yab
ASK O13 28 jimbo
DUSK 4J 20 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, PEEVING B3 74 --- PEEVE to annoy [v]
Other moves: PEEVING N5 70, EVEN D7 34, NEVE D6 34, NEVI D6 34, VIN D8 31
VEE(R)ING C9 28 jimbo
DEVEIN 4J 24 yab
VENGE 11I 18 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, TROY A1 46 --- TROY a system of weights [n]
Other moves: YBORE A1 42, YBORE C1 32, EYOT A1 31, RYOT A1 31, TOBY A2 28
T(R)OY C11 12 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, QUANGO N6 42 --- QUANGO a public administrative board [n]
Other moves: BU(R)QA C10 30, BOA D6 22, GOBO F2 19, QUAG N8 19, QU(O)HOG 10C 18
QUANGO N6 42 yab
BEGAN 11I 16 lyndyloo
(R)ANG C12 8 jimbo

On 16th draw, MM O7 34 --- MM used to express assent or satisfaction [interj]
Other tops: MEME D6 34
Other moves: BEAM 8L 33, BENE C2 30, BUM D6 30, IMMUNE 14A 30, MEM D6 30
BEAM 8L 33 lyndyloo, yab
MAN 8M 15 jimbo

On 17th draw, WEX C2 49 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: J*W C2 45, EX C3 41, OX K10 38, OXEN C1 38, FEW C2 37
OX K10 38 yab
WEX 11I 26 lyndyloo
FLEX 10I 14 jimbo

On 18th draw, FUB D8 35 --- FUB to cheat [v]
Other moves: FEN D8 31, FUN D8 31, NEF D6 30, FOEN C7 28, FOE C7 27
OF K10 22 yab
FOAM 8L 13 lyndyloo
BUM 7M 10 jimbo

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